The live broadcast had been going on for nearly an hour and it was time for commercials. Because of the influence of the show"A Longing for Life", many advertisers heard that some guests had gone to the Miao village to record a live broadcast before, and they all took the initiative to contact the program team to discuss advertising.

As soon as the advertisement was broadcast, the staff came forward to tell Xu Yi, Xiao Ju and Cai Xukun that they could take a short break. As soon as

Cai Xukun saw the cameraman put down the machine and made sure that he was not in the camera, he immediately covered his nose with his clothes, retreated, and complained in disgust:"It stinks, and it's too dirty here. What the hell is this place? Is the program team playing a prank on me? They want me to come to a place like this.……"

Cai Xukun's words aroused the dissatisfaction of the two cameramen nearby. The two men looked at Cai Xukun's back as he ran away and said disdainfully:"What the hell? This is organic fertilizer, a place for people to grow crops?"

"Dislike the smell? If no one grows these things, you will starve to death! You despise others, do you think they will welcome you?"

Hearing what Cai Xukun said, Xiaoju frowned.

Isn't this guy too disrespectful?

In the past, she always thought that people slandered Cai Xukun just because he was popular and had a lot of gossips, and people were jealous of him, so they made up a lot of negative information to attack him.

After spending some time together today, Xiaoju found that she had thought too highly of him before, and he was really not that good.

At this time, Cai Xukun had already taken advantage of the commercial break to run back to the director's car. While drinking ice water and enjoying the staff blowing his air with an electric fan, he asked the director in a flattering manner:"Director, how did I perform just now?"

The staff couldn't stand seeing Cai Xukun being the only one hiding in the car to rest. They had just eaten the cakes and drinks brought by Xiaoju and Xu Yi, and they wanted to take care of Xu Yi and Xiaoju.

The staff called Xu Yi and Xiaoju over, drank some water and took a rest before continuing the recording of the second half.

When Xu Yi and Xiaoju heard the staff calling them, they turned around and looked at the old man embarrassedly. The old man was very reasonable and urged them with a smile:"Go quickly! Your people are calling you!"

The two thought that the program crew had something to explain, so they said goodbye to the old man warmly and politely before walking back.

As a result, when they walked to the place where the program crew gathered and took the water handed over by the staff, they understood their intentions.

During the break for Xu Yi and Xiaoju, a staff member secretly pointed to Cai Xukun in the director's car and said contemptuously:"You are acting cute with the director over there!"

Xiaoju and Xu Yi looked over there, and it was indeed like that. Cai Xukun was talking and laughing in front of the director, and even dancing with joy. He was completely different from the sullen look with disgust in front of the farmhouse just now.

Then, the staff kindly reminded Xiaoju and Xu Yi:"If you have nothing to do, go and show your face in front of the director."

They knew very well that the director had a lot of say in both the early shot allocation and the later editing.

Compared with Cai Xukun, who liked to please the director, Xiaoju and Xu Yi were really at a disadvantage. They cared for the two not only because they ate their food before the show started. It was also because after watching their performance in the live broadcast just now, the staff of"Longing for Life" program group felt that Xiaoju and Xu Yi were good.

Not only do they have strong professional skills, but they also have the professionalism of a star. And in the most basic aspect of being a human being, they are also far ahead of Cai Xukun..

The staff members all like Xu Yi and Xiao Ju very much. They can't bear to see such professional and dedicated artists being compared to people like Cai Xukun who can only play tricks but have no real talent and artistic ethics. If that were the case, it would be too unfair.

Xu Yi glanced into the director's car and happened to meet Cai Xukun's smug look at him, as if he had won just by sitting next to the director and being able to talk to the director.

Xu Yi had nothing to say to such a simple boy. He felt that he was competitive with him and even insulted his gender.

So Xu Yi politely declined the staff member of the program crew who kindly reminded him:"I understand your good intentions, thank you. But I have been an artist all this way until now, and I only want to rely on my own strength, and don't want to do those unorthodox methods. I don't think it's interesting to become famous in that way."

After listening to Xu Yi's words, the staff looked at him with admiration. Turning around and looking at Cai Xukun who was fawning on the director in the director's car, it was a sharp contrast.

But it must be said that Cai Xukun's fawning was effective, at least in terms of boosting his confidence.

After resting for a while, Cai Xukun got out of the director's car, and then walked to the two cameramen in charge of the live broadcast, and said in a commanding tone:"When we record later, you two, give me more shots, okay?"

He looked so arrogant, as if the program group was run by his family.

Upon hearing this, the two cameramen rolled their eyes at him with disdain.

Cai Xukun, who always felt good about himself, also felt their reluctance, so he brought up the director to threaten:"Why, you have to let me invite the director and let him tell you solemnly once before you are willing to listen, right? By then, whether you can keep your position as a cameraman, I can't guarantee it."

The two cameramen seemed to have swallowed a fly, and they agreed to Cai Xukun's request with disgust:"Okay."

They knew that Cai Xukun was the key guest of the program team. Before filming, the director had specifically instructed them to give Cai Xukun more shots.

Who made him have so many crazy fans?

Just now, everyone in the program team saw Cai Xukun get into the director's monitoring car and chat and laugh with the director. The cameraman didn't understand the relationship between Cai Xukun and the director, and he didn't dare to offend him.

Although he was a hundred times reluctant in his heart, he had to compromise.

Soon, the advertising period was over, and the three of them started recording again.

According to the program flow, Xu Yi, Xiao Ju and Cai Xukun are going to go to the Miao village, actually visit and visit the Miao people's place, and learn about local customs.

Their first destination is the home of the local village chief.

With the camera following them, the three of them moved forward. After walking for a while, Xu Yi felt that it was not okay to keep walking aimlessly like this.

It happened that a little girl carrying a bamboo basket passed by, and Xu Yi stopped the girl and asked,"Hello, little sister, do you know where the village chief lives?"

The little sister raised her head, looked at Xu Yi and praised with a smile:"Brother, you are so handsome!"

"Thank you." Xu Yi smiled brightly and continued to ask the little girl,"So, do you know the village chief's house?"

"I know, I'll take you there."

The little girl said, and she acted as a guide, leading Xu Yi and the other two to the village chief's house.

When the little girl stopped, Xu Yi, Xiao Ju, and Cai Xukun were all stunned, especially Cai Xukun.

He pointed at the house in front of him and asked the little girl unwillingly:"Is this the village chief's house?"

The little girl smiled and nodded:"Yes!"

Cai Xukun showed a painful expression on his face. Xu

Yi looked at the familiar scene in front of him. Isn't this the Miao family's house with agricultural materials that they passed by just now?

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