Hearing Zhang Li shout"cut", the crew members seemed to wake up from a dream.

When they came back to their senses, they looked at Xiaoju who was still squatting and crying on the set, and everyone automatically burst into applause.

It was really wonderful.

This kind of performance that put them in the spotlight, as if they were actually there. Many staff members have worked in Hengdian for many years, but this is the first time they have encountered it.

Looking back now, it still feels amazing.

They thank Xu Yi for giving them such a wonderful and wonderful experience.

Xu Yi easily captured the hearts of the staff with just this one scene.

He was able to perform more layers in such a difficult emotional scene. All the crew members were convinced by Xu Yi.

Zhang Li walked into the set excitedly. When he walked to Xu Yi, Xu Yi had already stood up and sorted out his emotions.

Seeing Zhang Li coming over, Xu Yi asked him nervously:"I added a little bit at the end of the previous segment without authorization... If you think it doesn't fit the plot or there is something wrong with the performance, I can do another one."

Xu Yi had memorized the script for this segment very well. Although he drank a lot of wine yesterday and spent a long time with Xiaoju at night, he didn't have much time to memorize the script.

But with the blessing of this"unparalleled acting skills", Xu Yi found that he was also like a fish in water when reading the script. Not only can he read ten lines at a glance, but he can also remember everything he saw.

When Xu Yi read the script, those lines were automatically converted into scenes in his mind. His performance on the set just now was actually a scene re-enactment. He was very confident in his acting skills, but he knew that he had just performed a performance that was not in the script at the end.

That was not the acting guidance that Xu Yi saw when he was reading the script yesterday, but when he was performing just now, he suddenly saw such a scene from another perspective, and Xu Yi followed it.

He believed that the system could point him in a more perfect direction.

But Xu Yi also heard about Zhang Li's character. He hated actors who did not respect the play and made unauthorized modifications or secondary processing.

He was the kind of serious type who did not allow actors to add or subtract a word in the lines without authorization.

Although Xu Yi did not make any changes to the lines, he still created and played on the original script. He was a little worried that Zhang Li would be unhappy.

However, Zhang Li responded to Xu Yi with a round of applause.

Zhang Li did not hesitate to praise Xu Yi and said to him,"I came here to tell you that your performance just now was really wonderful, especially the improvisation at the end."

"There is absolutely no need for another one. Your performance just now was already perfect and exceeded my expectations."

"I used to hate actors adding their own material, which would make the script feel awkward. But the performance you just added made me feel that it should be like this. I even said that if it wasn’t performed like this, I would feel that the latter part was too thin and couldn’t support the strong emotional atmosphere of the previous part."

Finally, Zhang Li praised Xu Yi's addition of the scene:"There is nothing wrong with your handling just now! Otherwise, I might have to modify the plot later."

"I hope you don't blame me for taking the initiative." Xu Yi replied happily.

Trusting the system is indeed correct.

Driven by Zhang Li's applause, the crew members once again gave Xu Yi a round of praise.

With this scene, Xu Yi was completely recognized by the entire crew.

Zhang Li patted Xu Yi on the shoulder, unable to hide his excitement:"Young man, do a good job. This year's award ceremony, I, Zhang Li, will reserve a seat for you."

"Thank you Director Zhang, I will do my best!"

With Zhang Li's words, Xu Yi knew what to do.

At this time, Xu Yi saw Xiao Di running over in a hurry:"Xu——"

Xiaodi was talking halfway when he saw Zhang Li talking to Xu Yi, so he swallowed his words.

Zhang Li knew that Xiaodi was Xiaoju's assistant, and thinking of Xu Yi's identity as Xiaoju's agent, he guessed that there was something urgent to discuss, so he left tactfully.

Xu Yi also saw Xiaodi's anxiety, and after Zhang Li left, he asked Xiaodi:"What's wrong?"

Xiaodi pulled him and walked towards Xiaoju, explaining as he walked:"Xiaoju is crying so sadly, as her boyfriend, you should do something quickly and comfort her!"

""Why is she crying?" Xu Yi asked with concern.

Xiao Di smiled awkwardly and helplessly. He didn't tell Xu Yi directly, but just said to him:"Why is she crying...you will know when you go over there."

Xu Yi walked over and saw Xiao Ju crying on the back of the chair. Tears flowed like running water, and her beautiful eyes were a little swollen from crying.

The problem was a bit serious, and Xu Yi was on guard.

But when Xu Yi understood the situation and knew the reason why Xiao Ju cried like this, he couldn't help but"puff" and laughed unkindly.

Xu Yi touched Xiao Ju's head and comforted her:"Silly, what you just did was acting, not real. I didn't break up with you, nor did I stop loving you."

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