"What kind of rubbish is Liu Yadong? How can he be compared with my master!"

Gou Bao was eager to protect his master, and when he heard someone say that Xu Yi was not as good as Liu Yadong, he immediately became unhappy:"Although my master has not become a movie emperor yet, it is only a matter of time before his acting skills become great! Didn't you see Director Zhang praising my master again this morning?"

"Two different things. His acting is good, but he can't be Xiaoju's boyfriend!"

The extra next to him said indignantly:"A fairy like Xiaoju, who is not worldly, will not fall in love."

Gou Bao knew that the extra who spoke was an avid fan of Xiaoju, and he reminded him coldly:"Haha, even if you don't fall in love, he won't be yours."

The extra felt embarrassed and said casually:"It belongs to everyone, everyone!"

——Everyone's head belongs to my master!

Gou Bao thought so in his heart, but he was too lazy to care about those people who were full of sour words, and focused on watching Xu Yi's acting.

When Xu Yi finished this scene, it was time for the crew to have dinner in the evening.

Gou Bao went to the staff to get Xu Yi's lunch box, and ran to give it to Xu Yi. In addition to being an extra in the crew, he also works part-time as Xu Yi's assistant.

Xu Yi kept telling him that it was not necessary, but Gou Bao insisted.

A fanboy should act like a fanboy.

Xu Yi had no choice but to let him do it.

When Xu Yi took the lunch box and ate with Gou Bao, Jian Wen came to Xu Yi with two boxes of food.

Xu Yi looked up at Jian Wen in surprise, and thought for three seconds before remembering that she was the actress who played the second female lead and had a scene with him in the afternoon.

Jian Wen pointed to the position on the left side of Xu Yi, looked at Xu Yi and asked,"Is there no one here?"

Xu Yi nodded hesitantly.

Jian Wen lifted her confident long hair, stared at Xu Yi charmingly and said,"Then I'll sit here~"

After sitting down, Jian Wen handed a bowl of soup to Xu Yi and said with concern,"The weather is a bit dry today. I just asked my assistant to buy two bowls of lotus seed and white fungus soup. It's heat-clearing and moisturizing. You should drink some too.""

"No thanks." Xu Yi pushed the bowl of soup back in front of Jian Wen.

He felt that it was a bit too unkind to refuse to have dinner with the crew. But he didn't know Jian Wen well, and they couldn't even be considered acquaintances now. Xu

Yi felt that they were not that close to each other when eating the food she gave him.

Jian Wen was a little anxious when she saw Xu Yi reject her:"I specially asked my assistant to buy two bowls for me, and this one is specially for you... I would be sad if you don't want it."

Xu Yi still didn't move.

This was not a reason to persuade him.

From childhood to adulthood, many women gave him food because of his face. He wanted to eat from all of them, wouldn't he become a 200-pound fat man?

Seeing Xu Yi indifferent, Jian Wen felt a little embarrassed. She no longer forced the lotus seed soup on her, and quietly pushed the soup aside.

But the embarrassment only lasted for a brief moment, and Jian Wen became more and more courageous.

She leaned towards Xu Yi, with half of her chest almost touching Xu Yi's arm.

Xu Yi smelled a slightly pungent rose perfume at the tip of his nose, and subconsciously moved his body to the right.

Jian Wen still refused to give up. She tilted her head and kept looking at Xu Yi with a teasing look. Her voice was also full of ambiguity:"Hey~ The mustard greens in your lunch box look delicious. I want to try it.……"

As she spoke, Jian Wen extended her chopsticks towards Xu Yi's lunch box.

But before the chopsticks reached the mustard greens, they were stopped by another pair of chopsticks.

Xu Yi only reacted when he saw the two pairs of chopsticks crossed together.

Then, he turned around and saw Xiao Ju who appeared out of nowhere.

At this time, Gou Bao had been squeezed aside and obediently gave up his seat on the other side of Xu Yi.

Xiao Ju took her own nutritious lunch box and sat on the right side of Xu Yi.

She held the lunch box in front of Jian Wen and said with a smile:"Sister Wen, there are also mustard greens in my nutritious meal. Do you want some?"

Jian Wen's face turned black and she immediately took back the chopsticks.

Xiao Ju generously took Xu Yi's arm and pulled Xu Yi towards her.

At this moment, Gou Bao, who was squeezed aside, was stunned by this development.

Xiao Ju ignored Jian Wen's black face next to her and extended her chopsticks into Xu Yi's lunch box, saying to Xu Yi coquettishly:"My nutritious meal has no taste at all, I want to eat yours."

Then, the familiar scene just now happened again above Xu Yi's lunch box.

This time, it was Jian Wen who reached out with her chopsticks and stopped Xiao Ju.

Jian Wen said unhappily,"Only the officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps? You drove others away with a clear conscience, but now you are doing this yourself. Even if you are the heroine in the play, you can't bully others like this, right?"

Xiao Ju said righteously,"I am not bullying others, I am exercising my legitimate rights!"

"What legitimate rights do you have?"

Jian Wen reminded Xiao Ju disdainfully:"Don't think that he and you are a couple in the play, but also outside the play!"

"This is not what I thought."Xiao Ju leaned her head on Xu Yi's shoulder and announced without any reservation:"No matter in or out of the play, we are a couple."

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