Two days later, Wang Jing sold all the stocks of the pharmaceutical company in her account according to Xu Yi's instructions.

When she sold them, Wang Jing felt extremely distressed, as if she saw the red banknotes moving away from her. Obviously, this stock was still on a good upward trend in the market, and Wang Jing felt that it could rise further.

But thinking of Xu Yi's character of being decisive, Wang Jing did not dare to make a decision on her own, and could only reluctantly sell them.


Also in the afternoon, Xu Yi finished filming the first scene and returned to the lounge. He was sitting in a chair, preparing to read the script to review the lines for the next scene. At this time, his cell phone rang. It was Wang Jing again.

This time, Wang Jing's tone was also excited. But in the excitement, there was also a sense of relief.

Wang Jing once again said to Xu Yi with admiration:"You really have a god's eye for things! The time of selling stocks is just right!"

Xu Yi chuckled and asked as the name suggests:"What's wrong?"

Wang Jing reported to Xu Yi on the phone:"I just sold the stocks of this pharmaceutical testing company in your account this morning. I felt very sorry at first, thinking that I shouldn't sell it when it was rising. As a result, it started to fall in the afternoon. It fell all the way to the limit, it really fell so much that even its mother almost didn't recognize it!"

"Ha!" Xu Yi was amused by Wang Jing's words and praised Wang Jing, saying,"You did a good job by strictly following my instructions without taking the initiative.""

""Yes! I will never act on my own in the future. I will definitely be under your leadership, strictly control, and make a fortune with you!" Wang Jing said flatteringly.

When Wang Jing saw that the pharmaceutical testing company's stock market began to fall, he went to find out the details. It turned out that when the market opened in the afternoon, negative news about this pharmaceutical company came out.

They made improvements based on the previously developed drugs and made vaccines suitable for humans. Who knew that the gorilla died the day after the injection.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the boss ran away with the money. Now the pharmaceutical company is in disarray.

Thinking of the current situation, Wang Jing still feels a little scared.

Fortunately, he did not act on his own and listened to Xu Yi. Otherwise, this loss , even if she resigned and sold herself, she couldn't afford it.

After these two times of Xu Yi's magical control of stocks, Wang Jing was completely convinced by him. After that, Wang Jing strictly followed Xu Yi's instructions to buy and sell stocks.

But after that, unless there are particularly good stocks, Xu Yi will take the initiative to contact Wang Jing and let her do things. Most of the time, Xu Yi gave Wang Jing the freedom to control the account.

Although Wang Jing is not as good as Xu Yi, she is a person with actual achievements and has taken a management position in a stock trading company.

Xu Yi believes in her professional strength and lets her control it with confidence.

Just like this, in less than three months In the past few days, Xu Yi's assets have exceeded 100 million.

In the stock market alone, his net worth has reached 10 billion.

Moreover, judging from the trend of the stocks purchased by Wang Jing, the funds in Xu Yi's account should continue to grow.

At present, the capital reserve situation is completely OK.

Recently, it happened that"Jiuzhou Suizhu Chuan" also completed the filming task, and Xu Yi finally had time.

After the filming was completed, Xiaoju clamored to stay in the crew for four months, and everyone was stunned. She planned to invite some of her good girlfriends to have dinner together.

Xu Yi looked at Xiaoju sitting on the bed in the hotel, calling her girlfriends one by one, and felt a little uncomfortable.

Now The filming of the play has been completed, and they will soon move out of the crew's hotel. Xu Yi currently only has a small rented house in the capital, but it is impossible for him to take Xiaoju back to live.

As far as he knows, Xiaoju also has a small apartment rented with the help of a studio. Perhaps considering his male self-esteem, Xiaoju did not ask him to go home with her.

While Xiaoju was on the phone, Xu Yi went downstairs to the hotel and booked a presidential suite for a month. When he went back, Xiaoju had finished all the calls.

Seeing Xu Yi come in, Xiaoju said to Xu Yi happily:"Everyone is very helpful. They all made time to agree to have dinner with me tonight. Sister Mi and Sister Reba also specifically asked to have dinner with you. Please accompany me tonight!"

""Okay." Xu Yi didn't want to spoil Xiaoju's fun, so he agreed.

At this time, Xiaodi walked in from outside the room and urged Xiaoju,"The hotel called me and said that the room the crew booked for you will be available until today. We have to pack up and move out before 3 pm." After hearing this, Xiaoju sighed and said,"Are we going back to my remote little apartment again?"

The apartment arranged by the studio for Xiaoju is in the suburbs of the imperial capital.

On the one hand, there are fewer people there, which can reduce paparazzi tracking; on the other hand, it is probably also considered cheap.

Although Xiaoju is now a popular female star all over the country, the studio arranged this apartment for her when her career was just starting to pick up.

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