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Girls always have a natural liking for flowers, and Xiaoju is no exception. From the moment she entered the flowers, she began to look everywhere.

Unfortunately, she had lived in the city since she was a child, and her understanding of flowers was limited to the roses that men gave her when they pursued her. She could be said to know nothing about this kind of flowers that grow in nature.

Every time Xiaoju went to a place, she would exclaim"It's so beautiful" and ask questions:"What kind of flower is this?"

Xu Yi would answer her one by one:"This is zinnia, an annual herb. It is not cold-resistant and likes warm places." Xiaoju

:"What about this one?" Xu

Yi:"This is chrysanthemum, although the flowers are small, the colors are gorgeous and the vitality is strong"

"This pink flower……"

Xiaoju stood in front of a sea of pink flowers, staring at them for a long time, and then concluded:"This flower looks... a little familiar?"

But after saying this, Xiaoju frowned and sighed,"But I still can't remember what flower this is, but I'm sure I've seen it before."

Xu Yi walked over and asked Xiaoju softly:"You really don't know it?"

Xiaoju pouted and admitted:"I don't know it."

"This is peach blossom!"Xu Yi smiled and helped Xiaoju reveal the secret. The word"fool" came to his lips, but Xu Yi was afraid that Xiaoju would feel frustrated, so he swallowed it.

"Peach Blossom?" Xiao Ju opened her eyes wide, looked up at Xu Yi and asked,"Is it the Peach Blossom in"Eternal Love" played by Sister Mi?"

"That's the one."Xu Yi said affirmatively.

Xiaoju suddenly realized:"I was wondering where I had seen it~ It turned out to be in the drama."

Thinking of this, Xiaoju was a little embarrassed again:"I really am... As a girl, I don't even know peach blossoms!"

Xu Yi smiled unkindly, but Xiaoju saw him smiling the next second. He found that Xiaoju's face was not good, so he immediately bent down to pick up a peach blossom in front of him, handed it to Xiaoju, and quickly said sweetly:"Girls like you don't need to understand flowers, as long as you know how to receive flowers."

This sentence successfully coaxed Xiaoju, and Xiaoju happily accepted the flowers sent by Xu Yi with a satisfied look on her face.

While observing the flowers carefully, she asked Xu Yi in surprise:"But how do you know so many flowers? It's obviously a boy……"

Xu Yi also got this skill before he stepped into the sea of flowers. When he followed the star Cai Xukun who wanted to show off, Xu Yi saw all kinds of flowers in the sea of flowers, most of which he didn't know, and he was a little worried.

Xu Yi was worried that some of the flowers might be poisonous, and if Xiaoju accidentally touched them, it would damage her skin or even affect her health.

In addition, Xu Yi thought of the popular science he liked to watch before, and knew that some ethnic groups would have their own representative flowers, and they would show great importance to these flowers, and even believe in them.

Xu Yi was afraid that if they accidentally hurt the Miao people, it would leave a bad impression on the residents here, and the subsequent task of visiting the Miao village would not be completed.

Moreover, there might be some viewers in the live broadcast room who understand flowers and customs. If they see them, they will also think that they and the program team are unprofessional.

For these two reasons, before entering the sea of flowers, Xu Yi spent 3,000 popularity points to learn"Plant Mastery" in the system, which allows him to quickly identify these flowers and plants to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

This is because he is familiar with the intention behind these flowers, but he did not expect that this skill would have an unexpected effect on Xiaoju.

Xu Yi paused, and then said to Xiaoju in a very routine way:"I am struggling with which flowers are more suitable for you and what flowers to give you, so I went to learn about various flowers."

Xiaoju believed it and was very moved. She held Xu Yi's hand:"You are so good to me."

Xiaoju has grown up for so many years, but this is the first time she has met a man who treats her so attentively.

She was so happy that she took the peach blossom that Xu Yi gave her and turned happily twice among the flowers.

This series of thoughtful actions of Xu Yi not only made Xiaoju happy, but also captured the hearts of a group of female fans in the live broadcast room.

"What kind of person is this Xu Yi? He knows Miao architecture and can identify flowers by word of mouth!"

"I also want to ask, I don't think I've seen him before. Is he new?"

"Within two minutes, I want to get all the information about Xu Yi!"

"He is really handsome. He is just as handsome when standing next to Xiaoju, and they seem to be a perfect match for each other. Why is that?"

"They are a couple, so it's only natural that they are a good match."

"Xiaoju has good taste. She didn't choose those fat bosses like other female stars. This Xu Yi looks like a spring breeze."

"Yes, he is very attractive and manly. Unlike our other male guest, he is not effeminate at all.~~"

The last words, especially the last word"sissy", successfully angered Cai Xukun's fan club ikun.

They were already very unhappy when they saw a group of people in the live broadcast room brushing Xu Yi and Xiaoju, and praising Xu Yi together.

Where their Kun Kun is, how can everyone's attention be attracted by other male stars? They will never allow this.

When they were praising Xu Yi just now, ikun had already begun to come forward and protested in the barrage, asking the cameraman to give their Kun Kun more shots.

Now that someone says that their Kun Kun is sissy, it is naturally even more unbearable. ikun immediately came out to protect their master, and licked Cai Xukun crazily in the barrage.

"Do you know what is handsome? Our Kun Kun is really handsome!"

"What’s wrong with the cameraman? Do you still want the chicken leg?"

"Why don't you give us Kun Kun a shot? Don't you know who is supporting this live broadcast?"

"My Kun Kun is the most handsome in the universe. If you don’t agree, come and argue with me!"


The barrage of comments licking Cai Xukun was quickly dominated by ikun, although it seemed a bit irritating to other viewers. However, the audience watching the show were basically well-educated. They had all heard about the style of the fans of this traffic star and knew that there were some idiots among them. The more they refuted, the more excited they would be.

In order to maintain the harmony of the live broadcast room, everyone tacitly ignored it.

Cai Xukun seemed to have seen the barrage of comments in the live broadcast room, and jumped in front of the camera, trying his best to get the camera.

He originally wanted to be a handsome man in the sea of flowers, causing a group of female fans to scream. But he saw that the two cameras were surrounding Xu Yi and Xiaoju and filming, and he knew that his performance just now was still too conservative.

He wanted to imitate Xu Yi and bend down to pick flowers. Then he took the bouquet of flowers he picked, came to the camera in a cute way, and said to the fans:"In a while, my agent will draw a lottery on the spot. The lucky audience who is drawn will get my bouquet of flowers."_

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