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Yi took the heavier bag from Xiao Ju, and then walked over to greet the staff of the program one by one.

The two distributed the drinks and cakes prepared in advance to the staff to comfort them for their hard work.

The staff were very moved. Since the program started recording, they had no time to eat. The staff of the program group were either hungry or had a bad stomach and didn't know they were hungry.

At this moment, they could eat something to fill their stomachs before starting recording. For them, it was a great happiness.

Xiao Ju and Xu Yi were also very humble and polite, without any star airs. The staff of the program group had a natural liking for them.

Xiao Ju handed the cake to Cai Xukun and stopped, and Xu Yi didn't mean to give it to him.

Obviously, the two were worried that someone would not get a share, so they prepared a lot. But even if there was some left in both bags, they didn't want to give one to Cai Xukun.

The staff on the scene were eating cakes and drinking drinks, and only Cai Xukun was idle.

Cai Xukun was a little angry. Since his debut, people have taken good care of him wherever he went. Many people rushed forward to lick him, and he had never encountered such a situation.

The atmosphere on the scene made him a little embarrassed. Cai Xukun was anxious and angry. He stood up from the sofa, glanced at Xu Yi and Xiaoju, and said indignantly:"Are you stupid? What's the use of pleasing the staff! You are really a newcomer!"

As he spoke, Cai Xukun walked to the next room where the director was, and he was confident in his heart: What's the use of pleasing the cameraman? The cameraman still has to listen to the director.

This Xu Yi is too stupid. Not only is he stupid, but he also doesn't know how to behave. He doesn't know how to please me, a big star, in advance.

Otherwise, maybe when I'm in a good mood, I can interact with him a few more times, and I can let him be brought to the camera more. He doesn't even know how to get traffic. He is really a young man who has just debuted.

He remembered seeing him and Xiaoju publicly announced their relationship on the hot search a few days ago. Cai Xukun felt sorry for Xiaoju: How could he fall in love with such a dull person? What a pity...

Xu Yi watched Cai Xukun walk past him, and heard him say his stupid words in a voice that was neither too loud nor too soft. Xu Yi immediately thought of the scene five minutes ago when his agent was still there happily boasting that he was a real dragon.

Just seeing Cai Xukun's style, and now hearing him speak again, it is true that every cell in his body is trying to perform a person who is"seeking death". Let alone whether he is a dragon among men, Xu Yi thinks that he probably doesn't even understand the basics of being a human being?

Xu Yi suddenly didn't bother to argue with him.

As a professional actor or a professional artist, a humble attitude and rigorous attitude towards work, in many cases, even override professional skills.

Professional skills, Xu Yi has not specifically seen Cai Xukun, and has not seen his performance, so he can't make any comments.

But in terms of professional attitude, through this brief contact, Xu Yi has seen that Cai Xukun has none of it.

Xu Yi can be said to have seen through his brain circuits, which is shocking.

In order to keep their traffic, they choose to build good relationships with fans and act like fans like them; in order to keep their shots in the show, they go to the director and ignore the staff who really do the work...

Xu Yi thinks that it is meaningless to think about these empty things in his mind.

He always believes in one point of view: when you are good enough, others will be easily attracted to you and will naturally like you.

Ten minutes later, the director came out of the next room and the show officially started.

The first part of the shooting is that the three of them, as guests of this issue, call the Mushroom House on the spot to order food from the host.

This is a reserved project of the Mushroom House and it is very interesting.

The director told the three of them that"Longing for Life" has no script. The three of you should just pretend that you are going to visit a friend's house in a while and order food according to your own preferences.

Reality shows, they want this kind of realism, so that they can create unexpected sparks and have different excitement.

Xiaoju and Xu Yi had a rough discussion, and the two only ordered one dish-sour and spicy potato shreds.

Xiaoju was the representative and ordered food on the phone.

At the same time, the Mushroom House was also recording and shooting.

When Mr.

Huang, the chef of"Longing for Life", heard that the customer ordered spicy and sour potato shreds, he smiled and clapped his hands:"Simple, this is a good person who cares about me!

I'll see who ordered it later.

The program team will write it down and invite him to the next episode.


After Xiaoju ordered, Cai Xukun immediately snatched the phone and read out a menu as if he was reading out the names of dishes:"Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, Four Happiness Meatballs, Grilled Skewers, Spicy Crayfish, Pickled Pork Du Xian, Steamed Seabass……"

Before he could finish, the person who answered the phone interrupted him:"Stop! I only wrote down the first one."

Cai Xukun held the phone and said impatiently:"Okay, I'll speak slower and you write it down again."

Cai Xukun had just said the word"Buddha" when he was interrupted again:"Although I didn't write it down completely, I just heard you say so much and I can tell you for sure that there are probably only two that can be done."

Cai Xukun was unhappy:"Which one can't be done?"

"Except for Four Happiness Meatballs and Pickled Duxian, I can't make the rest"

"Why can't I make Buddha Jumps Over the Wall? I saw a guest order this dish before and it was cooked! Why can't I make it? Are you bullying me because I'm not famous enough? I think that male star's status is also average!"

At this time, Mr. Huang's voice came from the phone. Maybe Mr. Huang couldn't stand it anymore, and said coldly:"He is him, you are you! It doesn't matter if you can't do it, you can't do it!"

Cai Xukun didn't dare to make more requests after hearing Mr. Huang's voice. He knew that Mr. Huang was the key to the show"Longing for Life". He couldn't offend him before he went there.

There was another more important reason, that is, after Mr. Huang finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone, and Cai Xukun didn't have a chance to speak again.

Mr. Huang complained to the director over there in the Mushroom House:"Who is this person? So aggressive! Put him on the blacklist for me, forget it for this episode, and don't want to cook for this person again in the future."

Cai Xukun, who was hung up on, felt that everyone in the program team was looking at him with strange eyes. The main reason was that he was not only scolded by Teacher Huang, but also hung up on unilaterally. Cai Xukun felt very embarrassed.

Then, something even more embarrassing happened.

Teacher Huang was famous for his mild temper. During the two seasons of"Longing for Life", the program team had never seen him get angry.

This time was an exception.

But considering the recording effect of the program, the previous segment could not be broadcast. The director asked Cai Xukun to call the Mushroom House again and focus on the dishes again.

This time Cai Xukun was embarrassed._Please download the novel without underline

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