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Yi jokingly said to Xiao Ju:"I haven't been working out recently, so just treat it as working out."

Xiao Ju laughed after hearing this, and was very touched. She knew that Xu Yi was comforting herself in disguise and making excuses for herself.

Next came the last question of the acupressure board quiz, which was the one that decided the winner. Now there were only two groups left, one was Xiao Ju and Xu Yi, and the other was Wu Shi and Xie Na.

Before the last round started, Teacher He called on the audience to cheer for the two teams.

The audience was in a dilemma. Who should they cheer for?

Almost all the audience who came to the scene to watch the recording of the base camp were fans of Xiao Ju and Xu Yi. They really hope that Xiao Ju and Xu Yi can win, but when they think of the punishment after losing... they also want to see Xu Yi holding Xiao Ju and doing three squats, so they are a little hesitant.

The audience shouted vaguely to the stage to cheer, but they didn't know who they were cheering for.

After the cheering, Teacher He announced the start of the third round.

Xu Yi was the first to rush to the sponge cushion chair holding Xiao Ju.

Afterwards, Teacher He announced the title of the last question:"How much does a bowl of glutinous rice balls cost in the song"Selling Glutinous Rice Balls"?"

This time, Xiaoju was full of confidence and answered without hesitation:"30 cents!"

When she was a child, she often heard her mother humming this song, which was a free point question for her. Sure enough, the next second, she heard Teacher He announce the result:"Congratulations! You got it right!"

Xiaoju breathed a sigh of relief, and finally did not drag Xu Yi down to the last place. Xu Yi saw Xiaoju relax, and he also relaxed. The little girl has always been so competitive, and he was also worried that she would lose face in the end.

As for Xu Yi personally, he didn't care at all. He felt that it was good enough to be able to play games with Xiaoju, show himself on this stage, and have a lot of fun.

At the end of this round of games, the group that lost the most was Wu Shi and Xie Na. According to the rules, Wu Shi had to hold Xie Na and do three princess squats on the acupressure board.

But apart from this pair of sister-brother love, the audience didn't want to see this kind of picture full of pink bubbles. Wu Shi had a serious knee injury when filming"Jiuzhou Suizhu Chuan".

Although he is fine now, the doctor still advises not to overuse it. People who do fitness know that squats are the most harmful to the knees, not to mention weighted squats. The weight of this weight is a person's body weight.

Wu Shi thought that he would accept the loss and did not tell anyone about his knee injury. But Xiaoju and Xu Yi saw that he was sweating profusely. After the previous round of games, he was actually quite tired.

Before the punishment was carried out, Xu Yi walked to Teacher He, who was hosting the punishment, and explained the situation to him, and said that in order not to disrupt the normal process of the game, he was willing to accept the punishment on behalf of Wu Shi. Before going to Teacher He, Xu Yi also expressed Xiaoju's opinion on this matter, fearing that Xiaoju would be in the situation of the last round of games and be jealous and unhappy.

But Xiaoju said that she was not like that at all, and that this situation of accepting the punishment on behalf of others was completely different from the situation in the last round of games.

Happy Camp is a personalized program, and Teacher He is a host with a very high emotional intelligence and is particularly good at handling emergencies.

After hearing Xu Yi's response to the situation, he quickly made a judgment and agreed with Xu Yi's approach. Then, Teacher He briefly explained to the audience that Wu Shi had injured his knee and Xu Yi would replace him to accept the punishment.

The host and guests on the stage, including all the audience at the scene, expressed their understanding. However, when it came to the specific punishment, the audience and the host on the scene had doubts about the other person who was punished.

Xie Na immediately stood aside, holding the microphone and pretending to ask Teacher He for a request, but in fact she said in a voice that everyone present could hear:"Actually, I sprained my waist when I was holding the baby yesterday. I can't be held in the air by others, my waist will be uncomfortable……"

When Xie Na was talking, her eyes occasionally glanced in the direction of Xiaoju. Teacher He quickly understood what Xie Na meant, especially since he had witnessed Xiaoju's jealousy in the last round.

Teacher He immediately made the decision and said,"Since you have to replace someone, just replace the whole group. Let Xiaoju go! A group of people should be neat and tidy, and it also shows the unity of your Jiuzhou crew." As soon as Teacher He finished speaking, the audience applauded wildly. Teacher He spoke out their thoughts!

They had waited so long just to see this scene.

Xiaoju did not refuse and walked over generously. Xu Yi was naturally happy to see this result.

He picked up Xiaoju directly and did three squats in the atmosphere of the whole audience.

After finishing, the audience was still booing and saying it was not enough. Xu Yi smiled helplessly, seeing that the audience was really enthusiastic.

He whispered in Xiaoju's ear,"Don't be afraid, you will sit firmly in a while"


Before Xiaoju could react, she felt her body suddenly lifted into the air. She felt Xu Yi's strong arms behind her, holding her up.

Xiaoju looked at the audience in front of her, and saw that her view of the audience was getting lower and lower. She was being lifted up by Xu Yi, to a height that she could hardly imagine.

Finally, she stopped on Xu Yi's shoulder.

After a pause of about five seconds, Xu Yi was worried that Xiaoju would be scared, so he quickly put Xiaoju down.

Applause broke out on and off the stage, and everyone was stunned by Xu Yi's overflowing boyfriend power.

Teacher He clapped his hands and sighed,"Xu Yi, did you hear what I was thinking? I just wanted to cue you to do this move. This is a routine operation demonstration for couples who come to our base camp."

Xu Yi laughed casually,"I am a loyal audience of the base camp. Of course I know this routine operation, so I won't bother Teacher He to speak again.""

"Great!"Teacher He���Du was moved and clapped his hands,"I just like artists like you, who have their own rhythm and are worry-free!"

Then he instructed the staff in the audience,"In the future, find more worry-free artists like Xu Yi to be on the show, and I will add chicken legs to your lunch boxes!"

At this time, Xie Na came over and said,"Teacher He, my focus is different from yours. I saw Xu Yi's operation just now, why does it seem like walking on flat ground? Other couples will demonstrate these operations on the show, but no pair has done it on the acupressure board!"

Li Weijia rushed to complain to Xie Na before Teacher He,"Why do you feel like walking on flat ground? It's probably because the person you are hugging is Xiaoju. If it were you, sister...tsk tsk,"

Xie Na was dissatisfied and acted angry:"It would be the same for me!"

Xu Yi didn't respond. Xie

Na is a bit of a crowd pleaser, and he was afraid that if he responded, she would really try.

Although Xiaoju's jealous look is very cute, he can't look at it too much, or he will feel distressed if he looks at it for too long.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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