After the shock, the people who were celebrating the success of the production crew had roughly two reactions.

When the boys heard the prelude of"Take All You Want", they couldn't help but start to look forward to it. They felt that Xu Yi was pretending to be big and was digging his own grave, and he would definitely be embarrassed in a while.

At this moment, the boys were eager to try and were waiting to see what would happen.

The girls' reactions were much friendlier.

Xiaoju was popular among the girls. Everyone knew that Xu Yi was her boyfriend and was looking forward to his next performance.

But at the same time, they also felt that Xu Yi's choice of this difficult song was too risky, and they were afraid that he would not be able to sing well and would not be able to get off the stage.

With his outstanding appearance, Xu Yi gained a lot of female fans in a short period of time. They didn't ask Xu Yi to sing well, as long as his singing skills were average, coupled with this handsome face, they thought it was enough.

Xu Yi began his performance with the two mindsets of the boys wanting to see him make a fool of himself and the girls wanting him to sing not too blindly or awkwardly. After the prelude ended and Xu Yi opened his mouth, the people present were dumbfounded again��

Isn't this exactly the same as the original? No, there is still a difference.

Xu Yi sang more tactfully than Hu Yanbin, and his emotions were a little more subtle, but the expression of that emotion, on the contrary, attracted the people present and made them immersed in it.

The man who had just provoked Xu Yi and handed the microphone to Xu Yi, wanting to beat him, lost his temper after hearing a few words, and walked towards the jukebox while complaining:"Hey, Xiao Meng, what's wrong with you? Why did you click on the original song?"

In front of the jukebox, the boy who was called out also had a helpless look on his face:"I didn't, Brother Xu……"

When he heard Xu Yi singing so well just now, he had already suspected this problem and checked on the spot whether he had accidentally selected the original singer's accompaniment.

But he checked three times and the result was still the same. Now only the accompaniment was playing, not the original singer.

The voice and singing skills that amazed the whole audience belonged to Xu Yi himself.

The crowd began to discuss one-sidedly.

"This Xu Yi is quite capable!"

"He is indeed the man who can conquer White Snake. His hardware conditions are not inferior to Xu Xian.~"

"Brother Xu is going to be embarrassed... This is much better than what he sang, and it completely overwhelmed him."

The embarrassed Brother Xu couldn't listen any longer. He shot himself in the foot and now wished he could find a crack in the ground to crawl into. He held a cigarette in his mouth, excused himself to go to the bathroom, and left the KTV box.

The girls were mesmerized by the song, and under the flickering lights of the KTV, they looked at Xu Yi's face and heard his pleasant singing in their ears. They felt like they were listening to a concert, and unconsciously waved their hands and began to sing along in a low voice.

Xiao Yan leaned close to Xiao Ju's ear, afraid that she couldn't hear him, and praised loudly and sincerely:"Sister, where did you find this boyfriend? Not only is he handsome, but he also sings so well!"

"Yeah, who is this Xu Yi?" Yu Lang also came over to ask Xiao Ju gossipingly.

But after asking, she immediately changed the topic:"Forget it, it’s not important. Just tell me, does he have any brothers or something?"

Xiao Yan also got excited:"If so, please consider me, your sister first!"

But Yu Lang pushed her away:"Don’t fight with me, if there is, you should give it to me first, do you understand respecting the old and loving the young? You are still young, no rush!"

At this moment, Xiaoju had no intention of listening to the quarrel between her two best friends. Her eyes and heart were all on Xu Yi.

She studied at Sichuan Conservatory of Music in college, majoring in vocal music. After entering the industry, she received a long period of professional training and became a singer and dancer.

As soon as Xu Yi opened his mouth, she knew his singing level. It is no exaggeration to say that his singing skills are not inferior to anyone in the current first-line music scene.

He is the kind of person who is commonly known as having excellent talent and God's gift.

When Xiaoju heard this voice, her first reaction was that if Xu Yi did not go down the path of singing, it would really be a waste of his voice.

Soon, Xiaoju was immersed in her boyfriend's singing and couldn't think.

She didn't come back to her senses until she felt her hand being patted gently. Turning her head, Xiaoju saw Xiaodi standing in front of her and instructed:"I just received a call from the crew. Sister Mi is going to be in a new drama recently, and they want you to record the theme song in three days. Don't drink for the next two days, and protect your voice."

Xiao Ju put down her glass obediently, and then she heard Xiao Di complaining:"But the producers are really exaggerating. They are about to enter the recording studio, but the male singer for the duet has not been decided yet!"

As soon as Xiao Di finished speaking, Xiao Ju heard warm applause and cheers suddenly erupt in the box. Then, when she looked up, she saw the man who received the applause and cheers walking towards her.

Xiao Ju's eyes lit up, and she looked at Xiao Di and said,"I have a candidate!"

At this moment, Xu Yi had already walked in front of Xiao Ju. Xiao Di saw the admiration in Xiao Ju's eyes when she looked at her boyfriend, and she understood. Xiao

Di pulled Xu Yi and Xiao Ju out of the box, found a quieter place, and then said,"Xu Yi, are you interested in being a singer?"

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