The scene was quickly set up, and everyone was unusually efficient today.

Without the help of the field assistants trying to clear the scene and maintain order, everyone quickly quieted down.

The assistant director shouted"action", kicking off a new round of filming of"Jiuzhou Suizhu Zhuan".

This scene is about the prince played by Xu Yi and the foreign princess played by Xiaoju, performing a heart-wrenching drama of emotional separation.

The princess was sent to the palace as a hostage since she was a child and met the prince. The two were childhood sweethearts and gradually developed feelings. But due to their special identities, no one talked about this relationship.

This scene is about the old emperor wanting to pave the way for the prince before his death and establish friendly relations with various countries, so that after his death, the prince can sit in his position more firmly.

Therefore, the old emperor decided to send back all the hostages sent by various countries as a gesture of friendship.

Before the princess left, she mustered up the courage to confess to the prince, hoping to get the prince's retention. But the prince knew that there would be no result between the two of them due to their identities, and could not respond to the princess's confession.

On the other hand, he really loved the princess and wanted her to be truly happy. He remembered that since he knew the princess when he was a child, he had always heard her say that her greatest wish was to go home and be with her parents, brothers and sisters.

At that time, his father was dying, and many people in the court were eyeing him and the throne of their family. He had no time to deal with his own feelings, and he didn't want to involve the princess in this treacherous struggle.

The prince played by Xu Yi had to pretend to be ruthless to the princess, let her give up, and let her go with peace of mind.

The opening scene was the princess played by Xiaoju confessing to Xu Yi, saying that she had loved him for many years and wanted to be with him.

Perhaps because the actor was Xu Yi, Xiaoju was very good at confessing her lines and her emotions were easy to put in place.

Then it was Xu Yi's turn to pretend to be ruthless and say a word of rejection.

He first changed the subject and said to Xiaoju:"I remember that you have always longed to return to your hometown to be with your parents and brothers. Now your wish can finally come true, you should be happy."

This paragraph is an indirect rejection of the prince.

After saying this, in fact, the princess played by Xiaoju and the audience can already see the attitude of the prince.

Xu Yi's handling of emotions in this section is particularly important. Emotions should neither be too deliberate nor too full.

When he spoke, his tone was as light as possible, but through his tightly clenched fists and his fear of looking directly at Ju Jingyi, he could contrast his uneasy heart.

However, these details and actions, in the eyes of laymen, are not very clear.

But in the eyes of a professional director like Zhang Li, it is very different.

In the director's studio, Zhang Li used a walkie-talkie to remotely control a camera to capture a close-up of Xu Yi's right hand, and another camera to capture a close-up of Xu Yi's face.

These are very valuable close-ups, which well express the emotions of this character at the moment.

And this emotion is exactly what Zhang Li wants. He naturally doesn't want to miss it.

Previously, Liu Yadong's performance as the prince was too extroverted. This made this layered male protagonist too simple and weakened the dramatic tension that his character should have.

Now Xu Yi's handling of the character is restrained and deep, successfully giving this character a soul.

How could a prince who is tied to the fate of the country and has a legendary life experience have a simple personality like a Husky?

Seeing Xu Yi's performance in this part, Zhang Li was very satisfied and felt that it was a very correct choice to remove Liu Yadong and replace him as the male lead.

And this performance was just a small test of Xu Yi's skills and he was adjusting his state. The following performance, which is also the climax of this emotional drama, is when Xu Yi showed his real skills and exerted his system skills to the extreme.

The princess played by Xiaoju saw that the prince played by Xu Yi deliberately avoided her confession. She asked the prince to tell her in person that he did not love her, and she was willing to give up and leave.

At this time, another perspective appeared in Xu Yi's body. With the birth of another perspective, he seemed to be split into two people.

One person is the embodiment of reason, responsible for rationally considering the overall situation and calmly rejecting the princess played by Xiaoju; the other is the embodiment of emotion, full of sensibility, full of unwillingness and reluctance to the princess and this unfulfilled love.

Xu Yi looked at Xiaoju with a calm face, and said word by word:"I don't love you. It's better to say... I have never loved you."

This line, every breakpoint of Xu Yi, and the distinction between the importance and urgency of each word, perfectly show his emotional expression.

Just from this line, even without watching the picture, the audience can feel Xu Yi's conflicting emotions.

Coupled with Xu Yi's facial expressions and subtle body language, his acting skills simply brought this contradictory state to life. The staff on the scene were stunned. There was actually someone who could easily express such a contradictory and complex state in one line, and so well.

They finally saw what a genius is.

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