During the period when Gou Bao was telling the story, many people also raised doubts, but he was also working hard to describe it.

Until someone ran over and asked Jian Wen recklessly, seeing Jian Wen's sour face, not willing to answer the question, and angrily drove away the questioner.

Seeing Jian Wen's attitude, everyone finally believed Gou Bao's words.

When Xu Yi arrived, Gou Bao's loud speaker had almost finished broadcasting, and it was useless for him to stop him. When

Gou Bao saw Xu Yi coming, he automatically shut up.

Xu Yi knew that Gou Bao was dedicated to protecting himself, and didn't want to blame him for anything.

The problem now is the attitude of the studio and the crew. Xu Yi has never been opposed to the fact that he and Xiao Ju made their relationship public. He was just worried that it would affect Xiao Ju's future.

Afterwards, Xiao Di conveyed the studio's opinion, and the senior management of the studio changed their words. They only asked them to handle the public matters in the crew in a low-key manner and not bring negative effects to the two of them and the studio.

The studio was too lazy to ask about the details of the public disclosure. They just told them that it was better not to expand the exposure of the relationship, which meant not to let more people know.

But the studio's top executives also saw Xiaoju's attitude and knew that they couldn't control it even if they wanted to.

Think about it, Xiaoju is also at the age of dating, and Xu Yi is from their studio. Now he is doing well and has no bad love history.

Even if it is made public, there should be no negative impact, and he will probably receive a lot of blessings.

The studio also let it go.

The crew is the fastest place to spread gossip and romance.

Xiaoju and Xu Yi's relationship soon became known to everyone in the crew.

Finally, it finally reached Zhang Li's ears.

Zhang Li used the power of the chief director to suppress the matter. He asked the crew not to announce the relationship between Xu Yi and Xiaoju on the Internet.

At least not during the filming.

After hearing this, the colleagues in the publicity department also strongly agreed. They were all eager to try, thinking that when the show was about to be released, they would use Xu Yi and Xiaoju's relationship to hype it up.

Wouldn't this publicity topic and ratings come?

Zhang Li ignored it. He just didn't want Xu Yi to be pushed to the forefront of the Internet at this time. It was just announced yesterday that he had become the male lead.

Although the response to this incident was very positive online, there were still some discordant and questioning voices.

Zhang Li has been in this industry for a long time and is very sensitive to such things. He knew that if Xu Yi and Xiao Ju's relationship was exposed at this time, Xu Yi might face more doubts.

This is also what Xiao Ju's studio is worried about.

Hearing Zhang Li's order prohibiting all crew members from leaking information, Xu Yi immediately understood Zhang Li's intentions and went to thank Zhang Li in person:"Director Zhang, thank you, I know you are doing this for my own good. And this matter... has caused you trouble."

Zhang Li waved his hand indifferently:"Nothing. I just don't want these irrelevant fishing reels to ruin a good actor, and I, Zhang Li, don't need this method to hype my own drama."

Xu Yi's gratitude to Zhang Li was beyond words:"I know you value me... So, I have to thank you even more!"

Zhang Li smiled at Xu Yi, gossiping for the first time, and said to him:"I want to congratulate you!"

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment:"Congratulations to me?"

Zhang Li smiled and continued to congratulate:"Xiao Ju is good! After filming this week's drama, I changed my view of this little girl. I originally thought that such a delicate little girl, who is a popular idol and is used to being praised by others, would have many hypocritical habits when filming! Unexpectedly, she is completely different from Liu Yadong. She is very hardworking, has a positive outlook, and good acting skills."

"Later, seeing her high level of accomplishment as an actress, I wondered if she would be like other female stars, looking for rich men and taking shortcuts."

At this point, Zhang Li looked at Xu Yi and breathed a sigh of relief:"Now that I see that he has chosen you, I think you are a good girl with vision and worth cherishing."

Xu Yi smiled and nodded in agreement at Zhang Li:"Yes, I know."

How could he not know the good of Xiaoju?

The good of his little fairy is far more than what Zhang Li said. Xu Yi knew more, and he would naturally cherish her.

The storm of Xu Yi and Xiaoju exposing their relationship in the crew came to an end for the time being.

With Zhang Li's regulations, the studio and Xu Yi were very relieved.

Xiaoju was very happy that she could stick to Xu Yi openly in and out of the play.

Anyway, everyone in the crew already knew it.

That afternoon, Xiaoju's two best friends Xiao Yan and Yu Lang, who she made while filming"The Legend of the New White Snake", came to visit the crew.

Xiaoju's scenes happened to be concentrated in the daytime that day, so Zhang Li gave Xiaoju a day off in the evening. He allowed her and her two besties to leave the crew and have a good time together. The publicity staff of the crew took the opportunity to ask Xiaoju to post a Weibo about her bestie's visit to the set to help promote"Jiuzhou Suizhu Zhuan".

Xiaoju used this as a condition to ask the crew to give Xu Yi a day off and go out for food with them.

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