"It's just a love relationship, there's no need to be so pushy, right?"

Xiao Ju retracted her gaze, her face flushed, feeling a little embarrassed by what her two besties said.

Seeing her sweet look, Yu Lang said with emotion:"Girls really can't be kept when they grow up~ When we were filming before, I felt that you were a fairy who was not in touch with the world! Now you are a little woman immersed in love."

Xiao Yan added fuel to the fire:"Before long, you might be a newlywed young lady!"

"How can it be so easy? For a female star like Xiaoju, it's not possible to get married whenever she wants! Can't you see that it's not allowed to make relationships public now?"

Xiaoju sighed when Yu Lang mentioned"public relationship".

Although the studio's attitude towards this matter has been much more relaxed than before, Xiaoju can feel that the studio's top management still doesn't want her to announce her relationship so quickly.

She knows that the studio is thinking about her career, and as an artist of the studio, she also has to consider the interests of the studio.

But she really wants to be able to hold Xu Yi's hand and go out openly one day, and doesn't want to go on like this.

Seeing Xiaoju's sudden loss, Yu Lang leaned over and asked,"What's wrong, are you anxious? Do you really want to get married so much?"

Xiaoju did not hide her words,"Yes, I am anxious! But now the studio does not allow public relationships, and we are still filming, how is it possible?"

"My God, you still want to get married now?"

Xiao Yan and Yu Lang were surprised and said,"Aren't you too impatient?"

"If I don't hurry up, my boyfriend will be seduced by another bad woman!" Xiao Ju said worriedly.

Xiao Yan and Yu Lang had a lot of questions in their heads:"???"

"What bad woman?"

"Someone hooked up with Xu Yi?"

Xiao Ju nodded, then said angrily:"Jian Wen, the second female lead in our drama, had tried to get close to Xu Yi before. I discovered it early and revealed my identity in time.……"

"That Jian Wen?"

Xiao Ju nodded again

"Well, she is... famous for being wild and dangerous."

Xiao Ju nodded heavily and continued:"There are other actresses and some female staff members. I know they are also interested in Xu Yi."

Xiao Yan thought with his chin in his hand:"Indeed, Xu Yi's face. In addition, he is now valued by Director Zhang. He is expected to be successful in the near future. It really drives women crazy."

Xiao Ju supported her small chin with her hand and said sadly:"Yes, when the play is released, Xu Yi will definitely be a big hit. By then, I am really afraid that he will be snatched away by someone else."……"

"……That's right." The two girlfriends thought about it and felt that Xiaoju's worries were not unreasonable.

Xiaoju made a determined gesture:"When this play is over, even if I can't get married, I must apply to the company to make the relationship public."

Hearing Xiaoju say this, Yu Lang asked her:"I always forgot to ask you, what does Xu Yi's family do?"

Xiaoju thought about it and replied:"I didn't ask in detail, it seems to be an ordinary family."

Xiaoju thought about the first time she met Xu Yi, he was dressed very ordinary, not like a rich man.

Later, she accompanied Xu Yi to the foreign trade company where he worked to resign. The scale was not large either. She knew that Xu Yi was an ordinary employee in the company.

Xiaoju thought of these and speculated that Xu Yi should be the child of an ordinary family.

Usually, he was seen working diligently in the crew, willing to work hard, and not afraid of hardship. These are not the qualities of rich children.

After hearing this, Yu Lang frowned slightly:"Ordinary family... I think at least an ordinary rich second generation!"

Xiaoju was unhappy when she heard it:"What's good about the rich second generation! The rich second-generations who pursued me before were all idle and arrogant! I was so fed up with it! Unlike Xu Yi, who is talented and willing to work hard, he makes people feel safe."

"Yes, yes, I got it, miss!" Yu Lang quickly apologized to Xiaoju,"Your Xu Yi is good in every way, I agree with this."

However, at this point, Yu Lang changed the subject:"But marriage is different from dating, you can't be blind. Marriage requires a material foundation. Xu Yi's family is an ordinary family, and now his career is just starting. Can he afford to buy a house in the capital?"

Xiaoju thought about it, and said without confidence:"Probably not for the time being.……"

The filming of this drama has not been completed yet, and they have not received their salary yet. Even if they get the salary for this drama, let alone Xu Yi's salary alone. Even if the two of them are added together, I am afraid it is not enough to buy a house in the imperial capital.

But Xiaoju remembered the promise Xu Yi made to her before, saying"Leave the matter of buying a car and a house to him, he will work hard to gain a foothold in the imperial capital and give her a bright future". Xiaoju believes in Xu Yi and tells Yu Lang confidently:"Xu Yi said that I don't have to worry about the RV. I believe he has the ability to do it!"

At this moment, Xu Yi had just paid the bill and stood at a table not far behind them.

Hearing Xiaoju say this in a firm tone, Xu Yi was very moved.

His little fairy trusts him very much, and at this stage, it can be regarded as blind trust.

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