Afterwards, the five students from the Film Academy went to change into their costumes.

Here, Xu Yi was selecting people from the extras to complete the competition with him.

Gou Bao was the first to recommend himself. Since Xu Yi had recognized this younger brother, he naturally had to give him a little sweetness, and he chose him without hesitation.

The extras who had just clamored to become Xu Yi's apprentices also recommended themselves, and Xu Yi picked out three more from them.

After both groups changed into their costumes, according to what had just been agreed, the five students from the Film Academy went on stage to perform first.

As the five students walked towards the shooting site, they frowned and complained about how dirty and smelly the costumes were.

"This is truly the most disgusting piece of clothing I have ever worn in my life...disgusting is not enough to describe it!"

"Brother, we have made great sacrifices for you!"

"In my next life, I will never be an extra and wear such smelly clothes again!"

"I really don't know what those people were thinking, and they were so enthusiastic about it."

"This is not a job for humans!"

The five students looked quite relaxed, they were not nervous at all for their first time acting on the set.

Liu Yadong was very displeased and felt that kids nowadays really don't know their place. Even when he got the role of the second male lead when he first came to the set, he was timid and cautious, not daring to speak loudly.

He wanted to use his reputation as a senior to teach these students a lesson.

But then he immediately saw five students walking towards him, bowing to him together, and saying in unison:"Hello, Brother Dong!"

Liu Yadong was stunned, wondering what they were up to, and then he heard them talking in a flurry of words about their admiration and love for him.

"Brother Yadong, you are the idol of all of us"

"We all aim at you and want to become a high-quality idol like you in the future, and we have been working hard in school."

Liu Yadong took back the words he was about to teach them and proudly told them:"Good, you have ambitions! I heard that you are going to compete with others in acting this time? I will lead you when we act later! I guarantee that you will win the other party beautifully."

"Thank you, Brother Dong!"

"Just follow Brother Dong, and you'll be safe~"

Voices of staff maintaining order were heard nearby:"Quiet, quiet, get ready to shoot!"

The scene started with Liu Yadong, who wore mourning clothes, knelt in front of his father's spirit tablet, and cried sadly and desperately.

Then, the old eunuch beside the late emperor, the role played by Huang Mao and Xu Yi PK, had to step forward to comfort him.

During the comforting process, Huang Mao and Xu Yi could say about two lines.

In this plot filled with sadness and grand scenes, the performance and development of the role of the old eunuch can be performed in many ways.

Since it is a competition, it depends entirely on their own understanding. Neither the director nor the assistant director explained the play to the two groups of people. What kind of performance form they would choose is entirely up to themselves.


The filming began.

Liu Yadong leaned in front of the camera, covering his face and crying.


The voice was well-acted, but let alone tears, even the tears in the eyes were not seen. The voice that was so well-acted turned into a dry howl, which was very embarrassing to watch.

Zhang Li frowned in front of the monitor and said"tsk" in disgust.

Liu Yadong's agent saw it from the side, and his heart rose to his throat as Zhang Li frowned.

She looked angrily at her own artists who were filming on the scene, and clenched her fist and said:"Have some spirit!"

At this time, it was the turn of the old eunuch played by Huang Mao. He started by walking towards the prince played by Liu Yadong, and his tears fell like a heavy rainy day, as if they were free.

His skill of crying in seconds immediately locked everyone's attention.

Next, he patted Liu Yadong on the shoulder and spoke the lines, but the emotion and voice were not snatched away by the heavy crying scene just now.

"Prince, please accept my condolences... Before the late emperor died, the person he was most concerned about was you. He certainly didn't want to see you crying for him like this."

It was Liu Yadong's turn to speak the lines, but he suddenly stopped. He was shocked by the skill of the yellow-haired actor in speaking the lines.

He didn't expect that a student could speak the lines of a role that should have been played by a 50-year-old actor so skillfully.

He didn't feel the immaturity of the yellow-haired actor at all, and he was completely in the role.

Along with Liu Yadong, the people in the audience were also shocked, especially the few extras that Xu Yi had just found. After seeing the yellow-haired actor

's acting skills, everyone became uneasy.

"This... seems to be a pretty good performance?"

"The dialogue skills are a bit strong……"

"Can we do it?"

"At least I don't have the energy to cry in seconds.……"

Gou Bao's face turned red, and he scolded them unhappily:"You're already scared before you even get on the field! Brother Yi will definitely be able to do it, how could he lose to such a small fry!"

"I know Brother Yi will definitely crush him! I'm just worried that we will hold Brother Yi back.……"

Being scared off by the opponent's morale before the battle is not a good sign.

Xu Yi doesn't care about the result of winning or losing, but he is sure that he can win smoothly.

But in the current atmosphere, he is afraid that the other four extras will be under too much pressure and unable to perform normally.

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