"You also saw the acting of the blond guy just now, right? Tears just flowed down his cheeks, just as they fell!"

Liu Yadong wanted to show off his power to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi looked calm, raised his head and glanced at Liu Yadong:"I saw it, his crying scene was really brilliant, it overshadowed you as the leading actor by three levels"

"you——"Liu Yadong pointed at Xu Yi angrily and almost swore.

But sensing that many people in the venue were looking at him, Liu Yadong swallowed his curse.

He turned to Xu Yi, still very angry. It can be seen that Xu Yi, on the other hand, had a calm face. He did not take him seriously at all and succeeded in making him angry, which made Liu Yadong even more unhappy.

He tried his best to calm down, and then started to sneer at Xu Yi:"I said I offered such good conditions to let you be my full-time stand-in, why didn't you do it? It turns out that you have big ambitions~ You look down on stand-ins, and you want to step into my position and be an actor yourself~ It's a nice thought!"

"Stop insulting the actors, you are at most a traffic idol, and you are the kind that can fall at any time."

When Xu Yi said this, his eyes were full of disdain.

This remark touched Liu Yadong's sore spot. He took two steps forward and stretched out his hand to grab Xu Yi's clothes.

But he was caught by the sharp-eyed and quick-handed assistant. The deputy director happened to be next to him and warned Liu Yadong, who was about to fight, with dissatisfaction:"This is a film set, not a place for you to fight. If you want to fight, use your acting skills."

Liu Yadong was reprimanded by the deputy director, calmed down, and glared at Xu Yi fiercely:"Okay, I want to see if your acting skills are up to par with your face that looks down on me!"

When the deputy director left the set, he told the staff:"Hurry up and start!"

The time that Xu Yi had gained for filming by achieving"one shot" had been almost wasted by them.

The staff maintained order on the scene and quickly clapped the board.


Liu Yadong was still immersed in his anger towards Xu Yi, so his performance at the beginning can be imagined. His crying scene for his father at the beginning was even more fake than before.

Zhang Li sat in front of the monitor, rubbing his eyebrows with his hands, looking like he could not bear it any longer. To be honest, if he didn't want to see Xu Yi's acting skills, and this scene was not included in the play, he might have stood up and scolded Liu Yadong directly.

There should be a limit to poor acting skills!

Besides, it's not just a matter of poor acting skills.

Zhang Li is an old hand, and even if he didn't see the scene where Liu Yadong and Xu Yi almost clashed, he could feel that Liu Yadong was acting with personal emotions.

This was the kind of unprofessional performance that Zhang Li hated the most.

Liu Yadong's agent next to him was terrified, and she could see that Zhang Li was very unhappy.

Afterwards, amid a burst of weeping, the old eunuch played by Xu Yi walked to the side of the prince who was kneeling in front of the spirit tablet.

Xu Yi's pace was slower than normal. It’s faster, but visually, it makes people look as if it’s accelerating.

At first, everyone didn’t quite understand it, but then everyone saw Xu Yi, with his back slightly bent, walking to the side of Liu Yadong. He walked a little unsteadily, and his movements of bending over were very slow.

As for the last movement of squatting down and leaning beside Liu Yadong, the slightly strenuous state, they felt a little familiar.

The one who was most touched was the original actor of the role of the old eunuch, who was respected by everyone as"Mr. Qi".

In today's entertainment industry, Mr. Qi is already at the level of an artist. The reason why he agreed to take on this play this time and was willing to play the role of a eunuch was because he valued the talent of director Zhang Li.

When Zhang Li invited him, he told him that there was a highlight in the play that needed him to be in charge to complete, which is the part that Xu Yi is performing now.

After reading Xu Yi's praise, Mr. Qi suddenly realized:"So that's how it is.……"

The people around were confused and asked,"What is it?"

While staring at Xu Yi, Mr. Qi explained to everyone,"If the previous student played the eunuch beside the emperor, then he plays the old eunuch beside the emperor."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone suddenly understood and exclaimed,"This performance is so delicate!"

One action has already distinguished the winner. The eunuch beside the emperor is naturally an old man, and his body movements must have an old look.

No one expected that Xu Yi, a group actor, could grasp his acting skills to this extent.

Later, when he spoke the lines, Xu Yi's performance amazed everyone.

Xu Yi did not choose an extroverted performance like Huangmao, crying as soon as he came up, but there was a long pause before he spoke the lines.

He knelt on the ground and first glanced at the tablet of the late emperor. Then he looked at Liu Yadong, who played the prince, and after a few seconds, he choked up and spoke the lines.

"Prince, please accept my condolences.……"

Xu Yi paused for two seconds, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Before the late emperor died, the person he was most concerned about was you."

Tears were still welling up in his eyes, and he almost cried several times. But every time he was about to cry, he would take another look at the tablet of the late emperor. Then he raised his head to stop the tears from falling.

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