Everyone's attention was focused on the scene being filmed, and the second dialogue was being filmed.

This time Liu Yadong spoke his lines smoothly, and then Huang Mao and his younger brothers began to cry with real emotion.

It must be said that the crying scenes of the four students were as good as Huang Mao's crying scenes and lines, and the tears fell as soon as they were spoken.

The speed and emotional expression were indeed a level better than those of ordinary extras.

Seeing this, Gou Bao and the three extras around him became even more nervous.

"Can we beat it?"

"It doesn't matter if we can't win normally, but this time it's about the dignity of the extras and Brother Yi's victory, we must not lose!"

They said so, but in fact, their minds were completely disturbed and they were panicking.

When Xu Yi heard this, he knew that they were too nervous and the thing he was most worried about had happened.

Such a tense state was not good for the performance of acting.

Although Gou Bao and the others just followed behind him and did���It's enough to just perform in form. But even if they can't speak the lines, they still have the opportunity to show their acting skills well.

Xu Yi asked them to join the group and act with him, not to gather people to help him beat Huangmao and the others. He was confident that even if he was alone, he could win.

Xu Yi asked Goubao and the others to shoot this segment with him, thinking of giving them a chance to show themselves in front of the director and the assistant director, hoping to create more opportunities for them.

After all, they called him"brother", so Xu Yi had to take care of them.

Xu Yi immediately walked towards the extras and said to them word by word in a calm voice:"Don't think about dignity and winning or losing, just treat the scene later as your usual scene as an extra."

Xu Yi saw that the four people still had worries on their faces, he glanced around, and then began to mobilize their body memory, trying to relax them:"Don't you often play eunuchs when you are extras?"

"……It is very common."

Gou Bao drooped his face and said dejectedly:"I usually act it out, but after watching the acting of those students just now, I suddenly don't know how to act.……"

Xu Yi pondered for two seconds, and then thought of a way. He told the four people directly:"Let's do this. When we perform later, you will watch how I perform. You will perform the same way I perform."

"Does that mean if you cry, we have to cry right away?"

"That's a bit difficult..."

"We are not at that level."

Xu Yi immediately waved his hand and said:"I won't act like that, don't worry."

"????"The four extras didn't understand.

Xu Yi sighed and gave them a more straightforward explanation:"In this scene, such an exposed crying scene is not suitable."

"so——"He looked at the four people and told them again solemnly,"I won't act like that, and you don't have to worry about not being able to cry. Even if I shed a line or a few tears, you don't have to really imitate me completely. As long as the overall atmosphere is there, it's enough, and leave the rest to me."

The four people nodded frantically at Xu Yi. This last sentence finally made the four extras feel at ease. The nervous state was successfully eliminated, and they returned to their usual state of being extras.

At this time, the filming of Huangmao's scene was over. The stage manager came to Zhang Li's monitor and asked Zhang Li to call up the video of their just performance and send it to their tutor, as a fulfillment of their social practice task.

During the process of calling up the video, the monitor replayed the scene of Huangmao and the other four students acting just now.

The stage manager praised it highly:"Teacher Wang will be pleased after watching this video. He has taught a promising student again!"

The staff next to him echoed:"Yes! Especially the yellow-haired one, standing next to our leading actor, his performance is not inferior at all!"

At this time, Zhang Li, who had been staring at the screen and watching silently, spoke:"That's because our leading actor is too bad."

With one sentence, the scene was successfully quieted down.

The assistant director understood Zhang Li's thoughts best and urged him:"Let them come down quickly after the experience, and let Xu Yi and his group take over!"

As soon as the voice fell, it happened that Huang Mao and four students came over, wanting to be good in front of Director Zhang and show their faces:"Director Zhang, how did you think I performed just now?"

Zhang Li ignored him, and the assistant director stood up and said to Huang Mao unceremoniously:"It's still far from it! Xu Yi's group will be on soon, you stand aside and learn well!"

Huang Mao said"tsk" in his heart, very unhappy. He cast his eyes on Xu Yi and was very unconvinced.

I want to see what he can perform!

Xu Yi led the extras to the stage. Liu Yadong was already very unhappy that he had to audition for others. Now he saw that the person who came up was Xu Yi, and he felt even more unhappy.

He couldn't help but say something to Xu Yi:"Oh, those students' opponents turned out to be you~ Then they are definitely going to win, right?"

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