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Yi looked in the direction Xiaoju pointed, and then saw Cai Xukun surrounded by fans, looking arrogant.

He was not disguised like Xiaoju and himself, except for a pair of sunglasses, there was nothing on his face.

The security guards were there to maintain order among the fans, fearing that it would affect other guests entering and leaving the hotel. He had no intention of leaving or helping to call for help, but just stood there to sign autographs for fans, enjoying the feeling of being the center of attention.

"This is what a traffic idol is.……"

Before coming here, Xu Yi had not learned about Cai Xukun. But the scene just now had already made him thoroughly aware of it. The next program was the same as his... Xu Yi's mentality became more relaxed.

He turned around and pulled Xiaoju, and hurriedly moved to the elevator. When the two walked to the designated floor, they were guided by staff and led to the shooting room of the program group.

After Xiaoju and Xu Yi walked in, they found that although this was an ordinary hotel suite, the program group had already turned the room into a studio, surrounded by a circle of cameras.

This was the first time the two appeared in the"Longing for Life" program group. After being introduced by Sister Mi, they naturally had to be on guard.

Xu Yi and Xiaoju took off the disguises on their faces and followed the staff to meet the director refreshingly.

When they were brought to the director by the staff, they saw a man about thirty years old, laughing and explaining in front of the director:"Director, our Kun Kun arrived very early. But the fans downstairs are too enthusiastic, and he is a more dedicated and fan-loving person. So there is a delay, I hope you don't mind! He will be there soon, soon!"

It sounds like Cai Xukun's agent

"It doesn't matter." The director glanced at the watch on his wrist and said to the man in a good manner,"It's his duty to pamper his fans. He is where he is today because of his fans. Our program team asked him to record this first episode because of his traffic. It's not the official recording time yet, so let him take his time.""

"Director, Xiaoju and Xu Yi are here." The staff member interrupted after the director finished speaking.

The director turned his head and glanced at the two of them, and greeted them casually,"Here they are!"

"Hello, director."

Although the director's attitude towards Xu Yi and Xiao Ju was obviously colder than that towards Cai Xukun's agent, Xiao Ju and Xu Yi still maintained their manners and greeted the director politely. The director's eyes swept between Xiao Ju and Xu Yi again, with a big distrust written on his face.

He raised his hand and pointed to the next room, and said to the two:"The official recording room is there. The recording will officially start in half an hour. You go there first to adapt."

At this point, the director looked at Xu Yi deliberately and asked meaningfully:"This should be your first time recording a reality show, right?"

Xu Yi admitted frankly:"Yes."

The director told the staff who led Xu Yi and Xiao Ju:"Go and explain the problem of the camera position to him." The staff agreed and took Xu Yi and Xiao Wai away.

Xu Yi had just taken two steps when he heard the mocking voice of Cai Xukun's agent behind him:"Nowadays, young people really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is, and the company they belong to is really eager for quick success. Don't you look at your own status, and dare to be on such a popular show."

Perhaps because he saw Xu Yi's steps paused for a moment, Cai Xukun's agent mocked even more vigorously:"What a pity, shrimp is still shrimp after all, don't dream of soaring into the sky and becoming a dragon! Especially when you meet a real dragon. You are unlucky to catch up with our Kun Kun in the same episode. I am afraid that the idea of refutation of exposure will be shattered!"

The agent spoke very loudly, and the director and the staff who led Xu Yi and Xiaoju all heard it, but no one spoke to refute or scold him.

This is the program group of"Longing for Life". The fact that a guest's agent can speak so loudly is already very telling.

Xiaoju was so angry that she wanted to turn around and teach the agent a lesson. Xu Yi saw Xiaoju's intention, held her down, and shook his head at her.

Then, Xu Yi turned around and faced Cai Xukun's agent directly. There was a hint of disdain in his calm expression:"Is it a shrimp or a dragon? I thought it was about real talent, not bragging."

Cai Xukun's agent said unconvincedly:"Our Kun Kun is a real dragon, this is not bragging. You just came up from below and saw him being surrounded by people, right? He is a rare talent!"

Xu Yi teased Cai Xukun's agent seriously, saying,"If he is a real dragon, how could he be blocked on the ground and unable to handle such a small situation? Just let him fly up."

"Hahaha……"Xiaoju and the staff next to her couldn't help laughing after hearing what Xu Yi said.

Cai Xukun's agent's face turned red with anger, and he pointed at Xu Yi and said indignantly:"How dare you say that about the seniors in the industry?! You are just jealous, jealous of our Kun Kun's popularity and outstanding talents."

Xu Yi chuckled:"This is really the biggest joke I have heard this year."

After that, he didn't want to talk nonsense with Cai Xukun's agent anymore. Xu Yi turned around and took Xiaoju away.

While walking out of the room, one could still hear the angry voice of Cai Xukun's agent:"The quality of young people in the entertainment industry is getting lower and lower. They dare to criticize their seniors when they just debuted and haven't established their feet yet. Which company is he from?"

The director glanced at Cai Xukun's agent and retorted:"He was recommended to me by Xiao Mi."

"The person recommended by Sister Mi?" the agent asked with eyes wide open.

The director nodded.

Cai Xukun's agent didn't dare to say a word, he knew the relationship between Sister Mi and the director. If it was someone she recommended, then he couldn't do anything.

However, this Xu Yi was really annoying. The agent immediately called Cai Xukun and informed him:"Come up quickly! The recording is about to start."

He wanted to get his Kunkun up quickly to crush the newcomer named Xu Yi and let him know what a top star in the entertainment industry is.

When the staff led Xiaoju and Xu Yi to the recording site, they heard a commotion outside.

Xiaoju poked her head out of the door and asked subconsciously:"What's that sound?"

A staff member said with impatience in his voice:"It's our celebrity guest, Cai Xukun is here."

While speaking, the big star Cai Xukun walked into the recording room with a bunch of people around him. He walked forward as if no one was around, not caring about the equipment lines and the staff's bags under his feet.

The cameramen hurriedly cleared the road and made way for him as he came in.

But Xu Yi could see the dissatisfaction in their eyes.

At this time, Xiaoju carried two bags in her hands and said to Xu Yi:"Xiaodi brought the things we ordered."_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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