Amazon Nine Snake Island.

In the central square surrounded by the palace, all the people of the Kingdom of Women took seats on both sides of the square one by one.

At the edge of the square, the female members of the Kingdom Guard were in charge of guarding the scene.

The annual open meeting of the Kingdom of Women, every time at this time, all the people would put down their affairs and come to participate. The Queen of Nine Snake Island who presided over the meeting in previous years is the only host candidate for the meeting.

The purpose of the National Assembly is nothing more than to talk about the recent major events at home and abroad, and the future development direction of the Kingdom of Women.

"Is Lady Snake still feeling unwell? Why hasn't she appeared yet?"

"I don't know. I'm so worried! I heard from the guard captain Margaret that Lady Snake has not recovered recently."

"I'm afraid that this time I can only preside over the meeting for us despite my illness. This is the traditional meeting of Nine Snake Island for hundreds of years. With the character of Lady Snake, she will definitely appear."

"Everyone, keep your voices down and wait patiently!"

At this time, half an hour had passed since the time stipulated by the conference. The people in the audience were discussing Hancock's physical condition in groups of three or five.

"Mary! Sanda!"

""Will it be seen if I wear this?"

Hancock said nervously, standing in front of the main entrance of the hall, with a bead of sweat on his forehead.

"Sister, don't worry, the people trust you, there will be no problem."

"You are right, sister just needs to speak briefly and keep the time within an hour!"

Mary and Sanda supported Hancock on the left and right, and at Hancock's signal, they slowly opened the door of the hall.


"Lady Snake is out!"

"Look, Lady Snake looks good!"

"That’s great, Lady Snake is in good health!"

""It's just that this dress looks... a little different?"

Amid the shouts of the people, Hancock wore a long purple robe that completely covered her hands and feet.

The wide and spacious space also completely covered her bulging belly. Although it looked a little strange, no one knew that she was now a pregnant woman.

Hancock tried her best to stay calm, following the steps of sisters Sanda and Mary, stepped over the steps, and walked to her own throne.

After sitting firmly and adjusting the purple robe on her body, Hancock nodded to her two sisters beside her with peace of mind.

""Everyone be quiet!"

Mary walked to the side of the platform and shouted to everyone in Guangnei.

"The conference has officially begun. Next, please allow our Queen Snake Princess of Nine Snake Island to speak!"

Sanda echoed.

After the two sisters finished speaking, they left the high platform and came to the bottom to stand in a row with the guards.

In the past, such speeches needed to be made by standing up, but this time Hancock sat firmly on the throne and had no intention of standing up.

At this time yesterday, Grandma Zha had already given Hancock an idea to let her attend the conference in a long robe.

Revealing to the people that the eyes behind her were cursed by Gorgon, they often broke out recently.

In order not to hurt the people of the country, Hancock will stay in Qin Palace for a long time, and daily affairs will be temporarily handed over to her two sisters.

Such a perfect lie will not arouse too much suspicion from the people. As for what to do after the fetus in the belly is born, we can only take it one step at a time.

"Ladies of the Nine Snakes, today……"

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

Hancock had just opened her mouth when a stream of green air that no one could detect flowed into Hancock's abdomen.


Hancock, who had just spoken, suddenly felt an unbearable pain and leaned against the throne.

"elder sister!"


The two sisters in the audience were the first to react, and they immediately regretted not staying on the stage.

Hancock leaned back, causing the purple robe to fall on her body, and her bulging belly became the most eye-catching image on the stage!


"What's going on? My little belly……"

Hancock suddenly felt the strong energy in her stomach dissipate, and her purple robe was blown in half by the energy flow.

Under the purple robe, Hancock was wearing a short shirt that reached her chest, and her smooth and bulging belly was completely visible to everyone.

"Oh my god! Lady Snake's belly!"

"When did it happen? When did it happen?"

"Lady Snake hasn't been going out these days. Is it because she is going to give birth to a baby?"

"The beautiful Snake Princess is about to give birth to a little princess. Is the future heir of the Kingdom of Women about to appear?

Seeing such a scene, the scene suddenly became a mess.

After arranging everything, the mother-in-law was still worried about the conference hosted by Hancock. She came to the edge of the square before the conference started and secretly observed the scene.

When she saw Hancock's performance and her belly that had grown bigger, she immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Step aside!!"

"Leave the delivery to an old woman like me!!"

The old woman's shout made the scene fall into silence, and everyone's eyes were cast on the square, watching a nimble old man running up the platform step by step...

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