Xu Yi thought that he should have received the news, so he picked up the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Xu Yi heard Wang Jing on the other end of the phone, saying to him excitedly:"Old classmate, you are amazing! This junk stock has started to rise! It has been rising since the opening this afternoon. I predict that it will reach the daily limit before the market closes!"

This result was within Xu Yi's expectations.

Xu Yi responded lightly:"It's good if it goes up."

But in stark contrast to his calm attitude, Wang Jing was extremely excited. Her voice on the phone was so loud that it almost overflowed the screen.

At this moment, Wang Jing was so happy that she couldn't express it in words. At the same time, her admiration for Xu Yi was also transmitted through the telephone line.

"You are really amazing! I originally thought that you had too much money to spend and wanted to do charity, so you chose such a junk stock. I didn't expect you to have such a good vision! You saw its potential a long time ago."

"I am so ashamed of myself! I have been working in the stock market for so many years, but I am completely outshined by you. Really, if you come to work in our industry, I am afraid that many of my colleagues, even me... will be out of work."

Xu Yi laughed twice in response. He is not interested in being a stock manager. He is just interested in making some money with stocks.

And using this method to make money is only a temporary operation at the current stage.

With deep admiration, Wang Jing asked Xu Yi curiously:"Did you get the news early? Do you know the research and development of this company?"

Xu Yi casually denied it:"No. I just analyzed the overall situation of this stock and felt that it has a great possibility of rising."

Then, Xu Yi said nonchalantly:"I didn't expect it to really rise. It's all luck."

"Oh, don't be so modest! Luck is also a part of strength."

Wang Jing began to flatter Xu Yi:"No matter what, your judgment is excellent."

Xu Yi saw the charm of money in Wang Jing. This female classmate who didn't take him seriously when they first met, now has a completely different attitude towards him.

Then, as a professional stock manager, Wang Jing reported the specific situation to Xu Yi:"Maybe we are really lucky. We bought the stocks of this company in the morning, and at noon, this company announced their experimental results."

"Among the ten drugs developed by their company, one drug showed a significant effect against cancer cells after being injected into gorillas. This is the first drug on the market that has a significant anti-cancer effect."

"This achievement has caused a great response in the medical and pharmaceutical circles. So from the opening of the market in the afternoon, the company's stock has been rising all the way."

Wang Jing's voice was full of joy:"The speed of the increase is faster than any stock I have seen since I started working in this industry. It can be described as a crazy increase. It is estimated that in another four or five days, it will double by more than five times. We made a lot of money this time!"

While reporting the results to Xu Yi, Wang Jing was calculating her own rewards in her mind.

Since Xu Yi's investment was already very huge, as long as the stocks he bought increased a little bit, it would be a relatively large income.

And Wang Jing's commission and bonus were all based on Xu Yi's income. The more Xu Yi earned, the more she would naturally earn.

Now this stock has skyrocketed to this extent, and according to this trend, it will continue to grow wildly. Wang Jing thought about her salary this month and was so happy that she couldn't help laughing.

However, an instruction from Xu Yi immediately cooled Wang Jing's excitement.

Xu Yi told Wang Jing:"You don't have to wait four or five days. Two days later in the morning, you will sell all the stocks I bought about this stock..."

"Sell it in two days?"

Wang Jing thought she had heard it wrong, and she hurriedly confirmed with Xu Yi:"According to the current situation, you can hold on to it for a while and wait for it to appreciate! Two days... is it too short?"

"I have my own considerations."

Xu Yi said firmly:"Listen to me! Two days later in the morning, you will sell all the stocks in my account."

Xu Yi believed in his professional judgment. It was not that Wang Jing was not professional, but compared with his ability in stock trading, she was still a long way behind.

Xu Yi felt that even if he explained, Wang Jing might not understand, so he was too lazy to explain.

Wang Jing's reluctant voice came from the other end of the phone:"……"Okay."

Wang Jing really couldn't understand Xu Yi's thinking. Why did he sell stocks in such a good situation? Isn't this equivalent to throwing away the money he had earned?

She really didn't understand the world of the rich.

But the funds belonged to Xu Yi, and this was his account. Wang Jing didn't dare to raise any objections. Moreover, Xu Yi had said that she must act according to his instructions.

This time, Wang Jing had no choice but to do as Xu Yi instructed.

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