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Xukun gritted his teeth and called the Mushroom House again. Some staff members were laughing, and some were whispering"you deserve it"

This part passed quickly, and the director came out and handed Xu Yi, Xiao Ju and Cai Xukun a task card, telling them:"Since you are the first guests of the third season, in addition to going to the Mushroom House to experience life, you also have a special task"

"What special task?" Cai Xukun frowned slightly and asked in surprise,"Why didn't I hear about it in advance?"

The director said coldly:"It's the same now that I hear you say it."

Cai Xukun didn't dare to say anything else, and listened to the director's explanation:"You are equivalent to recording a guest's pilot film, mainly introducing the local Miao scenery and architecture, so that more people can understand it.

Simply put, you are required to be a tour guide for half a day.

During this process, we will broadcast live, please perform seriously.

"After explaining the task, the director ordered the three guests and the staff of the program team to immediately take a car to the Miao tribe for filming.

After more than an hour's drive, the program team arrived at the village where the mushroom house was located. From the moment the three guests got off the car, the program team added two more cameras for live recording.

Walking into the Miao village, rows of wooden houses towering on the hillside appeared in front of everyone.

Xiaoju remembered that one of the tasks the director gave them was to introduce the Miao architecture. She turned around and cue Xu Yi and said:"These houses look so special."

Xiao Ju only noticed that it was special, but she didn't know anything about the origin of the house. She didn't think Xu Yi would understand, she just wanted to discuss it with them first, as a preview of the show. Then they could go into a villager's house and ask them for advice.

After all, they are not locals, nor are they Miao people, so it's normal that they don't know these things. But the task assigned by the director must be completed, and the attitude of making a serious introduction must be taken.

However, what Xiao Ju and everyone in the program team didn't expect was that Xu Yi was very knowledgeable about Miao architecture.

After Xiao Ju asked this question, he actually began to give her a very detailed popular science:"This is the Miao stilt house. Affected by the special terrain and climate here, the Miao people would build such a special structure of the house."

"The mountains here are high and the slopes are steep, so it is not easy to dig foundations. The weather is changeable, humid and foggy, and the ground floor of the brick house is very heavy, which is not conducive to living. Therefore, the Miao people have always liked to build wooden buildings with good ventilation and dryness near mountains and rivers."

Xiao Ju showed a look of sudden enlightenment:"So this is how it is……"

Xu Yi pointed to the stilt house not far away and continued to popularize science to Xiaoju, saying:"Generally, stilt houses are built on a slope and are divided into two or three floors.

The top floor is very low, usually only used to store food and not for living.

The downstairs is used to store sundries or as a livestock pen.

If it is two-story, the top floor will not be built.

Generally, the walls are made of bamboo and mud, and the roof is covered with grass.

Now due to convenient transportation, rubble is gradually being used as the roof.


Xiaoju listened very carefully, and the staff on the side also listened very carefully. They didn't expect that Xu Yi actually knew so much.

He actually talked about the niche knowledge like Miao architecture. What was also unexpected was the audience in the live broadcast room. Originally, many of them were in the live broadcast room with their love for the program"Longing for Life", wondering if they could see Teacher He and Teacher Huang.

They themselves were not interested in such a boring introduction to customs. Just after listening to Xu Yi's popular science, everyone seemed to have opened the door to a new world and developed a strong interest in the Miao customs and culture.

The barrage went"6666"

"My little brother is so good, you know all this"

"Contemporary Encyclopedia"

"It may be that I have done the homework in advance and am just memorizing it now."

"Doing your homework in advance is a sign of professionalism, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's all your own ability."


It was a long time after Xu Yi finished speaking that Xiaoju came back to her senses. Since Xu Yi introduced the stilt house, she has been immersed in Xu Yi's popular science, with a look of admiration on her face.

At this moment, Xiaoju came back to her senses, still looking at Xu Yi with admiration and asked:"How do you know about the houses here?"

After asking this question, the answer that emerged in Xiaoju's mind was similar to that of the audience in the live broadcast room, thinking that Xu Yi had done his homework in advance.

Xu Yi replied nonchalantly:"I knew a little about it before."

After hearing this, Xiaoju didn't ask more questions, just thinking that he had guessed it. He thought Xu Yi knew about these things in advance when he learned that they were going to participate in"Longing for Life" and knew that the location was here.

In fact, Xu Yi didn't. He just read a report about the Miao people when he bought a magazine in high school. It detailed the origin of the stilt house. Xu Yi was personally interested in this aspect, so he read it more.

He has a good brain and has always had a good memory. In addition to the previous system's blessing on his physical fitness, the knowledge he has absorbed will be stored in his memory more clearly.

It was easy for Xu Yi to call up this memory and make the popular science presentation just now.

The staff members on the side showed admiring eyes to Xu Yi one after another. This is a top student!

Cai Xukun was very disdainful when he saw this scene. Isn't it just a fluke that I guessed a strange building correctly? What's the big deal?

He immediately got in front of the live camera and greeted the fans, trying to grab the camera:"Hello everyone, it's time for the tour guide Xiaocai."

Cai Xukun pointed to a sea of flowers in front and said to the camera:"Do you see the sea of flowers in front? I can smell the fragrance of flowers now. Now I will take you to appreciate the natural scenery of the Miao people!"

As he said, he ran forward and headed straight for the sea of flowers. When he passed Xu Yi and Xiaoju, he just glanced at them with disdain.

In order to keep up with him, the cameraman behind him drove a camera weighing dozens of kilograms and ran out of breath.

The director waved his hand and asked Xiaoju, Xu Yi, and other staff to keep up.

A bunch of Cai Xukun's fans in the barrage were cheering crazily.

"wow finally saw my kun!"

"Please, cameraman, give me more shots of Kun!"

"Our KunKun, please look here quickly!"

"I can't take it anymore, my Kun is just too handsome~"

In addition to the cancer Kuns, there are also some fans of"Longing for Life" waiting in front of the live broadcast room.

They all have normal aesthetic concepts, and seeing these comments licking Cai Xukun on the barrage, everyone can't help but

"I can’t do it either. What the hell are these two trails?"

"Can you be any more feminine?"

"Please, cameraman, please stop punishing my eyes, okay?"

Perhaps the cameraman heard the voices of the fans, and the camera quickly focused on Xu Yi and Xiao Ju in the flowers._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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