Zhang Li remembered that Xu Yi had asked him for a chance, and he agreed to it.

Zhang Li thought that with Xu Yi's tenacity, as long as he was in a good state of acting, he would be willing to find a role for him.

But Xu Yi's performance was really beyond his expectations, and it couldn't be described as a simple surprise.

He was born to act.

Zhang Li looked at Xu Yi's restrained but tense acting in front of the camera, and felt his blood boiling.

He hadn't been so excited for a long time. This kind of excitement, as if he had discovered a new world, only happened occasionally in the first three years of his directorship.

Zhang Li had already seen Xu Yi's acting skills, and the scene could be stopped.

He shouted"cut" and stood up and walked towards Xu Yi.

Xu Yi heard the staff clapperboard, calmed down a little, and felt the weight of a hand on his shoulder.

Xu Yi turned his head and met Zhang Li's excited face.

Zhang Li praised Xu Yi with some excitement:"How many more surprises do you have to give me?"

Xu Yi understood that it was his new acting skills that ignited Zhang Li, and he smiled happily.

Zhang Li questioned Xu Yi in a reproachful tone:"You are such a good actor, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xu Yi joked:"Didn't I tell you?"

Zhang Li also laughed:"Okay, that's not important. The important thing is that I now know that you are not only a good actor, but also a good actor."

Xu Yi seemed like an old friend of Zhang Li, and said calmly:"It's not too late to know now."

The two of them walked towards the director's studio, talking and laughing. When Zhang Li came back, he saw five students from the Film Academy standing in front of his monitor, looking eagerly.

Zhang Li was a little unhappy, and asked the assistant director and the stage manager:"When can the director's studio let in irrelevant people?"

The stage manager hesitated and said:"They insisted on waiting for you to judge the outcome of the competition just now. How can you drive them away?"

Huang Mao heard the word"drive away" a little harsh, and looked at Zhang Li unhappily and said:"I just want a fair judgment! Since you are the highest judge of acting in this group, I want to ask you for this judgment!"

Zhang Li raised his eyebrows and looked at Huang Mao:"You have finished your own performance and watched other people's performances. Who performed better? Don't you even have this judgment?"

Huang Mao and the other four students did not have this judgment. They always thought that their acting skills were better than Xu Yi and the extras.

They thought that the highlight of this scene was the crying scene, and they cried faster and longer than Xu Yi and the four extras, and their expression was better.

It was just that when watching Xu Yi's performance just now, they heard a lot of people praising Xu Yi for his good interpretation of the role. There were also a few who said it more bluntly, and directly judged that Xu Yi's acting skills crushed them.

They were not convinced, so they wanted to find the highest judge, the director of this play, Zhang Li, to make the judgment.

Zhang Li's words made them shut up:"I am very skeptical about the teaching quality of this film academy. It's okay that they don't act well, but they don't even have the ability to correctly measure their own strength. Don't worry about winning or losing here, go back to school and retake the course!"

Seeing that Zhang Li was already a little angry, the stage attendant hurried to do his work and urged the students:"Go quickly! Don't wait for Director Zhang to really get angry."

The five students stood there unwillingly, and the assistant director couldn't stand it anymore, and directly stabbed the students:"Don't blame Director Zhang for saying you! His meaning is already very clear, can't you hear it? You lost this competition. How can a eunuch cry so loudly in the memorial hall of the late emperor! The princes and ministers didn't dare to cry out loud. Do you really understand the role you are playing?"

Hearing this, the five students were stunned for a moment, and then kept silent.

Then, the assistant director added:"Your opponent just now perfectly interpreted this role. You have also seen his performance, right? I think this is the most rewarding part of your social practice this time. You should go back and experience it carefully before trying it again!"

The assistant director directly asked them to learn from Xu Yi, which was even more difficult for these students to accept than the result that just announced that they lost.

Several students were embarrassed and finally walked away.

The stagehand looked at their backs as they left and breathed a long sigh of relief:"Finally left."

The assistant director muttered to the side:"The result is so obvious, and you still have the nerve to ask! The students of this film academy are getting worse with each passing year.……"

When talking about the acting of those students, Xu Yi saw from the corner of his eye that Gou Bao and the other three extras standing beside him all looked nervous.

After those students left, Xu Yi stepped forward and asked them,"Assistant Director, our four extras did a good job just now, didn't they? Were they better than those four students from the film academy?"

The assistant director nodded and praised,"Of course! I am familiar with them, but I have no impression of what they have acted in. But from today on, I will remember that they have acted in this play with you and performed very well."

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