"I know, but when I think of the scene just now, I feel very uncomfortable."

Xiao Ju said aggrievedly, and was about to pounce on Xu Yi, but was stopped by the alert Xiao Di with his fat body.

Xiao Di reminded Xiao Ju in horror:"Sister, we are in the crew now, and countless eyes are staring at you two male and female protagonists. Have you forgotten what the studio told you? You are not allowed to make your relationship public now!"

Xiao Ju pouted and became more and more unhappy. Xiao Di asked Xu Yi for help with his eyes, and Xu Yi started a second round of comfort.

Although his male thinking still doesn't quite understand Xiao Ju's crying point. But he thinks Xiao Ju's crying is beautiful and cute, much more charming than the forbearing crying when performing in front of the camera just now.

Xu Yi didn't want Xiao Ju to be seen like this in front of more people, and was also worried that she would cry too long and arouse suspicion from others.

In fact, Xiao Ju's current excessive emotions have already aroused suspicion.

In the waiting area, several female supporting actors gathered together, watching Xiao Ju crying over there, and began to gossip and complain

"Is Xiaoju still crying?"

"Do you have to be so sad?"

"When did you become so dedicated and into the role to this extent?"

At this time, Jian Wen, who played the second female role, spoke up:"I don't think it's because of dedication, right? It's true that you're into the role. If I had such a handsome and affectionate boyfriend who broke up with me, I'm afraid I would cry to death."

"Hey, Sister Wen——"

The two supporting actresses saw Jian Wen talking and kept looking at Xu Yi with an obsessed look on their faces, and began to tease her.

"You are not in love with Xu Yi, are you?"

Jian Wen quickly denied with a smile:"No, don't talk nonsense. I just want to die in his tender eyes, I mean in the play."

The female supporting role next to her echoed:"That's easy! You are the second female lead, and you have a lot of rival scenes with him, the male lead!"

Another female supporting role teased:"Didn't you always want him but couldn't get him in the play? I hope you don't want him outside the play anymore.~"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" Jian Wen interrupted the two.

When the other two female partners saw Jian Wen talking, their eyes still unconsciously drifted towards Xu Yi, pretending to say:"Okay, Sister Wen, if you are not interested in him. I will go to Xu Yi to ask for his contact information later, while he is still single!"

"Well, I'll go get one too. Look at our heroine, she's almost sticking to him. She's probably also attracted to Xu Yi, I have to hurry up"

"No need to wait for the show to air, I think the young ladies in the crew are all eager to make a move on him"

"If you don't take the initiative, you'll have nothing."

This time, Jian Wen withdrew her gaze from Xu Yi and interrupted them angrily:"Don't get involved, I haven't got his contact information yet!"

"Hehehe! I knew Sister Wen must have fallen for Xu Yi, but she's too embarrassed to admit it!"

"But you don't have to be embarrassed! Xu Yi's looks are loved by all women, right?"

"Although he is just a newcomer now, you can see his acting skills and the high hopes that Director Zhang has for him. In less than a year, I believe he will be able to become a top star."

Jian Wen looked at Xu Yi with peach blossoms in her eyes and said in agreement:"For someone like him who is good-looking and has good acting skills, it is only right for him to become famous."

Since then, Jian Wen's eyes have been following Xu Yi.

Xu Yi didn't pay much attention to the fact that his looks have attracted many women's attention since he was a child.

He has long been numb.

Moreover, since he arrived in Hengdian and started to perform as an extra, he has always been the focus of attention.

Not to mention the eyes of women, even the eyes of men are locked on him.

For example, now, his number one fanboy Gou Bao and the extras who joined under his care have been watching Xu Yi's acting. Today

Zhang Li arranged all literary plays for Xu Yi, and in the afternoon, he and Xiao Ju will play against each other.

This scene is different from the one in the morning. It takes place in the ambiguous stage when the two have a good impression of each other, and both are relatively sweet scenes of getting along. In this scene,

Xu Yi, as the prince, is teaching Xiao Ju, a foreign princess, to write Chinese characters. Xu Yi teaches Xiao Ju how to hold a pen, stands behind her, and holds Xiao Ju's hand.

Looking at this scene, Gou Bao couldn't help but sigh again:"Ah~ I feel that they are a good match no matter how I look at it! My master and Xiao Ju are really a good match!"

Several of Xu Yi's new extras were nodding in agreement.

But soon, a few discordant voices appeared:"Don't be ridiculous! Yesterday you said that the call Xu Yi received was from Xiaoju."

Gou Bao stood up to defend himself:"That's not what I said, I heard it from others"

"Even if you didn't say it, I think you take it seriously!"

"How could Xiaoju’s boyfriend be Xu Yi?"

"Even if he is not a second-generation rich, he should at least be a popular young actor or movie star like Liu Yadong, right?"

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