Xu Yi looked up and saw the owner of the beautiful legs, his girlfriend Xiaoju, holding a mobile phone with an unhappy face.

Xu Yi pulled Xiaoju over and asked quickly:"Why are you suddenly unhappy?"

Xiaoju put the phone in front of Xu Yi. Xu Yi saw that it was the page of the super topic he had just read, and he probably understood.

Then, he saw Xiaoju pouting and muttering dissatisfiedly:"Now you are famous! The TV series has not been broadcast yet, but you already have your own fan club and super topic. Your female fans want to get pregnant by listening to your voice, and want to ovulate by looking at your appearance.……"

Xu Yi smiled and held Xiao Ju on his lap:"Are you jealous?"

"No." Xiaoju turned her face away, refusing to admit it.

Xu Yi found her hypocritical look so adorable. He also couldn't bear to let Xiaoju be unhappy because of these things.

Xu Yi hugged Xiaoju and solemnly assured her:"No matter how many female fans like me, I promise that I will always like only you as before."

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Xiaoju was finally relieved and happy.

She held Xu Yi's face and kissed him on the cheek. Then she nestled into Xu Yi's arms with a satisfied look on her face.

In order to prevent Xiaoju from hearing the notification tone of Weibo and getting jealous and in a bad mood, Xu Yi turned off the sound of his phone.

While holding Xiaoju, Xu Yi checked the popularity of the system.

His popularity increased by more than 20,000 because of the Weibo announcement just now. Before Xu Yi turned off the system, he saw that the number was still changing.

This was the most popularity he had gained since he turned on the system, and Xu Yi wanted to make good use of it.

But he hasn't thought of where to use it yet, so for now. The next day

, Xu Yi, as the male lead, officially joined the crew for filming.

In the first scene, Zhang Li arranged an emotional scene for Xu Yi.

Considering that Xu Yi had been performing stunts that required physical strength and were somewhat dangerous, and he was injured again yesterday while filming the fire scene.

Zhang Li wanted Xu Yi to recuperate, so she made this decision.

Xiaoju was very happy. She didn't expect to be able to act with Xu Yi so soon.

When Xiaoju heard Xu Yi say that he wanted to join the crew and become an actor standing shoulder to shoulder with her, she thought it might be difficult. Unexpectedly, it came true so soon. He is worthy of being the man she loves. He is so capable!

Drama When the crew heard that Xu Yi was going to act in a love scene, and a major one at that, they all came over to watch.

Everyone has seen Xu Yi's skills as a stuntman and an extra. But some people are still waiting to see whether he can act well in a purely emotional scene like this.

Although the scene in which he played the role of the eunuch yesterday demonstrated Xu Yi's acting skills to a certain extent, it was a supporting role for Male N after all, and it was still a scene scene.

For a purely emotional scene like the one to be filmed today, which requires a big close-up, everyone has doubts in their hearts as to whether Xu Yi can do it.

Although everyone in the crew hates Liu Yadong and hopes to replace him as soon as possible, last night After seeing the Weibo announcement, it was confirmed that Liu Yadong was really removed and simply replaced by Xu Yi as the lead actor.

Everyone began to feel inexplicably uncertain again, as if it was a child's play.

The promotion of an extra to the male lead is unheard of in Hengdian, not to mention the entire entertainment industry.

What's more, he was brought in at the last minute, so is this okay?

Even if the director is the famous Zhang Li, it should be treated as a joke, right?

Before filming began, Xu Yi felt this questioning atmosphere. When he entered the set, he felt the focus on him, the eyes from all directions.

Xiaoju Jingyi also felt it, and she asked Xu Yi nervously:"Have you memorized the lines...? Do you need me to help you go over it again?"

Xu Yi knew that Xiaoju was worried about him and wanted to help him. He appreciated it in his heart, but how could he let his girlfriend worry about such a thing?

"No need, I have memorized it by heart."

Xu Yi smiled and shook his head, and in turn comforted Xiaoju:"Don't worry about others, just relax and act normally in a while."

""Good!" Xiaoju felt relieved when she saw Xu Yi's calm look.

She began to review her lines, thinking to herself: She knew Xu Yi's ability.

Although she did not see Xu Yi play the old eunuch scene yesterday, she heard from the staff afterwards that Xu Yi's delicate acting skills in dealing with the tears that were about to fall successfully brought tears to many people's eyes.

Later, she also watched the video of Xu Yi's acting that the staff had taken at the time. Although it was not very clear, it still moved her.

Xiaoju asked herself if her acting skills could reach Xu Yi's level.

She knew the importance of the following scene to Xu Yi. It was the first step for many staff members to recognize him as the male lead.

Xiaoju believed in Xu Yi, and what she had to work hard to do was not to hold Xu Yi back and not to affect him. His performance.

Xu Yi looked towards the director's room and saw that Zhang Li had stood up from his chair, and was ready to tell the staff to clear the area and adjust the camera.

Zhang Li looked over at him from time to time, and Xu Yi knew he was checking his status.

He was as nervous for him as Xiaoju.

Xu Yi also understood Zhang Li's purpose of arranging the first scene as an emotional scene.

Although Xu Yi does not have the desire to need recognition and conquer others, he does not like to disappoint those who are optimistic about him and care about him.

Zhang Li gave him a chance under pressure, and he would not let him down.

He must use his acting skills to help Zhang Li fight this battle beautifully.

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