After watching Liu Yadong being surrounded by celebrities, several film school students looked back at these low-level extras and started a second round of mockery.

"If you want to pick a role model, you should pick someone who is decent and has some ambition, okay? If you take a group actor as your goal, is there any hope for you?"

The group actors were naturally unwilling to be outdone and started arguing again.

"It's none of your business who we target, just take care of yourself first! You are not even actors, what qualifications do you have to comment here!"

"That’s it! That’s it!"

The extras behind started to cheer.

"I hate these young guys who know nothing but are self-righteous the most!"

"Go back to school and do your homework!"

The last sentence touched the hearts of several students, and they were embarrassed.

At this time, Xu Yi finished talking to Zhang Li and was walking out.

When he came over, Gou Baoma immediately noticed him, leaned over, and handed Xu Yi the ice towel he had prepared before.

"Master, you have worked hard just now. Rub this on your skin. It has a soothing and cooling effect on the skin."

"Thanks." Xu Yi took the towel.

Gou Bao followed Xu Yi and began to flatter him:"Master, please don't be polite to me! Your acting skills today really impressed me completely! I, Gou Bao, have never had any luck in my life. The luckiest thing is that I recognize you as my master.

"Exaggeration, I'm not that good!"

Xu Yi chuckled and returned the towel to Gou Bao.

""No, no, the master is the best, don't be so modest!" Gou Bao said sincerely.

Other extras nearby also echoed:"Yes! Gou Bao really admires you, and so do we! I wonder if Brother Yi is interested in taking in more disciples?"

Then there was a large-scale scene of seeking apprenticeship.

Xu Yi was a little embarrassed. He didn't have any preference for taking in younger brothers, but these extras were too enthusiastic.

This enthusiastic scene stimulated several extras who looked down on Xu Yi, especially the yellow-haired man with overflowing self-esteem.

He shouted in dissatisfaction in the crowd:"What's the trend in Hengdian now? Is there no one? Is an extra worthy of being praised like this?"

The others followed suit

"Every year is getting worse than the last!"

"If that's the case, there's no point in studying at a film school."

"I don't think it's better to enter the entertainment industry!"

After hearing this, Gou Bao was naturally unhappy. However, before he could say anything, several extras, perhaps wanting to show off in front of Xu Yi, spoke before him and stabbed those students for Xu Yi.

"It sounds like Hengdian is owned by your family and you can come whenever you want!"

"If you don't want to enter the entertainment industry, then don't enter. No one is begging you."

"But if you have no strength here and you are jealous of others, you will be laughed at!"

Huang Mao was so angry that he was speechless.

Xu Yi didn't quite understand the situation, so he turned around and asked Gou Bao:"Who are they? Do they have any grudges?"

Gou Bao reported the identities and general situation of several people to Xu Yi, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Huang Mao who was walking towards him and the four students from the Film Academy behind him.

"Are you the Xu Yi they are talking about?"

Xu Yi didn't say anything. He turned to look at Gou Bao and said nonchalantly,"You continue."

Gou Bao was stunned for three seconds after hearing Xu Yi's words.

On the one hand, he was shocked to see Xu Yi's face suddenly turned cold.

In his eyes, Xu Yi was always diligent, restrained, and very gentlemanly. This was the first time he saw Xu Yi with a cold face and even a bit of murderous intent.

On the other hand, although Xu Yi told him to continue, the five little brats were right in front of him. How could he relay the shitty things they said just now? Isn't that a provocation? Especially when he saw that Xu Yi's face was already cold...

When Gou Bao was in trouble, Huangmao spoke first without knowing the consequences.

He stepped forward and challenged Xu Yi:"Hey, I'm asking you a question! Are you the Brother Yi they are talking about?"

Xu Yi still ignored him, just thinking that film academies are now producing a lot of such rude children? He was annoyed, but he was too lazy to teach them a lesson.

He just wanted to go back to the hotel and take a shower to wash off the smell of fire.

Another student from the Film Academy was unhappy when he saw Xu Yi treating them as air again:"Are you hard of hearing? Do you know how to respect others? My brother is asking you a question!" Being aggressive again and again is a bit too much. Xu Yi originally wanted to be Buddhist, but he was completely irritated.

There should be a limit to impoliteness.

Xu Yi turned his head and glanced coldly at the student who said he didn't know how to respect others:"Who doesn't know how to respect others?"

The man shuddered at Xu Yi's cold gaze and tone.

Then, Xu Yi looked at the yellow-haired man who had provoked him at the beginning:"Neither your mother nor your teacher taught you to say 'please' when asking people questions?"

Xu Yi didn't expect them to learn politeness in a short time, and he didn't intend to get entangled with these little idiots. After teaching them a lesson, he was ready to leave and return to the hotel.

But just as he took a step, the ignorant yellow-haired man reached out and stopped him.

"Don't leave!"

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