Xu Yi had previously registered a Weibo account as Xiaoju's agent at the request of his studio. Perhaps this account was found and made public by netizens, so everyone was frantically sending private messages and @ing him.

At this moment, Xu Yi saw that his video of hanging on the wire was circulating wildly on Weibo. The number of likes had exceeded 20,000, and there were nearly a thousand comments. Xu Yi clicked on the comments and took a quick look. Most of them were positive.

"Brother, this works.~"

"This action is so smooth and flowing that it makes me dizzy"

"If the poster hadn't recorded the obvious rope, I would have thought he could fly!"

"His movements were so natural, so natural, they seemed to belong to the sky."

"Today I finally saw what a boss is. This is art.……"

Xu Yi looked at the number of fans in the upper right corner of Weibo, which was increasing every minute. He felt like he had become famous overnight.

What made Xu Yi even happier was that he opened the system and found that his popularity had risen by 6,000 points.

After this period of experience, Xu Yi realized the power of the system. If he wanted to go further in the entertainment industry, he had to strengthen his strength and exchange more skills. Then, the popularity points used to exchange skills were indispensable.

For this reason, Xu Yi needed to have a certain degree of fame so that he could exchange for more popularity points.

In the past two days, Xu Yi was left in the crew by Zhang Li to be Liu Yadong's stand-in and shoot wire scenes.

The day before yesterday afternoon, Xu Yi's artistic wire performance gave Zhang Li a lot of inspiration.

He found the action director and told him his ideas. According to Zhang Li's requirements, the action director changed the technical movements at night.

The modified version is closer to what Zhang Li has in mind and is the perfect picture he wants to present.

But according to the action director, the difficulty of the modified movements is now a level higher than before. The previous stunts were already difficult enough.

This difficulty does not need much explanation. Just thinking about the tragic accident of the first stuntman that day and the fact that no one dared to take on this scene afterwards, it can be seen.

Therefore, the action director is a little worried. The revised version is good, and it is more in line with the plot. If it can be presented as planned, it will definitely push the difficulty of the action of this play to a higher level.

As the founder of the design of this set of actions, he is very likely to win the highest award in action direction.

It is this difficulty... The action director is worried that it will not be done so smoothly, and he is even more afraid of accidents like the day before yesterday where the actors were injured.

Zhang Li understands the concerns of the action director, but he really wants this revised set of actions. When he thinks of that scene, he feels excited.

The action director is the same as him, and the two decided to take a risk and give it a try. Of course, whether it can succeed depends on the ability of the person involved, Xu Yi.

The two found Xu Yi, and the action director explained the difficulty and reality of the action to Xu Yi and asked him about his willingness.

Xu Yi only said one sentence:"I don't care or worry about how difficult the action is. I just want to know, if I can do it, can I take this drama to a higher level."

Seeing Xu Yi so confident, Zhang Li and the action director smiled.

Zhang Li patted Xu Yi on the shoulder:"You have guts! If you can do it, not only can we take our drama to a higher level, but I will also reserve a place for you as a stunt double in all my future dramas."

Xu Yi politely said:"Thank you, Director Zhang, I will do my best."

Xu Yi's confident attitude also gave the action director confidence. Without saying much, the action director began to explain the action to Xu Yi.

While listening, Xu Yi simulated the action scenes in his mind. It was indeed more difficult, probably one level more difficult than the last set of actions.

However, this level of difficulty did not stump him. After listening to the action director, Xu Yi confidently gestured to Zhang Li."OK"

Zhang Li immediately felt stable.

Then, Xu Yi changed into his costume and got on the wire machine. Just like the first audition, he showed his strong wire machine skills, which attracted praises from the staff including Director Zhang Li.

"This move is absolutely amazing!"

"Is he the kind of person who was born with a gift from God? He was born to be a wire stuntman."

People who have been in this industry for a long time know that it looks like a simple job of flying around with a rope, but not many people can really do it well.

Wire hanging has always been called the romance of actors.

Without solid skills, it is impossible to be romantic.

For example, the male protagonist Liu Yadong in this play... Let alone whether he can be romantic or not, even doing a basic flying posture is clumsy.

Liu Yadong didn't show up until almost noon when Xu Yi was shooting.

He claimed that he shot the night scene too late last night and couldn't get up in the morning, so he asked the crew responsible for arranging the scenes to schedule his scenes after noon.

In fact, he finished work before 9 o'clock last night, and went out to eat and drink with friends until late at night before returning...

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