Xu Yi nodded at Zhang Li:"Director, don't worry, I know my limits."

After a"action", Xu Yi rushed into the fire house neatly.

Xu Yi's quick movements caused the crowd watching outside to exclaim.

Xu Yi did not hesitate at all, and the firm and resolute expression on his face was just right.

Zhang Li looked at the monitoring screen nervously, and he was relieved when he was sure that the camera had captured Xu Yi's facial expression.

The expression on Xu Yi's face just now was exactly what he wanted, but he didn't dare to ask Xu Yi more before.

You know, rushing into such a dangerous scene, even if you know that there are corresponding safety measures around you, it takes great courage.

It is difficult for people to take care of their facial expressions under the real fear.

Zhang Li didn't want Xu Yi to be distracted and put extra pressure on him. Originally, he wanted him to concentrate on acting out this scene first, and then reshoot his expression. It should be smoother if it's just a pose.

But Zhang Li didn't expect that Xu Yi could make such a perfect facial expression under such circumstances.

He really... surprises him everywhere!

The extras watching outside also made a small commotion, sighing:

"Brother Yi is so awesome! Isn't he afraid?"

"This fire... is bigger than the biggest fire I have ever seen since I was a child. I dare not"

"With your knowledge, what else can you say?"

"If you have the knowledge, go ahead!"

"I can't do it either... Only Brother Yi can act out this kind of righteousness."

"Otherwise, why do we all admire him so much?"

Several film school students who were among the extras all sneered when they heard the praises of Xu Yi.

"Tsk, isn’t it just a small matter of running into a burning house?"

"Or is it because of the plot requirements? Is it as good as you guys exaggerating?"

"So I say - extras are just extras after all, they just haven’t seen the world and still like to make a fuss!"

Gou Bao pouted at those people and was too lazy to waste time bickering with them. He didn't want to miss every moment of Xu Yi's acting.

Next, Xu Yi's performance once again surprised Zhang Li and amazed the extras.

There were two unmanned camera positions in the fire house, and there were two cameras controlled by human photographers on the periphery.

The reason for setting up four camera positions was to be more comprehensive and capture as many of the actors' performances in the fire house as possible.

Because Zhang Li knew that this performance was very difficult, he did not require the actors to perform for a certain amount of time in this fire house and what kind of actions they must complete as in the past.

His only requirement for Xu Yi was to capture the scene of him running out of the fire house holding the prop little girl.

But after Xu Yi went in, because he had learned the mastery of Wushuang acting in advance, he was very sensitive to the location of each camera position; he was also very clear about how to perform more appropriately in front of the camera position.

Seeing these four camera positions, Xu Yi understood Director Zhang's intention. He expanded his search route for the little girl and walked around in front of the four cameras, which took nearly a minute and a half. Although

Xu Xu Yi knew that the length of his performance might not be fully edited into the final TV series. But he also wanted to stay in the fire house as long as possible to provide Director Zhang with more materials to choose from.

Before entering the fire house, in order to make a more realistic performance and to ensure his own safety, Xu Yi spent 2,000 popularity points in the system mall to exchange for an attribute card that"improves physical fitness by 100%."

He was not afraid of staying in the fire house for a long time, but this scene took a lot of effort from the crew. It required the cooperation of many people and the battle was also very grand. The fire was so big that Xu Yi didn't want to do it a second time.

With the idea of doing it once, Xu Yi performed every action to the extreme.

The props team made the prop house very realistic, perhaps because they didn't expect that an actor would dare to stay in it for so long.

After a while, the wood on the roof of the wooden house began to fall down with crackling sounds.

When the first wood fell, Xu Yi reacted very quickly and dodged it by turning sideways.

Then, the second wood began to fall.

Xu Yi heard the staff of the props team outside shouting:"Danger, come out quickly!"

Xu Yi looked up and saw that the roof of the wooden house was still 80% intact and would not collapse in a short time.

He was not in a hurry. This scene was exactly what he wanted, and it could take his performance in this situation to a higher level.

Seeing that Xu Yi was still unwilling to come out, the props team was afraid that something might happen, so they anxiously found Zhang Li, hoping that he could stop it:"Director Zhang, we really can't shoot anymore. If we shoot again, someone will die!"

Zhang Li's eyes widened as he watched Xu Yi on the screen pick up the little girl and rushed to the door.

Zhang Li clenched his fists and said to the props staff in a deep voice,"Wait a little longer. I believe in his current judgment.""

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