Xu Yi, under the guidance of the staff, came to Zhang Li.

When Zhang Li saw him, he said directly:"Time is a bit tight, you should listen to the action director to tell you the action first. If you think you can do it, we will sign the contract and start shooting immediately.""

"Don't bother."

Xu Yi waved his hand and said calmly,"Since we want to save time, I will change clothes while doing the action. I will go up and try out the role first. Director Zhang, if you think I can do it, we can sign the contract."

"Good, bold!"

Zhang Li likes such actors who are not procrastinating and are down-to-earth and hardworking. After praising Xu Yi, he promised Xu Yi:"The original remuneration for this scene was 15,000, but it is indeed difficult. As long as you can do it, I will raise your salary to 20,000."

The people on the side were stunned. They had never seen Director Zhang act so impulsively. Zhang Li has always been known for his cold and arrogant image in the industry. His work attitude is rigorous, sometimes even to the point of stubbornness.

This kind of passionate operation of raising the price on the spot was the first time even for the assistant director who had followed him for many years.

Therefore, everyone was even more curious and admired the person who triggered the change in Director Zhang's behavior.

Who is this Xu Yi?

Liu Yadong, who witnessed the whole process, was already very unhappy when he saw that the person who came to be his stand-in was Xu Yi. Originally thought that Director Zhang would send him away and let him leave in disgrace, but he didn't expect that Director Zhang would actually use him and had a very optimistic attitude.

Liu Yadong was not convinced, and ran to Zhang Li, pretending to be kind and suggested:"Director Zhang, how come I have never seen this stand-in before? Will it work? This scene is the top priority of the fighting scene in this drama. If it is not performed well, it will be a mess!"

Zhang Li's words shut Liu Yadong up:"If you don't believe him, why don't you just go ahead and do it yourself?"

A small discussion sounded around.

"If he wasn't unwilling to endure hardships and even unwilling to do basic wirework, the crew wouldn't have to go to so much trouble to find so many martial artists."

"The progress of the shooting has been seriously affected, and he still has the nerve to question others?"

Liu Yadong looked embarrassed and began to point the finger at Xu Yi:"Young man, don't show off, money is not that easy to make."

Xu Yi sneered in his heart. This Liu Yadong's ability is probably all in his mouth.

Seeing that Xu Yi was indifferent, Liu Yadong's persuasion turned into intimidation:"Did you see the ending of the stuntman just now? He has been working in this industry for eight years and was injured so badly. This action is not something that an amateur player like you can do. Go back and be your agent as soon as possible, or be a gigolo who relies on women for a living~ Why bother with this hardship."

Xu Yi was too lazy to pay attention to him, and he didn't have time to pay attention to him. He walked straight to the action director, and with the help of the staff, he changed into his clothes while listening to the director's instructions.

At this moment, Xu Yi seemed to have a projection generator in his mind, which automatically converted the actions said by the action director into images and appeared in his mind.

This set of wire action has been simulated in his mind. Xu Yi tasted it and found it to be very difficult. But he has the bonus of master-level wire action technology, so it can be said that it is a piece of cake to do it.

Before hanging on the rope to the wire machine, Xu Yi could still see the nervous expressions on the faces of the director and staff of the crew. Something had happened once, and they didn't want it to happen again.

But Xu Yi was in a very relaxed mood. The moment his feet were in the air, he felt that every cell in his body was excited.

He felt like a flexible eagle, and the ropes on his body seemed to be non-existent.

The first action.

Xu Yi stepped on the tree trunk, used the force to fly forward, rotated sideways three times in the air, and made a forward stabbing action.

"This move is done neatly and beautifully!"

Zhang Li couldn't help but stand up and praise from the director's chair.

The assistant director and the stagehand also had lights in their eyes. It is said that an expert can tell whether a person is good or not just by watching him perform. Just by looking at Xu Yi's first move, they knew how skilled he was.

The second move.

Under the action of the wire rope, Xu Yi leaned back and moved backwards rapidly to avoid the hidden weapon. The difficulty of this move is to ensure that the move does not deform under the force of the rapid backward movement. It is also necessary to control the distance and stop suddenly before reaching the prop tree.

Xu Yi is in very good condition. After he was locked on the wire rope and his feet were in the air, he felt that his body seemed to have a rhythm and knew to do the most beautiful moves at the right time.

Everyone at the scene opened their eyes wide and looked at Xu in disbelief. Yi. His movements were smooth, as if he was on flat ground.

The third move, which was also the last move of this wire play, was the most difficult one.

Xu Yi needed to first fly to a higher place to avoid the spears from below, and then dive down rapidly.

In front of the camera, his body seemed like leaves flying in the woods, so natural, so elegant, it was simply art, and it was breathtaking.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect someone to be able to do this set of difficult moves so smoothly in one go. Not only smooth, it was perfect.

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