After the water scene, Xu Yi has gained a certain degree of fame in the group acting circle. After all, it is not common for a group actor to be praised in public by a domestic first-line director like Director Zhang, and for the assistant director to come over and ask for his phone number in person.

In their limited lives, they have probably only heard of this once. For a time, everyone looked up to Xu Yi.

As a result, Xu Yi also established some dignity in the group acting circle. During this period, more and more people began to get close to him.

On this day, a small group actor was coming to learn from Xu Yi, and suddenly heard a commotion in the filming crew not far away.

I don’t know who shouted,"Something happened!"

Successfully attracted everyone's attention.

Xu Yi saw a person hanging on the rope of the wire machine in the distance. At this moment, the person's limbs were twisted at a very exaggerated angle, and his expression looked very painful. I don’t know if there was anything broken.

The rope hanging from the wire machine was descending little by little. Although the distance was a bit far, Xu Yi still saw the blood dripping from the person.

Was there an accident? Judging from the amount of bleeding and the situation, the stand-in should be seriously injured. I hope he is okay, Xu Yi thought.

For a stuntman like this, the work is hard, and the stars get all the glory, but they don't earn a fraction of what the stars do.

The little extra who had just asked him for advice was nowhere to be seen, and behind him, people kept rushing over to the place where the accident happened.

Xu Yi didn't want to join in the fun, but he saw that the accident seemed to be the crew of"Jiuzhou·Suizhu Chuan" where Xiaoju was.

Xu Yi wanted to find out the details and followed the flow of people to the crew.

But at this time, the filming site was crowded with people watching the excitement. The staff were busy dealing with the accident and maintaining order, and did not let them pass.

Xu Yi had to stand on the periphery with the crowd. While watching, he heard everyone's discussion, and he finally understood what had just happened.

"What's going on? Did something happen?"

"It's not that Liu Yadong doesn't know how to hang on the wire, so he found a double"

"Director Zhang has strict requirements, and this scene is very difficult. The stunt double is not professional enough and got injured."

At this time, Xu Yi saw the stagehand walking towards a small group of people not far from him with an anxious look on his face, and asked one by one:"Can you do it?"

The person who was asked shook his head without hesitation:"I can't."

The stagehand asked another person:"What about you, Brother Qi?"

The person called"Brother Qi" waved his hands and shook his head in embarrassment:"I can't do it either."

Xu Yi guessed that these two people should be from the martial arts industry, specializing in stunt actors for this kind of difficult wire drama.

The stagehand was anxious:"Brother Qi, if you can't do it, where can you let me find someone?"

After that, the stagehand asked a few more people, and everyone retreated.

"Don't fool me, I saw all that blood just now!"

"I still want to keep this life"

"Not to mention that the reward is 15,000, even if it’s 51,000, I can’t do it!"


A moment later, the assistant director came over sweating profusely and urged the crew:"How do you do your job? It's so hard for you to find someone? This place is only rented for one day today.

You can't delay the crew's filming process, understand? Otherwise, this loss is something that neither you nor I can afford!

" It was the first time that Xu Yi had been in the crew for so long that he saw the assistant director and the crew at the same time with such an expression of"the sky is about to fall".

It seemed that they were really anxious.

At this time, the crew of"Jiuzhou·Suizhu Chuan" was once in a very chaotic scene. The expressions on the faces of other staff members were not much better than those of the assistant director and the crew.

At this moment, Xu Yi's mobile phone suddenly rang. It was an unfamiliar number, but since he became Xiaoju's agent, this situation has been very common.

Xu Yi picked up the phone naturally, and heard the other party's voice was very unfamiliar:"Are you Xu Yi?"

Xu Yi replied hesitantly:"Yes."

Then, Xu Yi heard the other party ask without any reason:"Can you do wirework?"

Xu Yi asked vigilantly:"Yes, but who are you?"

The person on the other end of the phone immediately introduced himself:"Hello, I am Zhang Li, the chief director of"Jiuzhou·Suizhu Zhuan"."

Director Zhang... Director Zhang Li? How did he get my phone number?

Xu Yi suddenly remembered that after shooting the water scene last time, the assistant director came to him in person to ask for his phone number. The stagehand told him that it was Director Zhang who valued him, praised him highly, and asked him to leave his contact information. Xu Yi regained his composure and talked to Zhang Li:"Hello, I am Xu Yi. Do you have something to talk to me about?"

Director Zhang spoke again:"It's like this, I saw you perform the water scene last time, and I still remember you clearly. Now I have a scene here, if you can do wirework, I would like to ask you to try it."


After hearing Director Zhang's intention, Xu Yi agreed without hesitation.

Director Zhang called him personally, which showed how much he valued this play and how much he expected of him. He didn't expect this opportunity to come so soon, and he would seize it.

Before, when he decided to join this play and act with Xiaoju, Xu Yi used his popularity points to exchange for master-level wirework skills in the system.

The previous experiences made him realize how powerful the system is. With wirework skills in hand, Xu Yi felt that taking on this play should not be a problem.

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