Zhang Li said expressionlessly,"It's OK."

Liu Yadong's agent is a well-known veteran agent in the industry. The artists she has trained are now active in the front line.

The latest one, Liu Yadong, has only been with her for less than two years, but he has achieved his current results.

This agent is very popular in the industry, and the crew members also give her face. It may be because Liu Yadong's acting skills are really good in this scene, they began to praise him

"Really, this crying scene just now is worthy of being included in the collection of the top ten acting highlights of the year!"

"Yadong’s performance in this game was really amazing!"

"Maybe he can win the Best Actor award with this movie."


The people around him kept praising him, and Zhang Li couldn't stand it anymore:"His acting is better than before, but it's just above the normal level."

The assistant director saw that Zhang Li was going to get angry, and immediately stood up and agreed,"Yeah, what's there to brag about?"

The people around him shut their mouths instantly and dared not say a word.

At this time, the old eunuch who originally played the role of Xu Yi spoke up:"Next time, he may not have such acting skills."

This time, Zhang Li laughed when he heard it:"Mr. Qi has a unique vision. He is different from those who only look at the surface and follow the trend."

"Ha, Director Zhang, stop teasing me."

Qi smiled and waved his hand:"I was also trying to figure out how to act in this scene, and when I was observing the current actor, I found a clue."

"Oh?" Zhang Li praised with a smile,"I knew you had a keen eye and would be able to see the truth. Please reveal the truth to those of them who have been in the crew for so many years, but still act like outsiders and only look at the surface."

Old Qi waved his hands and said embarrassedly,"I dare not reveal the secret, but I saw that the reason why Yadong was in such a good state in this scene was because of the young man who played the old eunuch who was filming opposite him. He used his skillful and fluent acting skills to successfully arouse Yadong's emotions, making him feel as if he was in the scene, and he could naturally perform the character's state."

"You mean that extra?" Liu Yadong's agent was dissatisfied.

When she finally caught Liu Yadong with such outstanding acting skills, she wanted to take the opportunity to brag about her own artist, but according to what Mr. Qi said, all the credit and achievements were attributed to Xu Yi, and she was naturally unwilling.

Liu Yadong's agent curled her lips and said,"Isn't he just an extra? Is he that great?"

Zhang Li spoke directly and rejected her mercilessly:"Is there anything you can't see with your own eyes?"

Everyone followed Zhang Li's words and looked into the venue, all eyes focused on Xu Yi who was performing.

At this time, the assistant director asked Zhang Li:"Yadong's crying and performance are a bit too exaggerated, do you want to stop?"

Zhang Li waved his hand:"No, isn't this scene mainly about Xu Yi's acting skills and the four extras he brought? Don't worry about our useless male lead."

After hearing this, Liu Yadong's agent immediately lost face. Director Zhang used the strong word"waste", and she wanted to refute.

But seeing Liu Yadong's performance on the field, he was indeed crying too hard, which was not the performance of a prince of the dynasty.

The agent couldn't help but"tsk", and complained:"What's the matter? He was fine just now, but he fell apart at the last moment!"

The assistant director"snorted" and told the truth:"Xu Yi was acting with him just now to mobilize his emotions. Now everyone is crying for their own people, and he has no one to rely on, and he has returned to the attribute of poor acting."

The agent was completely silent, she knew that the assistant director was right. She could only look at her own artist who was howling on the set with resentment, feeling sorry for him.

"Xu Yi?"

Mr. Qi, who played the old eunuch, was surprised when the assistant director mentioned Xu Yi's name:"Is it the Xu Yi who performed difficult movements and acted as a stand-in for wire ropes before?"

The video of Xu Yi acting as a stand-in for wire ropes was widely circulated, and that's why almost everyone in Hengdian knew Xu Yi's name.

But in his previous wire rope dramas, Xu Yi had always been a stand-in and had not shown his face. Everyone was familiar with his name, but unfamiliar with his face.

The assistant director told Mr. Qi:"It's him."

Mr. Qi looked at Xu Yi and first praised:"This cry is very appropriate, unlike just now when there was a line of tears falling. This time, the tears were kept in his eyes, and his face was full of worry for the prince and nostalgia for the late emperor."

"It's a pity that he is not the protagonist of this scene."Otherwise, this facial expression deserves at least a 30-second close-up. I didn't expect that he can be not only a stuntman, but also an actor."


Zhang Li's eyes were full of joy, and he agreed with a smile:"I didn't expect it either."

Zhang Li looked at the monitor screen, happy from the bottom of his heart: How could there be such a perfect person in the world!

He originally didn't have such high hopes for Xu Yi's acting skills. He thought that as long as he could perform well enough, he would be willing to give him a chance to practice.

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