Jian Wen opened her eyes wide, looked at Xiao Ju in surprise and asked,"What did you say?"

Xiao Ju took Xu Yi's arm, and said to Jian Wen generously,"I am Xu Yi's girlfriend."

At this time, Xiao Di had just finished her work and ran to find Xiao Ju. When she heard Xiao Ju's announcement, she almost couldn't breathe.

Gou Bao even thought he was hallucinating. Although he always felt that his master Xu Yi and Xiao Ju were a perfect match, he didn't expect things to progress so quickly. They really are a pair! But after knowing that his conjecture was true, Gou Bao was so happy that he forgot his last name and immediately ran to the gathering place of the extras on the set.

Jian Wen glanced at Xu Yi and didn't say anything to refute. There was also doting in his eyes when he looked at Xiao Ju.

She looked at Xiao Ju again, leaning against Xu Yi with a little bird-like posture. Jian Wen said nothing more and turned away angrily.

Before she walked away, Xiao Di came over angrily and complained to Xiao Ju,"Dear, how could you be so impulsive to make your relationship public just now?"

"What else? You want me to watch her openly flirt with Xu Yi?" Xiao Ju pouted and said unhappily,"Besides, I've wanted to make it public for a long time."

"I understand, I understand you!" Xiaodi follows Xiaoju, and is not only her most capable assistant, but also her best friend.

She naturally knows Xiaoju's feelings for Xu Yi, and can fully imagine her unhappy mood just now.

When Liu Yadong was the male lead before, he occasionally harassed Xiaoju. Xiaodi heard Xiaoju complaining all the time about when she could make her relationship with Xu Yi public.

Later, Xiaodi learned that Xiaoju had announced her relationship with Xu Yi in front of Liu Yadong to avoid Xu Yi's misunderstanding.

The incident happened suddenly at the time, and Xiaoju acted first and reported later, so Xiaodi didn't say much.

But as a staff member around Xiaoju, considering Xiaoju's identity as an idol actress and the situation this time, Xiaodi still couldn't help reminding her:"Jian Wen is different from male stars like Liu Yadong. If Liu Yadong fails to pursue you, he will not expose his shortcomings and expose your relationship with Xu Yi."

"But Jian Wen is different. She is a well-known big mouth in the entertainment industry. She got humiliated by you this time, so why doesn't she go around spreading the news about you and Xu Yi?"

"Just publicize it!" Xiaoju pouted and said fearlessly,"I'm afraid she won't do it! It's just right to let everyone know about the relationship between Xu Yi and me."

Seeing that Xiaoju had lost her mind, Xiaodi could only turn to Xu Yi and say,"Why didn't you stop her and persuade her?"

Xu Yi smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Could he persuade her?

Besides, in the situation just now, if he pulled Xiaoju, wouldn't she think he had other thoughts?

However, under the circumstances just now, Xu Yi didn't think about these things. He was just a little surprised to see Xiaoju's fighting spirit. It was the first time that Xu Yi saw Xiaoju confronting someone seriously. It was even more attractive than her jealous pouting last night.

He was so fascinated that he forgot to speak.

Xiaodi sighed and said to Xiaoju and Xu Yi,"Anyway... you guys be careful."

Xu Yi nodded at her, but Xiaoju obviously didn't care.

She even felt a little resentful towards Xiaodi and the studio. She thought that if she didn't make their relationship public, Xu Yi might be coveted by some bad-hearted woman.

Xiaoju was struggling with how to discuss the disclosure with Xu Yi.

But soon, the situation developed and Xiaoju didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Xiaodi received a WeChat message from another staff member of Xiaoju's studio, asking her:"Sister Di, has Xiaoju made public the fact that she has a boyfriend?"

Xiaodi felt a chill down her spine and her hair stood on end:"No...why are you asking that?"

"Go check out the crew’s WeChat group! Everyone in the crew knows about this now!"

"What?"Xiao Di was so scared that his hands trembled and he almost dropped his phone.

Xiao Di panicked and checked the WeChat group, and then he found that everyone in the crew was discussing Xiao Ju and Xu Yi.

"This one is called Goubao……"

Xiaodi saw that the most frequently appearing name in the crew’s WeChat group was the account name"Gou Bao", and the screen was full of words like"Gou Bao said…Gou Bao said"……"

Xiao Di frowned and asked,"Is it the extras that were here just now?"

Xu Yi understood the cause and effect relationship as soon as he heard it.

He walked towards the extras and saw Gou Bao standing in the middle of the crowd, vividly describing the Shura scene he had just witnessed.

"I was right, Xiaoju is my master's girlfriend! Xiaoju admitted it herself, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Jian Wen came over to hang out with my master during dinner. The way she looked at my master was full of flirtatious eyes... She definitely had feelings for my master!"

"The goddess must have noticed that she was planning something bad to my master and wanted to protect her position as the legal wife, so she announced the relationship on the spot!"

"My master is really popular with women, he is worthy of being my master! He is so outstanding in every aspect~"

"Hehe, I want to be like him too!"

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