"Sorry, I didn't see it because I was wearing sunglasses."

The yellow-haired man boasted,"My eyes are a little inflamed and I can't stand strong light. These sunglasses were airlifted from Milan, and the lenses are made of the most advanced carbonate polyester material. Only by wearing them can I block the glare of the light."

"By the way, these sunglasses cost fifty thousand U.S. dollars. I'm afraid you can't afford them even after acting for a year. After understanding the gap between us, I hope you can be more polite in your words."

As he said that, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it with his foot as if he was deliberately being cruel. The yellow-haired man's behavior completely angered the extras. Although they are not the ones who can call the shots and rank high in the Hengdian Film and Television Base, they have always been proud to be a part of this place and can't bear to see others ruining this place.

Gou Bao was the first to lose his temper and rushed over to beat the yellow-haired man:"Pick up the cigarette butt for me, or I will...……"

Seeing that Gou Bao was really angry and might be impulsive to cause trouble, the two big brothers in the extras immediately grabbed him and said,"Okay, don't do it. I just saw in the group that Brother Yi has just taken on a difficult play, and many extras want to go there to see it and learn from it. Don't you want to go and see it?"

Gou Bao heard this and instantly put the matter of Huang Mao behind him. He turned around and was about to leave:"Let's go, Brother Yi's teaching field, I can't miss it"

""Who is Brother Yi?" asked an unknown young man behind him.

The big brother of the extras replied:"You can check the official website of Hengdian for yourself."

At that time, one of the classmates happened to be watching it, and immediately took it to the center of the group, pointing to the video:"Isn't it this one?"

The yellow-haired man glanced at it and said sarcastically:"Oh, how ridiculous! Isn't he just an extra? He really thinks he is the light of extras, why is he teaching? Don't make people laugh!"

The people around him followed him and echoed:"This kind of people can only stand out among extras! But they can only struggle among extras all their lives."

Gou Bao couldn't bear it again when he heard them insulting his Brother Yi:"Big stars also started out as extras. You came here for social practice and also started as extras. How dare you look down on others?"

"We are different from him. We are just here to practice and be a group actor for a while. He...will have to do this for the rest of his life."

"You guys are indeed different. My brother Yi’s acting skills are first-rate, not inferior to the first-line ones. You guys… hehe!"

Gou Bao mocked back with real strength, and then turned and left at the urging of the big brother of the extras.

The angry voice of Huang Mao rang out behind him:"What are you sneering at? I’ll tear your mouth apart."……"

The others held him back and said,"Don't cause trouble, or the instructor will punish you."

"Not worth it"

"Since they are praising the extra called Brother Yi so much, let's go over and take a look. Let's see what level he is at and then compete with him. Wouldn't it be better to give him a direct slap in the face?"

After the five second-generation rich decided to compete with Xu Yi, they headed towards the crew. On the way, they asked about Xu Yi's whereabouts, and everyone said,"Look for the place with the most people wearing various low-level costumes, that's it.""

Several students became even more unconvinced.

Just an extra, how could he be so famous? They had to go and meet him.

Following the flow of people, the five people finally found the crew where Xu Yi was.

At this time, Xu Yi was wearing a soldier's uniform, standing in front of a room surrounded by a raging fire.

This was a fire scene, and he was going to play a soldier who rushed into the sea of fire to rescue a little girl from the village.

The plot was that everyone saw that the fire was too fierce, and no one dared to go in to save people, and the two old couples cried heartbreakingly on the side.

The soldier played by Xu Yi, not afraid of the danger of the fire, resolutely rushed in to rescue the little girl.

Although this kind of scene can be completed with post-production special effects now.

But Zhang Li, a director who came from an early background and pursued realistic effects, did not want to put all the pressure on the post-production of the picture presentation effect.

In order to shoot the scene he wanted, Zhang Li asked the staff in charge of the scene to do it in a safe On the basis of the fire, try to make it more realistic.

The extras gathered on the periphery looked over from the outside, and there were waves of flames higher than one another.

Even though they were more than ten meters apart, they felt the scorching flames and unconsciously wanted to retreat.

This scene was the same as the previous water scene and wire scene, and no one was willing to do it.

Zhang Li saw that Xu Yi had been shooting wire scenes from morning to night without a break in the past few days.

This kind of scene is very physically demanding, and thinking that Xu Yi finally didn't have to shoot the wire scene today, he gave him a short break.

But the selection of extras for this special scene was left open.

The stage manager looked for people for a long time, and in the end only Xu Yi was willing to take the job, so Zhang Li had to let Xu Yi go.

Before the shooting started, Zhang Li personally ordered the props team to prepare all the props for extinguishing the fire and cooling down to ensure Xu Yi's absolute safety.

He told Xu Yi:"Don't force yourself, do what you can.

I believe in your acting skills, and you will definitely be able to shoot the picture I want.

You don't have to stay in there for a long time, just give me a picture of a little girl holding a prop successfully escaping from the fire house.

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