"You were right. The scene where you were hit by the stick and used your body to protect the little girl really pushed the plot to a climax. It was just right to end the scene after that.……"

Zhang Li sighed, looked at Xu Yi meaningfully and said,"You are so careless about your body, it's really... too risky! The body is the capital of an actor, you know?"

"It's okay."Xu Yi said lightly,"Because I already knew the landing point, I planned to use the part of my body that could withstand it. And I checked the camera position in advance, and imagined what the effect would be when filmed from that angle, so there was no need to actually use my body to catch it, so I didn't get hurt."

What Xu Yi said was true, but it was not all. The truth is that he considered his improved physical fitness and knew that he would have no problem taking the hammer, so he thought of doing so.

After listening to this, Zhang Li put his hand on Xu Yi's shoulder with admiration in his eyes:"Nowadays, I haven't seen an actor who is willing to sacrifice himself for a shot and do this for a long time."

"You are worthy of being my favorite! Your professionalism deserves me, Zhang Li, to say to you - thank you for your hard work."

Xu Yi waved his hand quickly:"Director Zhang, you are too kind. These are what I should do as an actor."

Zhang Li corrected him righteously:"No, it is because you have such awareness that you deserve my words."

The staff around him all suspected that they had hearing problems. Director Zhang actually said"thank you for your hard work" to an actor. This was the first time they heard him say this in all the years they had followed him.

Usually he would only complain about actors' unprofessionalism, and often taught a lesson to those actors who wanted to find a stand-in, were unwilling to do this or that.

"Aren’t these what actors should do? If you don’t want to do it, get out of this circle as soon as possible!"

In the past, the most common situation was that the actors in Director Zhang’s group recounted their hard work over and over again. But the staff who followed him had never heard Zhang Li acknowledge their hard work, let alone heard him say"thank you for your hard work" to any actor.

This time, they actually saw a completely reversed ending. Director Zhang said"hard work" to the actors, and the actors said"that's what I should do."

This is Zhang Li's highest evaluation in terms of professionalism.

While the staff were surprised, they also looked at Xu Yi with a new eye. It was precisely because of his spirit that he could win such a word from Zhang Li.

Moreover, Xu Yi received Zhang Li's praise not only because of his professionalism, but also because of his superb acting skills.

On the monitor screen again After watching Xu Yi's acting skills in the studio, they understood again why Zhang Li thought so highly of Xu Yi.

That perfect movement and control over the characters and plot was not just about professionalism.

He completed what Zhang Li wanted in one shot. You have to know that it is quite difficult to shoot this kind of scene in one shot.

A difficult environment will affect a person's mentality, and an unstable mentality may cause the actor's acting skills to be deformed. Such a stable performance in one shot, let alone the level of extras, even many experienced old actors cannot do it.

The extras who came to learn felt as if they were being praised when they heard Zhang Li praising Xu Yi like this. No, it should be said that they felt happier than being praised themselves.

"Brother Yi is truly the light of the extras!"

"So exciting! Seeing Brother Yi, I feel like my life has hope again!"

"From today on, I will no longer worship Guan Gong or Yue Lao, I will only worship Brother Yi!"

"After I become a dog treasure, I will definitely follow Brother Yi to learn wholeheartedly……"

""Please introduce me~ Gou Baozi! Do you want to accept a junior apprentice? Please introduce me~"

Five students from the film academy were very disdainful when they heard the extras' admiration for Xu Yi.

Even though they were shocked for a moment after seeing Xu Yi's acting skills on the monitor, their mentality changed soon.

Especially after hearing the extras' boasting, they were even more unhappy.

"Isn't it just a soldier walking out of a sea of fire? He doesn't even have a line, can this be considered acting? It's hilarious!"

"If that's the case, then all the firefighters have acting skills."

"You still worship him as a god, aren't you stupid?"

"Just an ordinary extra! No matter how much the director praises him, he is still an extra and will never achieve anything."

The students said these words a little loudly. They also carried deliberate sarcasm, which easily reached the ears of the extras.

Gou Bao heard them speak rudely to his master again, and he ran to argue with them.

"What are you? You look down on extras, extras are actors after all! And my master is an extraordinary extra who was praised by Director Zhang."

"I know, no matter how extraordinary, they are still extras, look at them~"

One of the students pointed to the leading actor of the play, Liu Yadong, who was not far away.

At this moment, Liu Yadong was wearing the costume of the prince. Many people were there to help him with his clothes and makeup.

He was holding the script, enjoying the small electric fan held by his assistant, looking superior.

The students showed longing eyes:"That's an actor, the actor we want to be."

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