Wang Jing looked at Xu Yi with disdain, and resisted the urge to speak out the truth as she understood it.

At this moment, she was thinking: Xu Yi must be avoiding class reunions because he is not doing well and is too embarrassed to see his elementary school classmates.

At this year's class reunion, Wang Jing also learned from Dong Li, whom Xu Yi just mentioned, that Xu Yi is now a small employee in a foreign trade company. The foreign trade company is not large, and there is no future for Xu Yi in this position.

Wang Jing felt that she had guessed it right.

Wang Jing looked up and down at Xu Yi's clothes, and there was not a single brand name item. She was sure that Xu Yi was still the same as she had heard and thought, a small employee in a small company with no future.

She returned to the topic and politely asked Xu Yi:"Are you here today to open an account to trade stocks?"


Xu Yi didn't want to listen to Wang Jing's nonsense anymore, and said directly:"I want to enter the market now and find a professional manager to help me manage my account."

Wang Jing was afraid that Xu Yi would ask her for help, so she quickly said:"Then I will arrange a manager for you! Let her help you trade, she is serious and dedicated, and is the most visionary and capable manager in our group, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Xu Yi said indifferently:"Okay."

It's the same for everyone. He just wants to find someone who will listen to his instructions. Buy at the right time and sell at the right time.

He has learned the highest level of stock proficiency and does not need anyone to make decisions for him. He is a stock god when he enters the market.

Wang Jing was relieved when she saw that Xu Yi did not say to use her.

She is now the director of this stock trading company, with more than a dozen people under her, and she is also a leader of medium or small size.

Now she has certain standards for accepting customers. She will not waste time accepting customers whose account investment is less than one million.

Wang Jing has been in this company for several years and has received countless customers. She has long practiced the ability to judge people. Seeing Xu Yi's appearance, she can guess that he is not doing well.

With the reliable information from her elementary school classmates, Wang Jing thought that he probably didn't have much experience. This time she came to open an account to trade stocks, and she would invest at most 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

Even if she had the relationship as an old classmate, it was not worth it for her to operate the market herself, so she would rather leave it to her subordinates.

But he still looks good, I wonder if he has a girlfriend? Wang Jing is a face control, and she liked Xu Yi a little when she was in elementary school.

But now that they have entered society, their status and position are naturally reflected by work and ability to make money.

Wang Jing feels that as a leader, her status is higher than Xu Yi, and she also wants Xu Yi to look at her with a higher regard.

When Xu Yi develops feelings for her and comes to find her, everything will be easy.

With such a wishful thinking, Wang Jing left in high heels.

As soon as she left, the two receptionists started a heated discussion. The topic revolved around"Is Xu Yi a star?"

"Looks familiar, but I can't tell the name.……"

"How is that possible? This beauty... Once she appears on TV, I will never forget her!"

"You are right."

The long-haired receptionist sighed heavily:"I wanted to take the opportunity to ask for her WeChat... I didn't expect that she and Nun Miejue were classmates."

Another short-haired receptionist advised her:"Forget it. You see, when Nun Miejue was chatting with him just now, she was smiling so charmingly. She must have fallen in love with him. Let's not get into trouble."

""Forget it, forget it!"

While the two were talking, a female employee in a suit walked out of the office area.

The female employee wore round-frame glasses and walked straight towards Xu Yi:"You are Manager Wang's classmate, Mr. Xu, right?"

Xu Yi's chin sank slightly, as a confirmation of her question.

"Please follow me." The female staff member led Xu Yi to the reception room.

After Xu Yi sat down and served him coffee, the female staff member began to introduce herself:"Manager Wang arranged for me to be your professional manager in the stock market. From now on, I will help you with a series of matters such as opening an account, watching the market, and operating stocks. During this period, I will provide you with a lot of professional advice and teach you how to understand the market and other knowledge.……"

"No need."

Xu Yi waved his hand and said bluntly:"I will look at the market myself. I have professional knowledge, but I don't need professional advice."

The female employee was stunned and said:"Then you……"

Xu Yi simply concluded,"You just need to open an account for me and report the status of your funds at any time. As for which specific stocks to invest in, when to buy, and when to sell, I will decide these myself, and you only need to follow my instructions."

The female employee had never seen such a client before. He was very strong, but he did not give people any disgusting feeling. On the contrary, she thought Xu Yi was very manly.

While listening to him speak just now, she felt that she was about to fall into his watery eyes, and almost did not hear what Xu Yi was saying.

Seeing that the female employee had been looking at him without speaking, Xu Yi asked her,"Is it okay?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The female staff nodded repeatedly.

Although according to Xu Yi, she, as an account manager, was basically just a puppet. But she was willing to be a puppet for such a handsome guy.

The female staff came back to her senses and continued to work, asking Xu Yi:"How much money do you want to invest? I'll help you open an account."

Xu Yi said without blinking:"30 million."

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