Xu Yi didn't care about these things. He came to find someone to help him control his stock trading business, not to seek recognition.

Xu Yi didn't find fault with her, and said directly to Wang Jing:"Just now your subordinate said that her position can't accept such a large order as mine. Then you can?"

Wang Jing nodded and said proudly:"I am a manager, I can, no matter how big the order is, I can take it!"

——I'm just afraid that you don't have it and are just pretending.

At this moment, Wang Jing was still thinking this in her heart.

Xu Yi threw the card to Wang Jing and told her:"Go and open an account for me and deposit all the money in this card into the account. The card has no password."

Wang Jing asked Xu Yi for his ID card again. With a questioning mood, she picked up the bank card that Xu Yi threw on the table and walked out of the reception room.

Opening accounts for customers and depositing funds into newly opened accounts... This series of operations is already a piece of cake for Wang Jing.

In less than five minutes, Wang Jing had handled everything. She transferred all the money in Xu Yi's card to the newly opened account.

About two minutes later, when she saw that there was really a long string of numbers on the account, Wang Jing was dumbfounded.

She took the female staff member who was responsible for receiving Xu Yi just now, and carefully checked the number several times.——**

After confirming that it was an eight-digit number, Wang Jing finally believed it.

She didn't expect that this boy, who was only handsome in the eyes of his classmates but not doing well, could now easily take out 30 million to speculate in stocks.

As a result, Wang Jing looked at Xu Yi with new eyes.

After returning to the conference room again, Wang Jing's attitude towards Xu Yi changed completely.

Seeing Xu Yi drinking coffee in a paper cup, Wang Jing immediately showed her authority and ordered the female employee who had just been assigned to Xu Yi as a stock manager:"How can you give this cheap coffee to the company's VIP customers? Go and use the coffee beans that the boss brought back from Italy last time, and grind a cup for the customer by hand!"

The female employee was stunned when she saw Wang Jing's 180-degree turn in attitude. Then, she thought of the string of numbers in Xu Yi's account and understood.

The female employee walked out of the conference room silently and went to grind coffee beans for Xu Yi.

Xu Yi observed Wang Jing calmly, and saw that the speed at which she changed her expression seemed like a magic trick, and he was full of contempt for her in his heart. Xu

Yi said lightly:"No need to be so troublesome, I've almost finished the coffee."

"What's the trouble?"

Wang Jing said to Xu Yi with a smile:"Serving customers is our job, and this is what she should do. It is a great thing for her to have received a VIP customer like you who invested a large amount of money in her career."

"" Okay!" Hearing Wang Jing say this, Xu Yi was willing to help.

The female employee was different from a snob like Wang Jing. From the moment she received him, she had been professional and friendly. Then, Wang Jing nervously got back to the point:"Because the amount of your investment is relatively large, the female manager just now is not experienced enough, so now I will take over your business."

Thinking of her average attitude towards Xu Yi just now, Wang Jing was worried that Xu Yi would have some taboos, so she immediately expressed her attitude positively:"I have been working in this industry since graduation, and now I have reached a management position. I have always been the company's No. 1 in business, and you can rest assured to hand over your account to me."

Seeing that Xu Yi was still indifferent, Wang Jing leaned over and nervously tried to get close to him:"Besides, we are elementary school classmates and have a natural relationship foundation. It would be more reassuring for you to hand over your account to me than to a stranger, right?"

Xu Yi snorted in his heart, thinking that you didn't think that I was your elementary school classmate, and you wanted to help me with stock trading out of consideration for human relations?

Xu Yi knew the reason why Wang Jing changed, it was nothing more than the effect of his 30 million.

Xu Yi was too lazy to expose her. He came here to find someone to help him with stock trading, anyone could do it. Since she took the initiative to ask for it, it would be fine to let her do it.

After a short period of silence, Wang Jing finally got the answer she wanted from Xu Yi.


Wang Jing was so happy that she was saluting in her heart.

This was a 30 million order! And it was only the first investment. As long as she could secure this order, Wang Jing thought that her career would definitely reach a higher level.

Thinking of this, Wang Jing began to recommend stocks to Xu Yi with all her heart. In order to keep Xu Yi as a big customer, Wang Jing thought that she had to let Xu Yi taste the sweetness in terms of return on investment.

This order was very important to her, and she must not miss it.

Wang Jing turned on the LCD screen in the conference room, stood in front, and began to recommend to Xu Yi several stocks that she was optimistic about and had been rising recently.

"Look at this stock numbered '450368'! It has been rising for a week, and I think it will continue to rise in the next week. Although the increase is not big, it is stable and there is no possibility of losing money."

"And this one... is a new energy stock that has recently emerged, you can also buy it. I think tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are the best time to buy"

"If you are not interested in these two, there is this... It is also a potential stock, and it will definitely make you money."

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