If there were no accidents in Xu Yi's performance after this, Zhang Li would edit his performance from beginning to end into the play.

This continuity can perfectly show the tension of this plot.

Xu Yi picked up the prop little girl, and saw from the corner of his eye that a piece of palm wood on the ceiling in front of him was about to fall. He thought that this was a good opportunity for God to help him complete this complete performance. Xu Yi directly used his body to protect the little girl in his arms when the palm wood fell. At this time, the palm wood hit his right shoulder just right.

In an instant, screams came from the crowd actors who were watching. If it weren't for the crew's maintenance staff stopping him, Gou Bao was so anxious that he almost rushed into the shooting range.

Zhang Li also stood up from the director's chair in horror, and couldn't help holding his breath nervously. It wasn't until he saw the next second that Xu Yi rushed out of the fire house holding the prop little girl that he breathed a sigh of relief and shouted"cut" immediately.

The medical team rushed over to check Xu Yi's physical condition. There was a small ball of fire on Xu Yi's left calf. The sound of the wood hitting Xu Yi's right shoulder just now was so loud that everyone present could hear it.

They were all very afraid of something happening, after all, there had already been an accident during the last wire play. A crew that always has accidents is unlucky, and no one wants to encounter it.

Besides, everyone in the crew now knows that Xu Yi is a person that Director Zhang has recently favored. If something really happened to him, they are afraid that they will not be able to explain it to Director Zhang.

The staff quickly put out the fire on Xu Yi's left calf with a fire extinguisher, and then cut off Xu Yi's left trouser leg, and found that his skin was only a little bit burned black, and he was not seriously injured.

The same was true for the right shoulder, with only a few scratches on the skin, and not even a bruise.

After seeing this, the medical team breathed a sigh of relief and praised,"You are born to be a stuntman with this physique!"

At this time, Zhang Li came over, checked Xu Yi's shoulder, and asked him with concern,"Is your shoulder okay?"

Xu Yi shook his right shoulder that had just been hit, and told Zhang Li nonchalantly,"It's okay, Director Zhang, don't worry."

Seeing that the atmosphere among the crew was a bit heavy, Xu Yi changed the subject and suggested to Zhang Li,"Director Zhang, I'm really fine. Instead of this, why don't we take a look at the effect of the filming first! If not, I'll go in and perform it again while the props and scenes are still there."

Zhang Li waved his hand,"No need, your acting skills just now have successfully conquered everyone, and I believe you can conquer the audience too, so there is no need to shoot it again.""

""Thank you Director Zhang for the compliment, but for the sake of perfection, please confirm it again!" Xu Yi insisted.

In fact, he himself also wanted to watch the performance clip just now to make an objective judgment on the ability given to him by the system.

Zhang Li thought about it, nodded at Xu Yi, and went back to the monitor. In the part shot in the fire house before, he saw that Xu Yi's acting skills were indeed fine. But when he came out later, because of the phenomenon of a palm tree hitting Xu Yi, the scene was in chaos for a while.

Zhang Li was afraid that some unprofessional would enter the camera in a hurry, and the last part would be ruined.

He felt that Xu Yi made sense, and he still had to confirm it. Xu Yi followed Zhang Li to the monitor.

At this time, the extras also came over, with the permission of the assistant director and the stage manager.

They knew that Xu Yi had prestige among the extras, and they wanted to learn from him. The two also wanted to In order to let Xu Yi set a good example for the extras and better carry out this work in the future, they were asked to come over and watch.

Several students from the Film Academy were also among them.

They were very curious about the director's monitor, as it was their first time seeing it. More importantly, they also wanted to see Xu Yi's acting skills.

The extras who had just gathered around were all Xu Yi's lickers, chirping and praising him. They had always been disdainful and had not watched Xu Yi's performance seriously.

Now, when Xu Yi's performance was shown up close on the monitor, they wanted to watch it carefully.

Seeing Xu Yi's acting skills on the monitor again, Zhang Li was still shocked, not to mention the extras who saw Xu Yi's acting skills up close for the first time.

Zhang Li praised Xu Yi again and again:"You are really born to be a stunt actor. Not only are you so good at water scenes and wire scenes, but you are also so vivid in fire scenes. You are so versatile, and you are a rare talent in our crew."

The extras who had just finished watching Xu Yi's wonderful performance finally woke up from their admiration after hearing Director Zhang's evaluation of Xu Yi, and all gave Xu Yi a thumbs up.

However, soon, Zhang Li frowned, pointed to the place where Xu Yi was hit by the palm wood in the camera and asked Xu Yi:"This part... Did you see that the palm wood was going to fall in advance, and deliberately went over to catch it with your body?"

Xu Yi hesitated for a moment and admitted:"Well, I think that way can make this plot have a climax, and this scene can end. Otherwise, the previous performance was a bit too flat."

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