"He certainly doesn't want... to see you crying for him like this and hurt yourself."

But when he said this last line, Xu Yi patted the prince's shoulder, his tone full of forbearance.

A line of tears fell from the right corner of Xu Yi's eye.

Liu Yadong was stunned for a long time when he saw Xu Yi's tears. He was originally immersed in his anger towards Xu Yi, but after Xu Yi's tears, he didn't know why, he felt an indescribable sadness in his chest.

He was driven by Xu Yi's emotions, and his heart didn't want to admit it, but his body had been conquered.

Liu Yadong stopped for a long time. The assistant director was about to step forward and shout to stop, but Zhang Li stopped him in time:"Don't, let them continue"

"Huh?" The assistant director didn't understand what Zhang Li meant.

"Didn't you see the look in Liu Yadong's eyes? His emotions were completely aroused by Xu Yi."

Zhang Li raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the set, and said with anticipation:"This scene is not necessary anyway, I want to see what happens next."

At this time, Liu Yadong's agent saw him in a daze on the set, and he had been in a daze for a long time.

The agent stood outside the shooting field, holding the script and gesturing desperately at Liu Yadong.

Finally, Liu Yadong regained some consciousness, and after a glance, he remembered that it was his turn to speak the lines.

He opened his mouth and said the first sentence:"Now the world falls on my shoulders alone.……"

As soon as Liu Yadong said this, he felt that he couldn't say it well. He didn't know what was going on, but he felt as if he was really a crown prince who had just lost his father and was facing the arduous task of succeeding to the throne.

He really felt the uneasy and uneasy mood.

Liu Yadong knew that this scene was the climax of the play, the most important part, and a test of his acting skills.

But unfortunately, his condition today has not been good. When he was rehearsing this scene, especially when he was speaking the lines, he couldn't find the right emotion.

But at this moment, Liu Yadong knew very clearly that he had found it, and this was the emotion he wanted.

Liu Yadong took advantage of this emotion and said all the following lines in one breath:"Now the world falls on my shoulders alone, and there is no father to help me with my advice. I looked at the people below, crying on the surface, but who knows if they are not harboring evil intentions... I always feel inexplicably terrified when I think about it." Seeing that

Liu Yadong successfully acted in the play, Xu Yi was relieved. Moreover, he saw that Liu Yadong seemed to be performing well just now.

At least it was better than Liu Yadong's performance that he usually saw. Xu Yi felt that this scene should continue.

Seeing that he paused for a long time just now, Xu Yi was worried that the director would shout"cut".

As far as he was concerned, this scene was not a formal shoot, but just an acting part for the purpose of competition. Xu Yi did not want to waste too much time.

His mood was just right now. When he was speaking the lines just now, it seemed that there were beats and dots in his head. He knew where to break and where to emphasize, and he also knew where the climax was, coordinating with the tears.

This"unparalleled acting skills" skill learned from the system is really amazing. Before, when performing as a group in a stunt scene, he only needed to do technical movements and did not need to speak lines.

At that time, Xu Yi did not have such a deep understanding. But today, when encountering this kind of plot with lines, Xu Yi discovered its power.

"At the beginning of the"action", he seemed to be in character. Not only that, Xu Yi found that he seemed to have an extra pair of eyes.

When he was acting, he could see the whole process of his acting from another side.

It seemed that in the first part, he could clearly see himself staggering and tired.

This intuitive visual feedback made it easier for him to get into the state and to adjust his acting skills reasonably.

In fact, it is easy to adjust. But Xu Yi found that with the blessing of this"unparalleled acting skills", he didn't need to adjust at all.

Just like a baby will cry when it is born, his smooth and perfect acting skills are now an instinct, as natural as breathing.

Next, Xu Yi performed the last part of his lines.

He looked up at the spirit tablet of the late emperor and comforted Liu Yadong, who played the prince. Every line was spoken with emotion.

"No. You are never alone. The spirit of the late emperor will protect you. He has devoted his efforts for more than ten years to you. He believes that you will inherit his will and secure his throne."After listening to Xu Yi's lines, Liu Yadong glanced at the old eunuch played by Xu Yi, then naturally fell to the ground and cried loudly:"Father, I am so reluctant to leave you.——"

This cry moved everyone present.

Unlike the fake crying and howling in the previous times, this time it was full of emotion, forming a sharp contrast with the previous ones.

Liu Yadong's agent's eyes lit up. He had been with Liu Yadong for nearly two years, but this was the first time he saw him perform such an acting skill, so he naturally became excited.

The agent didn't want to miss this opportunity, and hurried to Zhang Li to take credit:"Director Zhang, our Yadong was in good shape in this performance, right?"

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