Everyone was shocked to hear that Xu Yi called the assistant director to ask for this.

Gou Bao looked at Xu Yi in disbelief:"Brother, why are you speaking for them?"

Several students from the film school were even more incredulous.

The assistant director asked Xu Yi:"What is your relationship with them?"

Xu Yi said in a very calm tone:"Oh, I don't have any relationship. I just promised to find a plot for a play with them and I don't want to break my promise for this reason."

"So... OK!"

After Xu Yi said this, the assistant director easily agreed:"I'll go discuss the arrangements with Director Zhang. Don't worry, we will definitely find a suitable time."

Seeing the assistant director change his attitude, everyone was shocked again.

Now Xu Yi's words are so effective? It's comparable to Director Zhang!

You know, in this crew, only Director Zhang can easily arrange things for the assistant director.

Everyone knows the truth that people are more likely to be red if they are close to him. The assistant director has been following Director Zhang Li for many years and has also been infected with his noble personality. But in front of Xu Yi, he is so easy to talk to.

The extras were very excited. Although the students from the Film Academy were unwilling, they were thinking about using their acting skills to slap Xu Yi in the face. They couldn't refuse this development.

Besides, it was they who initiated the competition. If they couldn't even meet the conditions for a competition, it would be a bit embarrassing. Although they didn't want to rely on Xu Yi to meet this condition, there was no way now.

The assistant director talked to Zhang Li briefly, and Zhang Li agreed.

Because of Xu Yi's previous outstanding performance, the"one-shot" shooting that had been lost for many years was realized, which saved the crew a lot of time and could be used by the students from the Film Academy. time.

Another main reason is that Zhang Li heard that Xu Yi would also compete in acting and could speak lines, so he was a little looking forward to it.

Usually, he could only see Xu Yi perform difficult stunts, and he had never heard him speak a line. Zhang Li also wanted to see what Xu Yi was like in acting.

Huang Mao and Xu Yi played the same role, in the same scene, and spoke the same line to compete.

Zhang Li chose a scene where the emperor died and the prince cried for his father in the mourning hall. The two played the old eunuchs who comforted the prince. There were four young eunuchs behind the old eunuch. Counting it, this scene was just enough for the five students from the film academy to audition at the same time.

Because Huang Mao was going to compete with Xu Yi, the deputy director specially chose a role with lines. As for the other four, the deputy director did not need to make special arrangements.

Being able to play a eunuch and experience acting was already a support for their studies by the crew.

The props and scenes were almost ready. Xu Yi looked at Huang Mao and asked,"You first or me? I'll give you the opportunity to choose first."

Xu Yi didn't want to show any grace to such a person, but he didn't want him to have an excuse to cheat when he lost.

Huang Mao said without hesitation:"I'll go first!"

The scar healed and forgot the pain, and immediately became cocky again:"Open your eyes and look at the strength of a professional student. I'm not afraid of you copying, my strength, you can't copy it."

"It's a good thing for young people to be confident. I'm optimistic about you." Xu Yi snorted lightly and said with disdain.

Seeing Xu Yi's calmness, Huang Mao was a little angry. But he didn't know what to say. He said to the four classmates behind him unhappily:"Let's go! Everyone, bring out the spirit of the final exam and give 200% of your strength to let their dog eyes see clearly!"

At this moment, the leading actor Liu Yadong, who was in the filming site, saw five students from the Film Academy coming up, and frowned at the agent next to him:"Isn't Mr. Qi going to perform in this scene? What are these kids doing here?"

"They were the replacements for Mr. Qi and his four extras. They were students from the film academy who came to learn and experience the film. The assistant director arranged for them to"

"They want to experience it? Why do they ask me to cooperate?"

Liu Yadong was furious:"Do you think I have too much time? The cards are too small?"

"Please keep your voice down!"

The agent coaxed Liu Yadong:"Recently, Director Zhang has been very dissatisfied with you, so just give in! With them as a foil, Director Zhang may be able to discover your good points more."

After hearing this, Liu Yadong became even more unhappy and yelled at the agent:"Do I need these young boys to help me with my acting skills?"

The agent knew that he had said the wrong thing and immediately changed his words:"No... I mean, as a senior, you should occasionally take care of the juniors. I heard that these students came here specifically because they heard that you were in this group and wanted to learn from you as an example."

Liu Yadong was very pleased to hear this:"That's about right!"

But he still worriedly told the agent:"Tell Director Zhang not to keep showing his love and let them try endlessly!"

After receiving the order, the agent tactfully asked Director Zhang:"Do these students from the film academy have to experience many auditions? Our Yadong's condition today is a bit... average, I hope these students don't consume his emotions."

Zhang Li looked at the direction of the studio expressionlessly:"It doesn't matter if those students perform a few times or not. I think your artist's emotions are very important in this scene. I also saw that he was in a mediocre state today, so I wanted him to perform a few more times to find his emotions first, and then let those students go on stage to experience it.""

"Oh, OK."

Liu Yadong's agent dared not say a word after hearing this. She could clearly feel that Zhang Li was dissatisfied with Liu Yadong's acting skills.

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