Xu Yi asked Xiaodi again in astonishment:"You want me to be a singer?"

Without waiting for Xiaodi to answer, Xiaoju hurriedly explained to Xu Yi:"I will go to record the theme song of the new movie in two days. But the male chorus hasn't found me yet, I want to recommend you."

Xu Yi reacted, looked at Xiaoju and asked:"This song is a duet between a man and a woman, will you sing it together?" Xiaoju nodded:"Yes."

Xu Yi met Xiaoju's expectant gaze and asked for confirmation:"Do you want me to sing this male voice?"

Xiaoju was stared at by Xu Yi, feeling a little embarrassed. But thinking of her true feelings in her heart, Xiaoju still raised her head, mustered up the courage to nod at Xu Yi:"Yes!"

Xu Yi looked at his girlfriend's shy and determined look, and couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing her head twice.

He smiled and told Xiaoju:"Since that's what you want, then I'll go."

"Hey! Don't be so nervous. With your singing skills, it's more than enough to record a theme song."Xiao Di encouraged Xu Yi from the side.

Xu Yi was of course not nervous. He was quite confident in his singing skills. He had just tried the singing talent that the system gave him, and he was even more confident.

Although he knew early on that he had drawn the singing talent skill card of this singing god, he was mentally prepared. But when he opened his mouth, he was still amazed by his own singing.

Seeing the boys who had provoked him before escaped from the box in shame, Xu Yi felt very refreshed at that moment.

He thought this system was reliable!

When Xu Yi liked the new system, he suddenly heard Xiao Ju say worriedly:"But you have to find a name, you can't just go as an unknown person, otherwise you will be criticized."

Xiao Di thought about it and had an idea:"Hey, aren't you just in need of an agent? I see that you are in the passionate love period and it's hard to part. Let Xu Yi be your agent, it's convenient for you to fall in love, and he can stay by your side to take care of you."

Xiao Ju's face turned red when she heard this.

Xu Yi saw his girlfriend's reaction and knew what she meant.

He immediately looked at Xiao Di and said with a smile:"Okay, I'll be Xiao Ju's agent. It's settled!"

Xu Yi thought this job was good because he could be with Xiao Ju every day and it would help to enhance their relationship. Besides, he didn't want to do the planning job anymore.


Since the dinner last night was very late, most of the crew members were exhausted today. The karaoke activity only lasted until the evening and then dispersed.

In order to avoid Xiaodi's suspicion, Xiaoju followed Xu Yi back to his room. Back in the room, Xiaoju glanced at the big bed where the first incident happened last night, and turned her head to meet Xu Yi's eyes, meeting his fiery gaze.

Xiaoju was so nervous that she almost forgot to breathe for a moment, and said in a panic:"I smell of cigarettes, I need to take a shower first." As expected

, being alone in a room, she was still a little shy.

Xu Yi looked at Xiaoju who fled, smiled and shook his head. He had nothing to do, so he sat on the sofa and began to understand the system.

Today he saw the power of the system and decided to make good use of it. Especially since he is now Xiaoju's boyfriend, Xu Yi feels that he needs to be stronger.

Turning on the system, Xu Yi unexpectedly found that the poor number 100 in the popularity column has now become 5000.

How did it suddenly increase so much?

Just as Xu Yi was surprised, his phone received a Weibo push from Xiaoju's studio, which he had set as a special follow-up.

#New Legend of White Snake White Snake Xiaoju#Today I have a news to announce to everyone. Our little fairy Xiaoju has a new agent starting today. I hope that under the leadership of the new agent, our Xiaoju's career will be able to reach a higher level. Let us wish her well, bang bang bang!

The last three words were so vivid that they successfully made Weibo explode. The point is that there was also a photo of Xu Yi under the Weibo post, which successfully pushed the atmosphere of making trouble to the extreme.

When Xu Yi was browsing the comments, it took him several seconds to refresh them. Weibo was almost paralyzed by the comments of netizens.

"Who is this handsome guy?"

"Oh my god, do female artists now look at appearance when looking for agents?"

"Mom, I want to have plastic surgery!"

"I can't accept this fact. I have been working hard to become the goddess's agent, but I didn't expect……"

"He looks like a pretty boy, doesn't he? Could he have gotten to the top by..."

"Even if it's not, occupying the position of agent and sticking to Xiaoju every day, it will be soon. Haven't you heard that love grows over time?"

"Upstairs, why are you making such dirty jokes?"

"I don't believe it... What is this feeling... It's the feeling of being heartbroken"


For a while, Xu Yi became the focus of all Weibo.

He was a little panicked, but he also understood that this was a disguised way of hype by Xiaoju Studio. There has always been no news in the entertainment industry, and no heat.

In this era of traffic, artists must not only have excellent skills, but also learn to create hot spots for themselves. A pure female star like Xiaoju who has never been involved in any scandals, paired with a male agent like him, who is young and handsome, is bound to cause a discussion.

Xu Yi listened to the sound of running water in the bathroom, thinking to himself: If they knew that he was not only Xiaoju's agent, but also her boyfriend...

The comments under this Weibo that want to kill him, I'm afraid there will be another 100,000 likes, right?

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