Cai Xukun had a very good idea. Just now, when he saw Xu Yi bending down to pick flowers, he, a man, was fascinated by it unconsciously.

Although he was reluctant to admit it in his heart, he had to say that Xu Yi's action of picking flowers was a bit charming.

Afterwards, Cai Xukun saw Xu Yi giving flowers to Xiaoju. At that time, a beam of light happened to hit behind Xu Yi, and Cai Xukun felt that the scene was somewhat beautiful.

He wanted to imitate Xu Yi in picking flowers, but he couldn't give them to Xiaoju, who had an owner, but could give them to fans for a lucky draw. He narcissistically thought that his fans would love his action, and that the moment they saw him picking flowers would be his most glorious moment.

Cai Xukun thought everything was very good, but he didn't expect Xu Yi to make it look like a man with explosive boyfriend power. But when it came to him... it was a bit of aping others.

Seeing their master picking flowers with great effort and giving them to them, the ikuns were indeed as excited as Cai Xukun expected.

The barrage of comments swiped:"The way our Kunkun picks flowers is so manly"

"Kun Kun’s big show of pampering to his fans, this scene of picking flowers will keep me going for the rest of my life!"

"I've reserved that flower! Don't let anyone snatch it from me!"

"Our Kun Kun is so manly even when holding flowers"


Originally, other viewers in the live broadcast room thought that Kun fans like to be surprised and often come out to protect their master, which is understandable. But this time, ikun kept brushing Cai Xukun man, which made some male viewers with normal aesthetics unbearable.

At this time, the live broadcast room kept staying on the picture of Cai Xukun holding flowers. Many straight male viewers couldn't stand it and silently slid down to the comment area and began to complain in the comment area

"I can't bear to watch it. It's so girly.……"

"It's not that I'm biased, I just can't resist it."

"You are not alone."

Below this comment, a bunch of replies"+1""+2", almost reaching 10086

"Which brother who can hold on, as the advance team, can find out the news for us?"

"When will the camera switch to Xiaoju? Please leave a message in the comment section and I will return to the live broadcast room to watch."

"Now we can only temporarily block the live broadcast and turn on the eye protection mode."

The ikuns were busy watching Cai Xukun's manly performance in the live broadcast room, and were busy swiping the screen to lick their Kun Kun, and they didn't pay attention to the comment section.

The straight male viewers in the comment section were all complaining crazily:"Cai Xukun is too much, look at how he has forced us straight male viewers!"

Then there was another round of"hahahaha" in the comments.

The atmosphere in the comment section was joyful.

After everyone complained for a while, they suddenly saw a comment from the pioneer warriors:"Brothers, the live broadcast screen has changed. Now it's Xiaoju and Xu Yi, and the barrage is quiet."

Everyone returned to the live broadcast room with peace of mind after seeing this comment.

After returning, everyone saw Xu Yi and Xiao Ju came to a bamboo forest and talked to an old man wearing a straw hat and holding farm tools.

Xu Yi first greeted the old man politely, and then offered to help the old man cut bamboo. The old man gave Xu Yi a tool, and Xu Yi began to help everyone cut bamboo.

Xiao Ju stood aside and watched Xu Yi working quietly. The program team pulled the camera in to film the conversation between the Miao old man and Xu Yi.

The old man was simple and enthusiastic. While chopping bamboo, he started chatting with Xu Yi, asking questions like what was his name, where he was from, how old he was, how many people were in his family, etc., just like checking his household registration.

But Xu Yi did not feel any discomfort, as the old man's enthusiasm made him not wary at all. Even though he knew he was in a live broadcast, Xu Yi thought that everyone was sincerely chatting with him as an outsider, so he had to put aside his identity as an artist and answer the old man sincerely.

Xu Yi answered the old man's questions one by one, and he immediately discovered that Xu Yi's new female fans were looking forward to it.

"Who asked for this handsome guy's information just now? Now you can take out your notebook and write it down."

The new female fans of Xu Yi in the live broadcast room were secretly assisting the old man in the barrage, asking him to ask more questions so that they could get to know Xu Yi well at one time.

The old man was also very helpful. He even asked questions like whether he had brothers and sisters, whether he was married, and what type of girls he liked.

Xu Yi saw that the direction of the topic was a little off, and was afraid that if they continued to talk, the old man would introduce his daughter to him, so he immediately said:"I have a girlfriend, she's over there."

As he spoke, Xu Yi raised his body and pointed at Xiaoju.

When the old man saw Xiaoju, he felt the same as the female fans of Xu Yi in the live broadcast room, and he was frustrated at first.

Then he looked at Xiaoju for a long time, and when he saw Xiaoju saw Xu Yi stop, she came over with a handkerchief to wipe Xu Yi's sweat considerately, and he was relieved.

This girlfriend is not only beautiful, but also has a good personality. She is a suitable candidate for a wife. The important thing is that when she and Xu Yi stand together, they look like a perfect match.

No one has the heart to break up such a well-matched couple, and they all put their minds to it.

Soon, the old man told Xu Yi with a smile on his face:"You can stop, today's quantity is enough."

Xu Yi stopped and returned the tools to the old man.

The old man looked at Xu Yi with a smile on his face, and said with emotion:"There are not many young people nowadays who can take the initiative to help an old man like me with farm work. Young man, thank you. Thank you for chatting with me for so long, I am very happy. My husband passed away early, and my children are all working away from home. It has been a long time since anyone has talked to him for such a long time.……"

When the old man said this, the program team gave him a close-up. When the old man said this, his eyes were a little red. Because there were not many people around, it was very quiet, and every word the old man said was also heard.

The audience in the live broadcast room heard it clearly and expressed their feelings. For a while, the barrage was full of positive energy.

"Caring for the elderly, visiting them often"

"What they want is actually very simple. As long as you listen to them and talk to them, they will be very happy."

"This is a positive energy idol, the positive energy behavior that the entertainment industry should promote"

"Fans of a certain website, open your eyes and take a good look!"

Xu Yi said to the old man with a smile on his face,"Me too. I feel I have gained a lot today because I can talk to you for so long and learn a lot about the customs of the Miao ethnic group."

The old man laughed at Xu Yi, picked up the bamboo and invited Xu Yi to their home for a cup of tea. Xu Yi smiled and declined, as he still had a task to complete.

The old man expressed his regret, and when he praised Xu Yi and was about to turn around and leave, Xu Yi stopped the old man and asked,"Uncle, can you give me some of these useless little bamboos? And can you lend me the knife and the thin rope you used to cut the rope just now?"

These two were the ultimate goals of Xu Yi coming to help the old man cut bamboo.

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