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Na didn't get a response, so she immediately looked at Xiaoju and Xu Yi and said,"Just kidding, sister Na, I'm just kidding! I won't let you actually do it, Xiaoju will be jealous."

Xiaoju's face turned red, and she quickly clarified,"I'm not jealous!" Everyone on and off the stage laughed and said nothing about her statement.

After that, everyone on the stage teased Xiaoju about the issue of jealousy for a while, and Xiaoju was so shy that she hid behind Xu Yi. The subsequent recording was also very smooth, and Xu Yi and Xiaoju's first variety show ended successfully.


In the second week after the recording, Happy Camp aired the episode with Xiaoju and Xu Yi.

Xiaoju and Xu Yi sat in the living room of their home at 8 pm on Saturday, watching their first variety show together.

At first, Xiaoju was very nervous. She fidgeted on the sofa, had no appetite to eat the washed fruits on the coffee table, and dared not talk to Xu Yi.

It was not until the show was halfway through and Xu Yi was holding her to play the acupressure board game. She heard herself answer the suit buttons and actually guessed five in odd numbers. She was really amused by herself.

Before that, Xiaoju had been observing Xu Yi's performance in the show. This was her and Xu Yi's first variety show, but for Xiaoju personally, it was not her first time on a variety show, but Xu Yi was.

This was Xu Yi's first time on a variety show, and it was a show with great influence like Happy Camp. If he did not perform well, it would affect the audience's impression of him.

But after watching it, Xiaoju felt that her worries were completely unnecessary. Xu Yi's goodness could not be covered up by a variety show.

Her boyfriend would shine no matter what occasion or what little thing he did.

At this moment, Xu Yi picked up a grape and was about to put it into Xiaoju's mouth, when he saw her looking at him with an admiring look.

Xu Yi instantly felt relieved and relaxed. Since the beginning of Happy Camp, he has noticed Xiaoju's uneasy mood. He knows Xiaoju's character and guesses that she is probably not worried about herself, but about him.

Xu Yi knows that she is only thinking about him, although he wants to tell Xiaoju not to worry too much. But he thought about it and felt that it was useless to comfort her in this matter, and Xiaoju had to be truly at ease.

So, Xu Yi did not bother her.

At this moment, seeing that Xiaoju already had him in her eyes and her face began to show expression, Xu Yi knew that she was relieved and no longer uneasy.

Sure enough, Xiaoju began to check Weibo in a good mood and dared to face the comments of netizens.

Before this episode of Happy Camp ended, Xu Yi and Xiaoju had already occupied two hot searches.

#Xiaoju Xu Yi's Variety Show Debut#

#Xu Yi publicly admitted that Xiaoju is his girlfriend#

Click on the comments, most of them are praises and blessings

"Xu Yi, my new male god!"

"Just for this high-raised posture, I am a fan

"What a fairy couple!"

"I've got this couple!"

"" The man is talented and the woman is beautiful, it's a pleasure to watch, blessings~"

After completely putting her mind at ease, Xiaoju began to watch the show while browsing Weibo. She laughed sweetly from time to time, and would pull Xu Yi over to look:"Look, this comment says that we are a good match... what a good taste!"

"And this one… said that he hoped we could be together forever, and asked her to believe in love again… I hope so too! No, not hope, but a certainty! It can definitely be together forever!"


Xu Yi looked at Xiao Ju lovingly and said with a smile,"It will definitely last forever."

Xu Yi was happy to see Xiao Ju smiling so happily. After spending some time together, Xu Yi found that Xiao Ju was a girl who was overly serious about her work and had a delicate mind.

Because of her serious personality, she tended to be serious about everything, which made her very tired; because of her delicate mind, she often thought more and was easily burdened psychologically.

So when he was not working, when he was with Xiao Ju in private, Xu Yi hoped to see Xiao Ju's relaxed side. Xu Yi felt good to be as innocent as a child, smiling happily, and sharing this and that with him like this.

He liked to see Xiao Ju's carefree look, and hoped that she could always keep such a pure smile, and let her be a child for her.

Xu Yi also took the time to pick up his phone and took a quick look at the comments on Weibo. Almost all of the comments about him were positive.

Many viewers remembered him because of this issue of Happy Camp; some netizens also remembered him because of the two comments on Weibo today. Before Xu

Yi turned off his phone, he saw that his Weibo followers had exceeded five million.

He checked the popularity value of the system again, and it was also rising. Following the last popularity value of one million, the popularity value tonight has soared to an even more terrifying level.

Less than an hour and a half after the start of the base camp, his popularity value has exceeded two million.

Xu Yi has not yet decided what skills to continue to upgrade, but it is right to accumulate more popularity points. Popularity points are the basic currency for him to exchange skills, and no matter how much, it is not too much.

At this time, Xiaoju was half leaning on Xu Yi, and was holding the phone in front of Xu Yi, wanting to show him a funny comment from a netizen. As a result, the phone rang as soon as the phone was moved over.

There was a call coming in.

Xiaoju glanced at the screen and found that the caller was actually Sister Mi.

Xiaoju nestled in Xu Yi's arms, picked up the phone, and said mischievously:"Sister Mi, why did you call me suddenly? Did you miss me?"

Greetings between girls always start off in a cheesy way.

When Sister Mi heard Xiaoju say this, she laughed on the other end of the phone and replied,"Yes, I miss you. Are you free now? Come out and meet me. I have something to tell you."

At this point, Sister Mi quickly added:���:"Oh, yes, is Xu Yi with you? Don't forget to bring him along, I have something to talk to him about."

"He is here." Xiaoju replied immediately, and then told her,"He and I are watching TV at home! Sister Mi, where are you now? We will go out and find you right away."

"Are you at home?"

Sister Mi then asked Xiaoju:"Is it the sea view villa that Xu Yi gave you last time for your birthday?"


Mijie paused for a moment, then said to Xiaoju:"Then don't move, I'm just near your villa, I'll go find you."

Ten minutes later, Xu Yi and Xiaoju picked up Mijie at the gate of the villa area. The villa selected by Xu Yi has very good security. If the owner does not call the guard in person and submit photos of relatives and friends, the security personnel will not let any strangers in.

For a big-name female star like Mijie, Xu Yi thought that she must want to keep a low profile when traveling and not let anyone know, so as not to cause sneak shots.

Therefore, Xu Yi did not inform the security personnel in advance.

On the other hand, Mijie is Xiaoju's best friend and a senior who takes good care of Xiaoju. Xu Yi loves the house and the people in it, and thinks it is better to come and pick her up in person and behave a little gentlemanly. He welcomed Mijie into the villa all the way. As soon as Mijie walked in, she looked around the lobby on the first floor and envied Xiaoju:"You are so lucky! I have been struggling in the entertainment industry for so many years, and I can't afford such a villa."_

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