Seeing that the atmosphere was tense and the men's provocative attitude towards Xu Yi was becoming more and more obvious, Xiao Di quickly stepped out to smooth things over:"Today is the crew's celebration party, everyone should enjoy it! Don't stand here and waste time talking about these things, the ladies over there have ordered songs for you, go and sing!"

Xiao Di knew that many men here were interested in Xiao Ju, but before, they didn't dare to pursue Xiao Ju because of the heavy filming tasks, the director, the producer, and their studio.

Now seeing that the goddess who he hadn't had time to make a move suddenly had a boyfriend around her, he naturally felt uncomfortable.

The men who had just spoken rudely to Xu Yi were coaxed and urged by Xiao Di to go to the other box to sing.

When she came back, she saw Xu Yi surrounded by a group of people. Xiao Ju stood beside Xu Yi, her face flushed, and sometimes with a coquettish expression.

Several actresses in the crew who got along well with Xiaoju, including Xiao Yan who played Xiaoqing, Yu Lang who played Jin Ruyi, and Pei Zitian who played Fahai, have always taken care of Xiaoju as a sister and are very concerned about her relationship.

After the provocative men left, they went to ask Xiaoju about her relationship.

Xiaoju was a little overwhelmed by the question.

On the one hand, she was not very good at lying and was afraid that she would accidentally let it slip; on the other hand, she was really shy when asked, and now she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.


Yi saw his girlfriend's little panic. He originally thought that her shy look was cute and wanted to stand by her side and admire her for a while.

But when he felt that Xiaoju was holding his palm, it was a little wet, and his body subconsciously shrank behind him, he knew that she was really a little overwhelmed.

When Xu Yi saw Xiaoju facing the questioning of assistant Xiaodi in the hotel room just now, he saw that the little girl would not lie.

He didn't want Xiaoju to be embarrassed anymore. Besides, this kind of thing should be done by men!

Xu Yi stood in front of Xiaoju and faced the barrage of questions.

Xiao Yan and Yu Lang saw this and said,"Hey, handsome boy, you are going to show off your boyfriend power. Are you worried about us questioning Xiaoju?""

"Okay, you come to satisfy our curiosity and answer questions about your dating process and love experience, the same goes for that!"

Xu Yi:"Okay, if you have anything you want to know, just ask me. I'll give you the answers."

After saying this, Xu Yi turned his head and glanced at Xiao Ju. Just now he felt Xiao Ju holding his hand tightly, thinking that she might be nervous that he would say the wrong thing or worried about herself.

Xu Yi thought about giving Xiao Ju a reassuring look, and leaned over slightly and lowered his head to look at her. At this moment, Xiao Ju was also looking up, looking at Xu Yi with a worried look.

But this picture, in the eyes of Xiao Yan and Yu Lang, was like a restricted picture of lovers looking at each other affectionately in public.

They were jealous

"Tsk tsk, these young people nowadays, in broad daylight, don't pay attention to the impact"

"Sister Lang, I suddenly don’t want to ask anymore, what should I do?"

"I don't want to ask anymore, the result is predictable, it's nothing more than tons of dog food"

"Singles like us can't afford it……"

Xiao Yan and Yu Lang's complaints were interrupted by a sudden applause. Xu Yi looked in the direction of the applause and saw a man in a casual suit standing in the crowd, holding a microphone with a smug look on his face. The applause was mixed with praises:"Your singing is amazing! The difficulty of this song must be five plus signs, right?"

"Brother Xu, your singing skills will be wasted if you don't make a debut!"

Xu Yi had some impression of the man who was surrounded and praised. He was the one who just said that he was a"5-to-9-to-12-hour gigolo."

Perhaps he felt Xu Yi's gaze, but the man called"Brother Xu" also cast his eyes on Xu Yi.

Then, he walked towards Xu Yi with a microphone, and in front of everyone, he handed the microphone to Xu Yi:"It's your turn, sing a song for everyone!"

Xu Yi, like everyone else present, did not understand the order of turns, and it was his turn inexplicably.

But the people present, especially those who admired Xiao Ju, quickly understood the man's intention.

They followed suit and cheered:"Yes, handsome man. Everyone has sung, and now it's your turn!"

"Could it be that he can't sing? Our Xiaoju is an excellent student at the music college, and is good at singing and dancing. As a boyfriend, you can't even sing, which is really disappointing."

The booing of several men attracted the attention of more people present. When the girls heard that Xiaoju's boyfriend was going to sing, they all came over excitedly to watch the fun.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Xiaoju began to worry about Xu Yi. She didn't know if Xu Yi could sing, and she was afraid that he would not be able to withstand everyone's booing and would force himself to take the microphone.

But at the same time, Xiaoju was a little looking forward to Xu Yi's singing. She wanted to know more about him.

Under the attention of everyone, Xu Yi took the microphone casually and asked nonchalantly:"What do you want to hear?"

Xiao Ju didn't know Xu Yi's singing ability, but Xu Yi himself knew it. He was a pretty good singer to begin with, and now with the singing talent he just drew from the system, he believed that he was more than capable of handling such a situation. He also wanted to test the authenticity and effectiveness of this system.

Xu Yi put the microphone close to his mouth and nonchalantly said to a provocative man who was waiting for him in front of the jukebox:"Who just said that he wanted to listen to Hu Yanbin's 'Take All You Want'’……Let's just go with this one."

When Xu Yi finished speaking, the guy in front of the jukebox stopped his hand mid-air while preparing to choose a song, and was stunned.

Everyone present also had a shocked expression as if they had swallowed a light bulb.

Hu Yanbin's song"Take All You Want" was just a song that Xiao Ju's admirer deliberately chose to make things difficult for Xu Yi. This song is generally recognized to be difficult and abnormal.

If the song sung by the suit man named"Xu Ge" before was five plus signs in difficulty, then Xu Yi's song has ten plus signs.

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