"Human imp... why does he have this kind of power?……"


Broki fell to the ground and struggled a few times before fainting. He was no longer able to fight.

"Brocky old ghost!"

"Don't scare me, old ghost Brocky!"

"Don't die... Ahhhh!"

A man over a hundred years old, crying like a child when his opponent, whom he had fought for so many years, pretended to be dead.

"Uncle Giant, your good friend is not dead yet, but if you don't admit defeat, he will die soon!"

Jin Yi came close, but he was not in a hurry to attack.

The dragon claw hand he just threw out still made his shoulders numb.

First, the weight of the giants was there, and second, Jin Yi's body was not yet at the level of a god of war with heaven-defying physical skills, and he needed to go through several upgrades.

Otherwise, holding the 72 Shaolin secret skills was like having a gold mountain without any tools to mine it.

"Ah... huh? Not dead?"

"Did you say that old Brocky has���"

Donli leaned down anxiously, stretched out his huge fingers, and used the most clumsy way to check whether Broki was still breathing.

When he got closer, Broki's breathing was weak but still even and unimpeded, confirming that he was not dead.

"Great! He's really not dead! He's really not dead!"

In the years of fighting, the fighting friendship between the Blue and Red Ghosts was even ignored by the two of them.

Only when one of them was in danger of life could they feel the bond between them.

"Dragon Claw Hand!"


Hearing the movement behind him, Dong Li endured the injuries on his body and stood up again.

In Jin Yi's hand, the golden gathering wrapped around the boulder that was half the height of Dong Li's body, and pulled it to his side like a strange explosion.

"So, Uncle Giant...are you going to give up, or watch your friend die miserably?"

The deterrent power between Jin's words was terrifying. Dong Li had no doubt that if he refused, he would be in a situation of"mountain pressure" in the next moment.

Even so, he still clenched his fists, took a step forward with a stubborn look, and stood in front of Broki who was seriously injured and unconscious.

"Elbaf...there are only warriors who died in battle, no prisoners who surrendered!"


One minute later

"It hurts so much!"

"Get out of my way, you little brat!"

A huge rock as big as a hill pressed down on Dong Li. He tried to turn over, but his hands and feet were so badly injured that he had no strength to do so.

Jin Yi patted the dust off his hands, stared at Dong Li who was kicking his legs with a dark face, and muttered,"It's just a matter of one move, why are you talking so excitedly?……"


【Congratulations to the host for successfully defeating two giant opponents and receiving 400 experience points as a reward!】

【Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the hidden mission!】

【Get 1 Blue Oni Item Card!】

【Get 1 Red Devil Item Card!】

【Warm reminder: There are no restrictions on the use of the two random attribute prop cards, and they will not consume any experience points!】

"It doesn't consume any experience points. The reward for this hidden task is pretty good. Open the Blue Ghost Item Card!"

After seeing the rewards in the form of two chapter cards floating in the system, Jin Yi randomly picked a blue card and clicked the option to open it.


【Successfully opened the Blue Ghost Item Card!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the growth item card: Instant Birth!】

【Instructions for using the card: Use this card to allow any daughter who has successfully entered the embryonic stage to give birth immediately (this card is a unique consumable and cannot be reused)】

【Warm reminder: You currently have three Devil Fruit daughters who have successfully entered the embryonic stage】

"This is not just a prop card, it's a high-tech new medicine!"

"There is also the function of instant reproduction? If Darwin knew that the theory of evolution has become like this today, I wonder if he would be angry enough to come back to life!"Jin Yi was once again conquered by the rewards given by Hu Lai's system, and every time he was amazed.

【Should I use the Instant Fertility Card immediately?】

Jin Yi twisted it in his hand, thought about it and said,"Come on, it's a waste of resources if I don't use it. Let the little guy come out and play for a while, which will also make it easier for me to find her in the future... Use it!"

【The target audience is the eldest daughter, the second daughter, and the third daughter?】

"Is not this nonsensical?"

"System, I find that you are seriously insulting my IQ. If Mr. Lao San comes out, is she still Lao San?"

"Give it to the boss! Give it to the boss!"

Jin made the decision without thinking.

Then, in the system, a cyan light flowed into the distance, and the fertility card instantly disappeared in the system interface.

"Isn't there another reward... Red Ghost Item Card, open it!"

My daughter couldn't meet him quickly for a while, so what Jin Yi needed to improve now was his overall strength.

The first card didn't help him much at the moment, so he placed his hopes on the second item card.


【Successfully opened the Red Ghost Item Card!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the reconnaissance item card: Devil Fruit Map】

【Instructions for using the card: Use this card to immediately obtain a Devil Fruit Map. The locations of uneaten Devil Fruits and Devil Fruit users within a 500-mile radius will be marked with red dots on the map (Once you obtain this item, you own it forever)】

【Warm reminder: There is currently a Devil Fruit user within the detectable range.】


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