In fact, Xu Yi had already heard what Xiao Ju's two best friends had said when they asked him about his family situation.

To avoid embarrassment to the three of them, Xu Yi did not walk over, but stood not far away, listening to their conversation silently.

At the table, Yu Lang and Xiao Yan saw that Xiao Ju was so confident in Xu Yi, and they did not know what to say. They just stated their position:"We also believe that Xu Yi has the ability, but you may have to wait for a while. We are just afraid that you will suffer with him during this period.……"

Xiaoju interrupted them immediately and said,"I'm not afraid of hardship as long as I can be with Xu Yi!"

The two girlfriends couldn't listen any more:"I was wrong, I shouldn't talk about this topic, and I've given you another chance to show off your affection in disguise."

At this time, Xu Yi saw that the three of them had almost finished talking, and walked back to his seat.

Seeing Xu Yi coming back, the three of them immediately changed the topic and began to talk about the latest popular clothing and the new lipstick colors launched by various brands.

After eating for less than half an hour, everyone left the hot pot restaurant and got on the nanny car. The car first sent Xiao Yan and Yu Lang home, and then sent Xu Yi and Xiaoju back to the hotel of the crew.

When they arrived at the hotel, it was almost 11 o'clock. Xiaoju had a lot of fun with her two girlfriends, and she was a little tired.

She returned to the hotel room, took a shower and lay down directly on the bed.

Xu Yi watched her fall asleep, and then carefully avoided the paparazzi outside and secretly left her room.

When leaving, Xu Yi turned off the lights in the room for Xiaoju. Before turning off the lights, he saw Xiaoju lying on the bed, with a slightly tired profile.

Thinking of the conversation between her and her two best friends that he heard in the hot pot restaurant tonight, Xu Yi felt a little uncomfortable.

The crew has been busy catching up with the progress recently. He and Xiaoju have been arranged to perform many scenes every day. They all leave early and return late.

Xu Yi watched Xiaoju running back and forth between the hotel and the crew. There were many paparazzi squatting outside the hotel and Hengdian.

Many times, he and Xiaoju could not move freely. This added to Xiaoju's burden.

Xu Yi could completely understand Xiaoju's behavior of sticking to him today.

They had very little time together, and under such intensive filming, their bodies were always in a state of excessive fatigue.

After all, the hotel's conditions were limited, and there were many people and eyes. If the two could have their own little nest...

Xu Yi thought that Xiaoju should be able to rest more comfortably every night, and the two of them would be more relaxed when they wanted to meet.

Xu Yi glanced at his account. Last week, he sold the stock he had bought before. Now, including the principal and profit, there are more than 30 million on the card.

This stock could have risen even more, but Xu Yi is now the lead actor in"Jiuzhou·Suizhu Chuan", and his workload is many times greater than expected, and his working hours are uncertain.

He cannot take care of stock trading such as watching the market, buying, and selling at the same time.

You must know that if you want to make money in the stock market steadily, the time of buying and selling must be accurate. Otherwise, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

So a week ago, Xu Yi simply sold all the stocks on hand in his free time.

But Xu Yi's judgment that he would get rich by stock trading and buy a car and a house in the imperial capital would not be wrong.

After hearing the conversation between Xiaoju and her two girlfriends today, Xu Yi felt that he had to speed up the process of this matter.

So, he used all the popularity points he had gained in recent times, about more than 50,000, to learn"Stock Mastery" and learned stock trading skills to the world's top level.

But considering his heavy filming tasks in the future, he still couldn't handle stock trading, so he needed to find a helper.

So, the next morning, Xu Yi showed his"unparalleled acting skills". Every scene was passed in one take, and the morning shooting ended early.

Before noon, Xu Yi arrived at the nearest stock trading company to Hengdian.

Xu Yi did not want to be photographed by paparazzi, nor did he want to be seen by the crew. When he went out, he wore a hat, sunglasses and a mask, fully armed. When he entered the stock trading company, the two receptionists were nervous at first when they saw Xu Yi dressed like this and did not dare to come forward.

However, when Xu Yi took off his sunglasses, hat and mask, revealing his handsome face, the two receptionists stood up from their seats and vied to introduce Xu Yi.

"Sir, are you here to consult about opening a stock trading account?"

Xu Yi nodded:"Yes."

The short-haired receptionist pointed to the sofa next to her and enthusiastically led the way for Xu Yi:"Then please sit here and wait for a while. I will help you find a suitable manager."

The other long-haired receptionist was even more attentive and called out"handsome guy" as soon as she opened her mouth.":"We have coffee, milk tea, orange juice, mineral water, Pu'er tea... What do you want to drink, handsome guy? Or if you have something else to drink, I can go downstairs to buy it for you! But can you give me your WeChat number so that I can communicate with you in time when I go downstairs to buy you a drink~"

Xu Yi refused in a light tone:"No, I'm not thirsty."

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