Wang Jing introduced the stocks one by one, and when she saw Xu Yi didn't respond, she was a little anxious, and immediately said to Xu Yi:"Don't worry, I am very experienced in this area. These stocks are also the result of our company's internal consideration and research, and we have also received some internal rumors. I guarantee you will make a profit!"

"I don't disbelieve you, but I just saw you talking so excitedly that I didn't feel like interrupting you."

Xu Yi crossed his arms in front of him, looked at Wang Jing expressionlessly and said,"I came to your company to open an account, just to find someone to help me with the basic buying and selling work. As for the analysis and reference of which stocks to buy, you don't need to do it."

"Don't need me? But we professional managers are here to help clients do this, right?"

When Wang Jing heard what Xu Yi said, she panicked:"Don't you believe in my expertise? Don't worry, I will never let your money go to waste!"

Xu Yi waved his hand and corrected Wang Jing:"You misunderstood. I don't disbelieve in your expertise, I just believe in myself more."

Xu Yi spent all his popularity points to learn stock trading skills to the world's top level. As for the professional knowledge and analysis of the stock market, he is now confident that he will not lose to anyone.

Even if the stock god is in front of him, he dares to compete. How could he let Wang Jing participate in stock selection?

Wang Jing was a little dumbfounded after hearing what Xu Yi said.

Coming to the stock trading company, not letting the manager help recommend stocks, then what is he doing here?

Or is his job related to stock trading, and he has unique insights in this regard? But if he really has unique insights, then why did he come to us?

Wang Jing couldn't figure it out.

But Xu Yi is a big customer of the company, and Wang Jing can't go against his wishes. She had to respond obediently:"Okay."

"You are our important customer, and we will serve you according to your needs."

Xu Yi was very satisfied and nodded at Wang Jing. He just wanted to find someone who was obedient and could do things because he was tied up. He didn't need her to have brains. He had the brains to trade stocks.

Then, Xu Yi finally spoke and gave his first instruction:"627708... Three days later, you use all the money in your account to buy this stock."

This stock number sounded a bit strange to Wang Jing. The moment she heard it, she knew it was not one of those popular stocks that she often helped her clients buy.

Wang Jing quickly entered the stock number on the tablet, and then the trend chart of this stock in the past three months appeared on the LCD screen in the conference room.

Wang Jing looked at the trend chart, which was all green. It had been falling for three months and was very stable.

After that, Wang Jing hurriedly looked up the stock according to the stock name.

This is the stock of a pharmaceutical testing company. The company was established five years ago and has been doing research on anti-cancer drugs, but there has been no progress.

Recently, it seems that some investors have withdrawn their investment, and the company is facing a certain degree of economic crisis.

Combining the trend chart and the background and current situation of the company, Wang Jing judged that the probability of this stock rising back is almost zero.

She felt that the most optimistic situation would be to stabilize at most. The stock price would not fall, but she checked the reaction of the stockholders about this stock and felt that it was almost impossible.

The stockholders who still held this stock were complaining: they wanted to find a chance to sell all their stocks!

They only thought about how to minimize the loss, and no one expected this stock to bring profits.

However, Xu Yi actually wanted to use all 30 million to buy this junk stock?

Wang Jing couldn't understand it. Is this... having money but nowhere to spend it?

She didn't understand the world of rich people.

But she couldn't joke about her career. If a big customer who had been handled by her invested 30 million and lost everything in the end... then she would not only fail in the company, but also have a very bad impact on the entire stock manager circle.

Wang Jing couldn't let this happen.

She tried her best to persuade Xu Yi:"This stock doesn't look very good."

But she didn't dare to say too much. After all, it was Xu Yi who personally selected the stock. She didn't dare to question Xu Yi's vision too much, for fear of making Xu Yi unhappy.

Wang Jing said cautiously:"I'm worried that investing in this will only make you lose money. If you don't like the ones I recommended, I can help you choose a few others. But I don't recommend you to buy this stock."

"You don't have to worry about losses and gains."

Xu Yi was firm and unquestionable:"I just said that you just need to do what I say. I will choose stocks myself."

Wang Jing saw that Xu Yi was a little unhappy, and she didn't dare to say anything more.

Xu Yi made a decisive conclusion:"There is no need to discuss which stock to buy, just this one! In the morning when the market opens in three days, you will buy all the money in my account for me."

Xu Yi was very optimistic about this stock. After his perfect analysis in the past few days, this stock will rebound in the afternoon of three days.

Everything is the masterpiece of the trader behind the scenes.

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