In order for the crew to film smoothly, Liu Yadong, the male lead, must be in good condition, and the staff had to arrange it according to his request.

But Zhang Li was very dissatisfied with Liu Yadong's arbitrary change of filming time.

Now he was seen on the wire, looking like he hadn't woken up yet. A good and elegant flying action, he did it clumsily like a bear.

The more Zhang Li looked at him, the more he disliked him!

It's okay that his acting skills are average, but as an actor, he doesn't even have the basic professional ethics of arriving on time, and he is not dedicated at all.

If the investor hadn't strongly recommended Liu Yadong to him before, he would have consulted the market and saw that Liu Yadong's reputation was not bad. Zhang Li also wanted to give the investor face, and he would not have used Liu Yadong.

But during the week of filming, Liu Yadong was late, left early, and acted like a big shot. Sometimes he disliked the crew's boxed lunch, and sometimes he ordered the staff to upgrade his premium suite to the presidential suite...

In terms of private style, he was full of tricks. But his acting skills were mediocre and he couldn't make any splashes.

Zhang Li felt that he could not bear it any longer, and looked at Xu Yi who had just come down from the wire after performing an action that exceeded his expectations.

Compared with Liu Yadong, he was now even more satisfied with Xu Yi.

It was a pity that he was just an extra, with only good physical fitness, but no training or experience in acting.

Otherwise, he really wanted to push Xu Yi to the position of the male lead and let that Liu Yadong get out of here.

Xu Yi took off his props and returned to Zhang Li to wait.

Zhang Li patted his shoulder, his heart and eyes full of praise:"You didn't let me down."

Xu Yi said sincerely:"Director Zhang gave me such a good opportunity, how could I let you down!"

"No need to say that."Zhang Li waved his hand,"You have earned this opportunity with your own strength. You are now what I and this crew have been looking for." The assistant director and staff next to him opened their eyes wide when they heard this, thinking that they were blind.

Did they hear it wrong? Director Zhang even used the word"what I have been looking for".

This Xu Yi is really not simple!

That night, when Xu Yi finished work and returned to the hotel, Xiao Ju was still filming on the crew.

He had nothing to do, so he opened the system to check, thinking about whether there were any useful skills that could be redeemed.

As a result, as soon as Xu Yi opened it, he saw the numbers in the popularity column, which were growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At first, when Xu Yi opened the system, the popularity value was still at 6700. In less than ten seconds, it is now almost over 8,000.

What happened?

Just when Xu Yi was puzzled, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Xu Yi saw that the caller was a small extra who had just joined the show while waiting for the show this afternoon. His name was"Gou Bao".

At that time, Gou Bao was sincere and said that he took him as his goal and was also ready to become a stuntman. He thought that if he didn't understand something in the future, he could ask Xu Yi for advice and asked him to accept him as his younger brother and follow Xu Yi's lead in the future.

Xu Yi saw that this younger brother was honest and eager to learn, so he left his phone number. I didn't expect him to call so soon. I don't know what he wants to ask me.

After answering the phone, Xu Yi heard Gou Bao's excited voice almost overflowing from the phone receiver:"Brother Yi, you are going to be famous! From now on, I will follow you! If you let me go east, I dare not go west. If there is any work that you can't handle or don't like to take, think about giving me some."

Xu Yi was confused:"What are you talking about?"

Gou Bao was surprised:"Ah? You don't know yet? Brother Yi, you are on the official website of Hengdian! It's the homepage! Now the number of hits is about to exceed 10,000."

Xu Yi finally understood what was going on, hung up the phone, and immediately logged into Hengdian's official website with his mobile phone.

Then, he saw the video that he had circulated on Weibo two days ago on the homepage, which was posted on Hengdian's official website again.

The video was five minutes long. Xu Yi watched to the end and found that the content of this video was not only the part that went viral on Weibo last time, but also some of the shots he shot in the past two days.

The person who uploaded it was very attentive, and edited some difficult shots, which attracted a burst of praise from the comments below

"Holy shit! Is this action something a human can do?"

"I heard that he earned 25,000 yuan with his first set of wire moves, is that right?"

"Are you not convinced? Youcanyouup!!!"

"I was not convinced at first, but now I see it, I am convinced……"

"If I remember correctly, this is the first time a video of extras appeared on the homepage of Hengdian’s official website, right?"

"They are the light of the extras! They give us, the grassroots actors, hope!"

"I was touched...Keep going!"

If the previous video that went viral on Weibo made him popular among passers-by, then this video now made him a little famous in the entertainment industry.

But Xu Yi didn't care much.

The comments under the video were still increasing one by one. Xu Yi closed the page and continued to check the growth of the system's popularity value.

This was what he cared about.

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