"Village chief!"

The three of them looked in the direction of the little girl's loud voice, and then saw the little girl running to a gray-haired old grandfather, calling"village chief" in a soft voice.

Xu Yi looked over and found that the person the little girl called the village chief was the old man who was just doing farm work with tools.

It was true.

Now, Cai Xukun was embarrassed.

The old man touched the little girl's head, his eyes were doting, but his tone was stern:"Why are you still hanging around outside at this time? If your grandma finds out, she will spank you again!"

The little girl was not convinced and defended herself:"I'm not hanging around, I'm here for business!"

"What business do you have, little brat?" The village chief questioned and expressed his disbelief.

The little girl turned around, pointed at Xu Yi and the other two standing at the door, and said to the village chief:"I brought guests to your house. They seemed to be doing some show and came from outside. I brought them here because they said they were going to visit the village chief's house."

The village chief looked in the direction of the little girl's finger and saw Xu Yi, Xiao Ju and Cai Xukun standing at the door.

Then, the village chief immediately walked out of the yard, ran to the gate of the yard, and opened the door for the three.

Xiao Ju saw the village chief and nodded politely and said hello:"Hello, village chief."

Xu Yi said very kindly:"Uncle, we meet again."

Before, the village chief had a natural liking for the two, and now seeing the two again, the village chief happily nodded and said hello to the two:"Hello, hello."

Thinking of what the neighbor's little girl said just now, saying that they were going to visit the village chief's house. This time, the village chief invited Xiao Ju and Xu Yi without hesitation:"Come in! I'll make tea for you."

Xu Yi stretched out his hand and half-hugged Xiao Ju, smiled at the old man and said,"Then we won't be polite, sorry to bother you."

The old man greeted Xiao Ju and Xu Yi warmly:"You're welcome, you're welcome. Come in quickly!"

When letting Xu Yi and Xiao Ju walk into the house, the old man saw Cai Xukun still standing at the gate of the yard. Although the old man had seen Cai Xukun's face that disdained their environment before, he didn't have a good impression of him.

But the old man is the village chief after all. He thought that he was Cai Xukun's elder and didn't want to care about him.

Seeing that there were many people and machines from the program crew around, the old man also waved at Cai Xukun and called him in:"Girl, are you with them? Come in too!"

The old man's words caused a burst of laughter in the live broadcast room.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"No, I'm dying of laughter."

"I didn’t expect that watching a live broadcast about travel and folk customs could make me laugh until my stomach hurt!"

"Village chief, you are really talented! No, it is our KunKun who is talented!"

"Can you share some tips with my male roommate who has always wanted to dress up as a woman and sneak into the girls' dormitory? How can I be recognized as a girl smoothly and naturally?……"

Of course, there are also some fans who are protecting their master in the barrage. They are conscientiously helping Cai Xukun explain and speak

"It's because our KunKun is too pretty that he is mistaken for a girl."

"This shows that our Kun Kun is extremely beautiful, and his beauty is better than that of female stars"

"You rough guys won't understand."

"The village chief is probably old and his eyesight is a little blurry."

"It's normal to see things wrong at such a far distance."

Cai Xukun cursed inwardly in annoyance. Although the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hear what he cursed, they could roughly tell from his expression and the movement of his mouth that he was swearing.

When the village chief walked up to him and generously invited him in personally, Cai Xukun said to the village chief with an unhappy look on his face:"Uncle, I'm a man. You see clearly!"

The village chief showed a kind smile and said casually:"I'm sorry, I didn't see it. I saw that you put on so much powder, more than the girl just now, and you look so pretty, I thought you were a girl! It's my fault for my poor eyesight."

The barrage of comments burst into laughter again:"Uncle has revealed the truth!"

"How can a man put on so much powder in such hot weather?"

"Great comment, 666……"

This time, Ikun was completely enraged and felt that the old man did it on purpose.

"He is so stingy, and yet he is the village chief?"

"Didn’t you just not offer to help with the work?"

"Our Kun Kun is not like that Xu Yi, who is a flatterer and wants to show off everywhere!"

Ikun said Xu Yi's name, trying to provoke a fight. But Xu Yi's fans ignored him and laughed together with the fans of the show and Xiaoju's fans.

The screen was full of"hahaha", easily covering up ikun's provocative comments.

Xu Yi and Xiaoju walked into the stilt house and saw that the furnishings inside were very simple. There was a set of simple tables and chairs on the large blank brick floor.

However, Xu Yi and Xiaoju did not dare to sit without the permission of the uncle. Especially when Xu Yi saw that there was a special musical instrument on the table.

The uncle walked in, saw Xiaoju and Xu Yi standing there, and enthusiastically pointed to the chairs next to them, and greeted the two:"Sit down, don't be restrained!"

Xu Yi pointed to the instrument on the table and asked the uncle:"Is that a reed pipe?"

When the uncle heard Xu Yi ask this, he suddenly widened his eyes and asked in shock:"Do you know this?"

Xu Yi nodded:"I know a little. I know it is not only a traditional instrument, it is sacred and precious in the hearts of the Miao people. During every major event, the Miao people play the Lusheng and dance the Lusheng dance. It is also an important medium for young Miao men and women to get married.’……"

Hearing Xu Yi speak this fluently, the old man looked at him with new eyes and sighed:"I thought the Lusheng instrument was only circulated among our Miao people, but I didn't expect that people outside would recognize it. Not only can they recognize it, but they can also explain its function and significance. I can't believe you are still so young."

Xu Yi smiled and told the old man:"I like these old things very much. I think they are traditional, mysterious and charming. They will attract me to learn more about them unconsciously."

"Young man, you have good taste."The old man showed an approving look to Xu Yi, and patted Xu Yi's shoulder as if he had found a confidant, and then pulled him to the table and chairs. When he arrived at the chairs, the old man saw that Xu Yi had not sat down yet. He thought of the scene when Xu Yi just talked about the Lusheng, and sighed in his heart that this child's quality was really precious.

He must know how precious the Lusheng is in the hearts of our Miao people, so he didn't dare to get too close.

In fact, for those who cherish it, the Miao people don't mind them getting close to or touching it.

But the old man also respected Xu Yi's respect for the Lusheng. In order to prevent him and the two friends who came with him from being too restrained, the old man put away the Lusheng, and then invited Xu Yi, Xiaoju, and Cai Xukun to sit.

This time, the three of them sat down steadily.

Xiaoju and Xu Yi sat on a long wooden chair on one side. The village chief looked at the two of them, and the more he looked at them, the more he felt that they were a good match, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

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