Huang Mao stopped Xu Yi and said,"I know you are the Yi Ge they are talking about. I am a student majoring in acting at the Film Academy. I heard them all praise your acting skills, and I want to learn from you."

This time, Xu Yi was really a little angry. He pressed down the arm of Huang Mao that was blocking his way and glanced at him sharply.

"Don't talk to me again until you learn how to talk."

Seeing Xu Yi start to leave, the yellow-haired man anxiously squeezed out the word"please".

Xu Yi stopped, and the yellow-haired man added with an embarrassed look:"Please compete with me in acting."

Xu Yi could see the reluctance in his attitude, but thinking of the briefing Gou Bao had just given them, he knew that they looked down on extras.

Now the leading student was pestering him and insisting on competing with him, it seemed that he would not cry until he saw the coffin.

The other extras were also paying attention to this matter. If it was for him alone, Xu Yi didn't think it mattered. But when it came to the dignity of the extras, everyone placed a lot of hope on him.���, Xu Yi unconsciously took the responsibility for himself.

To be honest, he didn't really want to be involved in this kind of thing. But since things have come to this, he will do his best to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

Xu Yi said to the yellow-haired guy,"I agree to compete with you. What should I compete in?"

The yellow-haired guy said proudly,"Of course, the kind of roles with lines and important lines!"

That smug tone, as if saying that he had already won.

Xu Yi didn't care about what to compete in, and said briskly,"Okay, you have the final say. Find the plot lines you want to compete in! Otherwise, if you lose, you can make an excuse that it's not what you are good at." The yellow-haired guy still had that proud expression on his face.

"How could I lose?"

The students behind him also spoke with disdain.

"In the film academy courses, our eldest brother always got full marks for his lines."

Xu Yi was too lazy to complain, but Gou Bao spoke his mind at the right time.

"Is your full score 0?"

The younger brother was so angry that he said,"You——"

The extras laughed.

The laughter and commotion attracted the crew and assistant director.

The assistant director said to the extras with a grim look,"What are you doing? You are affecting the filming. Get out of here! I asked you to come here to learn to motivate you, not to let you act recklessly in the crew!""

"We are not being presumptuous, it is these guys who are making trouble!"

Upon hearing this, the assistant director turned his gaze to the five film school students and said,"I noticed it just now. What are you guys doing hanging around in our crew? Who allowed you to come in?"

"We are students from the Film Academy, and we are here to do social practice under the order of our instructor."

At this time, the stage manager took over the conversation:"You are the students recommended by Teacher Wang, right?"


The stagehand explained to the assistant director,"I know about this. Their teacher contacted me before and asked me to help arrange a role for the extras so that these students can experience acting."

"All right."

The assistant director reluctantly said to the stagehand,"I'll talk to Director Zhang first to see which scene will require multiple extras."

When the yellow-haired man heard the assistant director say that he was going to arrange roles for extras, he was immediately unhappy,"Why extras?"

The assistant director was already very dissatisfied with the fact that they were wandering around the crew and causing a commotion.

He said to the yellow-haired student in a very bad tone,"What else? What role do you want to play? Can I give you the No. 1 male role?"

The yellow-haired man didn't dare to say a word.

He just said to the stagehand who looked easy to talk to,"But we are here to experience acting. You have to let us say a few lines, right? Even if it's not the No. 1 male role, at least give us the No. 5 or No. 6 male role. That's considered an experience, right?"

"There are only extras, they can act if they want or not!" The assistant director was furious when he saw these kids being so picky.

Before leaving, he couldn't help but scold the stagehand:"What's wrong with students nowadays? Don't agree to every job next time! We don't accept just anyone here, and the extras have to be carefully selected. Even if we don't require everyone to have the same extra acting skills as Xu Yi, Director Zhang's team is not for everyone, especially those who overestimate their abilities!"

Huang Mao and the four students behind him blushed and turned pale when they heard the assistant director

's words. The extras felt very happy when they heard what the assistant director had just said. Not only did he slap the faces of the students of the Film Academy, but he also praised Xu Yi, vindicated the extras, and boosted their morale.

Amid the various emotions of the crowd, Xu Yi's voice stopped the assistant director in his tracks.

"Assistant Director!"

Xu Yi is now a panda-level figure in the crew. Everyone can see it after Director Zhang's praise just now.

This assistant director has been following Director Zhang around the country for ten years. He is the first person who dares not neglect Xu Yi.

When he heard Xu Yi calling him, he immediately stopped and asked Xu Yi with a smile:"Why haven't you gone back to rest yet? Is there something wrong?"

"Please see if there is a suitable role, not the male fifth or sixth. Arrange a minor character in an important plot, and just say one or two lines."

Xu Yi was very polite and said to the assistant director:"Let those students give it a try!"

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