Driven by the homepage video, his popularity has now exceeded 10,000.

Xu Yi looked at the acting skills provided by the system, but they are not yet available.

Thinking of what Xiaoju said before,"It's not easy to gain a foothold in a big city. You need money to buy a car and a house, and you need to be frugal." Xu Yi had an idea in his mind.

He remembered that he told Xiaoju in a very manly way that she didn't need to worry about money; he would take care of the car and the house.

In order to prevent Xiaoju from thinking that he was bragging, Xu Yi felt that the money he needed most at the moment was money to buy a house and a car.

Before, a foreign beauty sister put 10 million on his card. In addition to his recording of the theme song, and his recent work as a group actor and a stand-in, there is a lot of money on the card.

Xu Yi thought of using this money as capital, investing it well, and making money to buy a car and a house in the imperial capital in one fell swoop.

Speaking of which, the more than 10 million in his hand now is enough to buy a car and a house.

But on the one hand, most of this money was given to him by a foreign sister, not earned by his own ability, and Xu Yi didn't want to use this money.

On the other hand, 10 million... Although you can buy a car and a house, you may not be able to buy a house in the capital with a better location, beautiful environment, suitable layout... all aspects of the house.

How can the house he and Xiaoju will live in in the future be bad?

Thinking of this, Xu Yi spent 5,000 popularity points to exchange for the stock trading proficiency skill.

Among the investment projects, this can be said to be the fastest and most profitable.

After the exchange, Xu Yi began to study stocks. With the ability bonus of systematic stock trading proficiency, Xu Yi looked at every stock as if he had a perspective eye.

As long as he selected a stock on the stock software, he could see the future trend of this stock in the market. Whether it is rising or falling, when it rises and when it falls, he can see it clearly.

Xu Yi observed and analyzed one by one, and it took less than two hours to finish reading and recording the situation of all stocks.

Finally, he selected a stock that had fallen sharply recently and was not optimistic about the outside world.

At 10:29 am the next day, Xu Yi knew that this was the lowest point of the stock price based on the trend chart recorded before.

So, at this point in time, he spent 10 million in his hand to buy all the stocks.

After exchanging all the 10 million in his hands for stocks, Xu Yi felt relaxed, just waiting for the right time to close the position and enjoy the results.

At noon, an exaggerated engine sound was heard at the entrance of Hengdian Film and Television City.

Five supercars were parked in front of the entrance of the film and television city.

At that time, Xu Yi's new little brother Gou Bao was standing next to him and was almost hit by the supercar. He stepped back subconsciously and looked at this exaggerated scene.

Then, five young men got out of the car, all wearing sunglasses and dyed colorful hair. As soon as they got out of the car, they put on a deliberately cool and pretentious look.

Luxury cars with sunglasses and fresh meat, in short, the scene was very cool and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Gou Bao had just entered Hengdian as an extra and had never seen such a scene. He stood there, his eyes attracted by the five sports cars.

The young man who got off the car looked at him with disdain and warned him:"Don't get too close, country bumpkin! You can't afford to pay for a two-centimeter paint loss on my car."

Although Gou Bao was a little unhappy, he didn't want to cause trouble at work, so he quietly stepped back.

Bumping into an experienced extra behind him, Gou Bao curiously asked him:"Are these young guys newly signed by someone?"

The extra laughed:"No, you can tell at a glance that they are not signed to any company. They are probably second-generation graduates from the film academy.""

"Students from the Film Academy?" Gou Bao glanced at the five hunks again, all of them looked nonchalant, and couldn't believe it,"Nowadays, film academies like to accept this type of people?"

Someone interrupted, and his tone was full of disdain for these film academy students:"Relying on their family background! Otherwise, how could they get in?"

Gou Bao's tone was disdainful, but he was very confused:"Why are they showing off here in the middle of the day when the sun is blazing, instead of staying in the air-conditioned room to enjoy the cool air?"

"If their tutor hadn't asked them to come here for social practice, do you think they would come?"

"Look at the way they are visiting. It seems that these young masters are here for the first time."

"This may be my last time here. After seeing the cruelty of the crew and trying the novelty of acting, I probably won't come again."

"Let's go, let's hide! These young masters are not very strong, but they have bad tempers, don't mess with them."

The voices of the two extras were neither loud nor soft, but they were heard by several students from the Film Academy.

Five students walked behind them at some point, and one of them, a boy with dyed yellow hair, was smoking a cigarette and said provocatively:"This is our first time here, I hope we didn't offend you, right? Why are you talking so harshly?"

The extra laughed:"I can see, it's not the first time here, how could you smoke here?"

He pointed to the big sign above his head:"Did you see the no smoking sign above?"

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