These male fans who said this with reluctance were once the ones who secretly called Xiaoju their wife. When they saw the public information about Xu Yi and Xiaoju on the Internet, they all collapsed and didn't want to believe it. When they saw the part where Xu Yi made his relationship public on Happy Camp, they angrily threw the remote control and turned off the TV.

Today, in order to see Xiaoju, they squatted in the live broadcast room again. Xu Yi's series of performances from the beginning of the live broadcast to the present, including the casual display of his erudition and his considerate care for Xiaoju, finally succeeded in conquering these male fans who regarded him as a rival in love.

Many male fans have also become fans of Xu Yilu, especially when they saw Xu Yi playing the flute to accompany Xiaoju and Xiaoju dancing among the flowers, they couldn't help but change their previous views that they were not optimistic about the two, and they all felt:

"These two seem to be a good match."

"This Xu Yi... is quite handsome after watching him for a long time"

"Look at this low-key temperament, it seems pretty good"

"Forget it, as long as Xiaoju is happy, we will support her!"

The live broadcast room was frozen on the scene of Xiaoju and Xu Yi, the fairy couple, performing in the sea of flowers, and the barrage was also peaceful.

This shot aroused a strong sense of comfort among the fans, and everyone was fascinated by it.

But because this shot was so attractive, the cameramen were all focused on shooting Xiaoju and Xu Yi, and no one was shooting our traffic superstar Cai Xukun. The cancer Kuns didn't see their master's shot in the live broadcast for nearly ten minutes, and they were very angry. They all denounced Xu Yi in the barrage for stealing their Kun Kun's shot.

"Who is this guy? How dare he steal our Kun Kun's camera?"

"He is Xiaoju's boyfriend. Look at the way he keeps trying to please Xiaoju."

"How can a guy who relies on women to get ahead have any traffic?"

"I've never even heard of this person, what's the use of giving him a camera!"

"Is his traffic as high as our Kun Kun’s?"

"What's going on with the production team? Do they still want to continue this live broadcast?"


Among all the comments denouncing Xu Yi, there suddenly appeared a comment that was extremely hot.

""Fuck you, you stupid bastard!"

Finally, an old man with a bad temper couldn't help but curse.

"What the hell is this? You can really talk nonsense. Who stipulated that the camera must be given to Cai Xukun?"

Then, other viewers who were fed up with Cai Xukun and had long had enough of ikun also joined the brother's camp.

"I just don't understand why you like that sissy?"

"He is not as handsome as Xu Yi, and not as pretty as Xiaoju. He is neither male nor female, neither fish nor fowl. What is there to see?"

This sentence touched the reverse scale of ikun. What ikun hates most is that others say that their most manly Kun Kun is a sissy.

So, they began to criticize him without quality. The words they used were so dirty that they were unbearable to watch. The network administrator of the live broadcast room began to block the accounts.

Probably because several accounts that were active in the front line and cursed people were blocked, ikun's behavior of protecting their master began to converge, and they no longer criticized people in the barrage.

But they still refused to give up. In the end, they put on a confident attitude and said arrogantly in the barrage:"Just watch! No matter how much you support those two unknown artists on the 18th line, the most popular of the three guests must be our Kun Kun"

"What Xu Yi? Is he worthy of being compared with our Kun Kun?"

"He was lucky enough to participate in a program with our Kun Kun, which was the pinnacle of his career."

While ikun was speaking, the director arranged for the three to continue with the process. The audience in the live broadcast room saw that the three had left the sea of flowers and walked on the winding dirt road.

The audience guessed that they were going to visit the next place, and they all watched the live broadcast attentively, too lazy to compete with ikun.

Such uncultured fans will get a lesson sooner or later. They don't need to sacrifice their own quality to be buried with them.

Who is good and who is bad, everyone has their eyes to judge, and it is not something that ikun can win for his master with just a mouth.

It's a pity that ikun doesn't understand this truth.

After walking for about five minutes, the three finally saw the first Miao house. When passing by, Xu Yi saw a large amount of ecological agricultural materials piled up outside the door of the Miao house, and an old man wearing traditional Miao costumes was planting crops outside the door.

Xu Yi heard a burst of hurried footsteps behind him, and then he saw Xiaoju quickly passed his side, walked towards the old man, and asked him with concern:"Uncle, do you need help?"

Xu Yi looked at Xiao Ju's energetic profile, thinking that this little girl had gotten there first. However, while Xu Yi was impressed by Xiao Ju, he was also a little worried about her.

When Xu Yi saw the old man working just now, he had the idea of helping him. However, when he walked by, he smelled a strong odor of farm materials. He was a little worried that Xiao Ju, who loved beauty and cleanliness, would not be able to stand it, so he hesitated and did not take the initiative to help the old man.

But what he didn't expect was that Xiao Ju actually took the initiative to speak. This little girl always At the critical moment, she showed a side that surprised Xu Yi.

And this surprising side was mostly good. Xu Yi was completely relieved about Xiaoju. If she could even tolerate the stench of this kind of agricultural materials, then he thought there should be nothing that Xiaoju could not adapt to in the Miao farming life.

But how could Xu Yi let Xiaoju do this kind of farm work that required physical labor? He simply rolled up his sleeves and prepared to go forward to ask the uncle for farm tools.

The uncle had similar ideas to Xu Yi. When he saw Xiaoju coming forward to ask, he hurriedly smiled and refused her politely:"No, girl. I understand! Don't get your skirt dirty, I'll be done soon." As soon as the uncle finished speaking, Xu Yi had already walked in front of him, wanting to reach out to take the tools in the uncle's hand:"Let me help you, uncle!"

"Really, young man."The old man put down his farm tools and told Xu Yi,"I have already finished the farm work here. Do you want to……"

The old man wanted to invite Xu Yi and Xiao Ju to come in for tea. Although these two young people were dressed in trendy clothes and looked like they were from outside, they did not dislike the shabby village at all when they came here, and they took the initiative to help. He liked them very much.

However, when he opened his mouth to invite the two, he saw Cai Xukun standing beside them, looking at the ecological agricultural materials at the door of his house, frowning, with a look of disgust on his face.

The old man saw that Cai Xukun's feet were moving back quietly, and his face was turned as much as possible to avoid the direction of his house.

The old man immediately swallowed the idea of inviting Xiao Ju and Xu Yi in for tea, because the old man saw that although Xiao Ju and Xu Yi were very enthusiastic and had no dislike at all, they seemed to be on the same side as Cai Xukun, who showed a look of disgust.

The old man did not want to embarrass Xu Yi and Xiao Ju, so he had to withdraw the invitation.

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