At this time, the sound of high heels hitting the ground came from far away.

Then a stern female voice came:"Front desk, where have you been? I called you to help pick up the express delivery, did you hear me? You delayed my important documents, and you will not get your bonus this month!"

After hearing this, the two receptionists cursed in a low voice:"Mistress Miejue is here again!……"Then he reluctantly ran back to his workstation.

Xu Yi raised his head and glanced at the woman they called"Mistress Miejue". She was wearing a black and gray professional suit and had neat short hair. Her face was pretty good, but it was full of shrewdness.

However, when Xu Yi's eyes swept across Mistress Miejue's face, he suddenly felt that she looked familiar.

Xu Yi thought he should have seen this person before, but where exactly he had seen her. He couldn't remember for a moment.

The two girls at the front desk first apologized to her:"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Manager Wang, we didn't hear it just now."

Then the two of them seemed to grab the life-saving���They all pointed at Xu Yi and explained for themselves:"A customer came to consult about opening an account. We were busy entertaining him and didn't hear the phone ring."

"What important client? Is it necessary for both of you to go and receive him together?"

Manager Wang sneered at this, and then turned to look at Xu Yi.

When Xu Yi saw her looking at him, he immediately widened his eyes.

Then two seconds later, Manager Wang pointed at Xu Yi and walked towards him.

She asked Xu Yi excitedly:"Are you...Xu Yi?"

Hearing the other party call out his name accurately, Xu Yi further confirmed his previous speculation, but he still couldn't remember where he had seen this woman.

Xu Yi could only nod at her awkwardly:"I am."

The woman saw that Xu Yi had forgotten her, and said with a smile:"I am Wang Jing~ your elementary school classmate, did you forget so quickly?"

"Ah, it's my elementary school classmate.……"

When Xu Yi heard the name, he recalled that there was indeed such a person in his elementary school class.

Wang Jing looked at Xu Yi and said unhappily,"How could you even forget a beauty like me! Have you forgotten that in elementary school, the class voted for the class flower and class flower, and you were voted the class flower, and I was the class flower?"

"Some impression……"Xu Yi said perfunctorily.

In fact, Xu Yi couldn't remember clearly at all.

He had been selected as the class flower or something like that more than a dozen times since he was a child. Not to mention the class flower, he had been elected as the school flower many times, how could he remember them all.

He couldn't remember the faces of the female classmates in school clearly either. Now that Xu Yi thought about it, the only thing he had some impression of those female classmates was probably the starry eyes they looked at him. After all,

Wang Jing was a workplace manager and was very good at smoothing things over.

She smiled and made up for Xu Yi:"It's not your fault that you forgot. It's been so many years since we graduated from elementary school! If it weren't for my good memory and you being so handsome, I'm afraid I wouldn't remember you either."

Xu Yi said self-deprecatingly:"It's because my memory is too bad that I even forgot my old classmates."

Wang Jing waved her hand and said indifferently:"It's also because we haven't seen each other for many years. It's normal that you don't remember."

Then, Wang Jing asked the inevitable question after classmates who meet again after many years:"Are you still in touch with your classmates in our class?"

"No contact……"Xu Yi thought for a moment and replied,"Last year, when the company was on a business trip to discuss business, I met Dong Li. He worked at Gemei and was doing pretty well."

"He - I know him. I drank with him at the class reunion this year."

Wang Jing's tone became a little contemptuous:"It has been several years since graduation, and he is still just an ordinary salesperson. Although the performance salary is not bad, he has always been a low-level soldier with no development."

"You are right."Xu Yi didn't want to say bad things about his classmates, and he was too lazy to argue with Wang Jing, so he just let her talk. When it comes to elementary school classmates, Wang Jing gets excited. She can't stop herself and starts to talk to Xu Yi about science.

"Do you remember that girl in our class? She was a good dancer before, but she got married after graduating from the dance troupe. She gave up dancing and stopped working. She is now a full-time housewife at home."

"And that guy, he used to be the monitor of our class. He has a good literary background, and whenever there is a composition and recitation competition in the school, the teacher lets him participate. He studied abroad for a period of time before, and returned to China last year as a sea turtle. He could only find a job as a clerk in a Fortune 500 company. This is a waste of gold.……"

Xu Yi listened to Wang Jing openly and covertly disparaging their elementary school classmates, and he looked down on her. He casually said to her,"You know a lot about everyone's current situation."

"If you come to a primary school reunion, you will know everything. But you never come every year!"Wang Jing said angrily.

Xu Yi received several invitations to primary school reunions, but he was not interested in such gatherings that were specifically for bragging and building relationships, and he refused every time.

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