Everyone was stunned for a moment, then immediately took out a knife and a piece of string from their tool bag and handed them to Xu Yi, saying generously,"This is for you. It's not a valuable item. I have plenty of them at home.""

""Thank you, uncle!" Xu Yi took the knife and the string, and insisted to the uncle,"I'll keep the string, but I'll send the knife back to you after I use it up. Please leave me an address, uncle. I'll stay here for the next two days."

The uncle was carrying a basket of bamboo, and he turned around and waved to Xu Yi:"No need. We'll meet again if we're destined to, young man."

Xu Yi looked down at the knife and string in his hand, thinking that he had heard that the village was not big. As long as he spent a little time, he would always be able to find the uncle's home.

The string and bamboo were fine, they were consumables. He had to return the knife, a tool like a knife.

After the uncle left, Xu Yi sat down on the spot, picked up the bamboo that the uncle had just thrown away because it was too thin and too short, and began to cut it with a knife.

The live broadcast room was full of"???"The barrage

"The style of painting changes too quickly���I can't adapt to it."

"The male god suddenly started to do handicrafts"

"Wow, he looks so handsome when doing handicrafts"

"Anyway, it's not like someone next door playing basketball……"

Xiaoju squatted down in front of Xu Yi, watching him cut bamboos into different lengths and then tied them together in rows with string.

Xiaoju asked the question of all the viewers in the live broadcast room:"What are you doing?"

While Xu Yi was working hard, he suddenly raised his head, smiled at Xiaoju and told her:"Pan flute."

Xu Yi's raising his head caused the barrage to boil again.

"Ahhhh, this picture of looking up and smiling, my heart melts"

"He is the sunshine messenger"

"Please give me a gif. I will exchange it with my 500 dragon coins."

At this moment, Xiaoju, like the crazy female fans in the live broadcast room, had long forgotten the issues she was concerned about. She surrendered to the smile on Xu Yi's face when he just raised his head.

At some point, she felt a sudden weight on her head. Xiaoju moved her body slightly, and felt something falling from her head.

Xiaoju subconsciously reached out to catch it, and then a wreath made of fresh flowers appeared in her hand.

Xiaoju looked down at the wreath, then looked up at Xu Yi, and asked in surprise:"Did you weave this?"

Xu Yi nodded at him.

Then, Xiaoju asked without hesitation:"When did you weave it?"

Xu Yi smiled, looked at Xiaoju and said jokingly:"When you were staring at me in a daze."

Xiao Ju blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment. Xu Yi took the wreath from her hand while she was looking down and put it on her head again.

Xu Yi had learned"Romantic Mastery" in the system earlier. Under such circumstances, it was most appropriate to make a wreath for Xiao Ju.

Then, Xu Yi took out the pan flute he had just made with bamboo, put it to his mouth and blew it twice.

After hearing the sound, Xu Yi said refreshingly:"OK!"

Then, he looked at Xiaoju and said,"I wonder if you are honored to see you dancing in the flowers. I will accompany you with the flute."

Xiaoju heard this, her eyes moved, and her eyes looking at Xu Yi were very smart. To be honest, she was a little itchy when she saw this sea of flowers just now.

So, when Xu Yi gave her peach blossoms just now, Xiaoju couldn't help but happily turned around in the sea of flowers twice.

But now it is a live broadcast, and among their three guests, there is already a Cai Xukun who loves to show off. In the current online environment, there are many black fans who like to attack celebrities who love to show off.

Xiaoju is worried that if she shows too much, it will arouse the audience's disgust. It's mainly because she is alone, and it's a bit strange to suddenly dance in the flowers. Xu

Yi knows that Xiaoju is a professional and is good at all kinds of dances. He also came up with the idea of cueing her to dance after seeing Xiaoju turning around in the flowers just now.

He knows that many people will watch this live broadcast, and even more people will watch the show"Longing for Life". Since what they are doing now is a guest version of the pilot film, which is to promote the Miao culture and local tourism, it will inevitably be edited and broadcast on TV in the future.

In this way, their performance today will have a far-reaching impact after the show is broadcast. Xu Yi thought that since Xiaoju has this talent, he hopes that she can show her good side more in front of the camera.

However, he also understands Xiaoju. If you force it suddenly, it will not only not add highlights to yourself, but may cause the audience's disgust. It is also a safe choice for Xiaoju not to perform here.

But Xu Yi will not give up. If there are no conditions, he will create conditions to let Xiaoju perform.

Therefore, Xu Yi spent 5,000 popularity points and learned"elementary instrument proficiency".

He went to help the old man cut bamboo, borrowed a knife and a thin rope, and made a pan flute with bamboo.

Now he can blow the pan flute and accompany Xiaoju.

With Xu Yi's flute playing, the atmosphere suddenly changed. Xiaoju also felt very good and danced among the flowers.

Today, Xiaoju wore a beige cotton long skirt, which looked very forest girly and comfortable. She just turned twice in the flowers, and the hem of her skirt fluttered in the wind, like a stamen waiting to bloom.

Xiaoju already has the reputation of"the beauty of four thousand years", and now she is surrounded by various colorful flowers, which makes her even more unique and absolutely beautiful.

Even more beautiful is the scene in the live broadcast room that the audience sees at this moment. Xiaoju is competing with many beauties, dancing lightly like a butterfly.

And Xu Yi stood aside, holding a pan flute and looking at Xiaoju with a doting face. Such a picture is so beautiful.

For a while, the live broadcast room was filled with the barrage of the three words"too beautiful", and the picture was almost invisible.

Xu Yi's goal of letting Xiaoju fully perform and gaining the favor of netizens was successfully achieved.

Netizens are all sighing:"Now I completely get the beauty of the 'beauty of four thousand years'……"

"This name is well deserved"

"Our Xiaoju is not only beautiful, but also multi-talented."

The fans immediately made a hard advertisement:"I hope everyone will pay more attention to Xiaoju's works."

In addition to Xiaoju receiving many praises, the audience also took a new look at Xu Yi.

"This boyfriend is so versatile!"

"She can make garlands and play the panpipe. She also knows so many Miao customs. Her knowledge is incredible."

"Oh, it's a pity that he is someone else's boyfriend……"

After the female fans complained, some male fans also appeared

"It seems that he really has real talent and knowledge, so I reluctantly admitted it."

"Although I am not very willing, but seeing how good you are to Xiaoju, I agree to this marriage for the time being."


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