As one of the few ancient islands in the Grand Line, the Little Garden was usually deserted.

Even if there were ships that accidentally entered the port, they would be so scared that they would run away after seeing the creatures in the port.

It's not that Dongli and Broki had never seen passers-by before, but... this was definitely the first time they had seen passers-by riding on a Tyrannosaurus Rex and smoking a Tyrannosaurus Rex!


【Congratulations to the host for triggering the 92nd of the 100 hidden missions: The Hundred Years' Battle of the Blue and Red Ghosts】

【Please defeat the blue demon Touri and the red demon Broki】

【After completing the task, you can draw the prop card】

"Oh huh?"

"I just wanted to come here to get some experience, but I didn't expect there would be a hidden mission!"

Jin Yi was very pleased with the surprise that suddenly appeared.

He came here with the mentality of getting experience, but unexpectedly got the opportunity to do a hidden mission. For Jin Yi with his current combat power, defeating two giant soldiers who are over a hundred years old is not a difficult task at all.



The Tyrannosaurus stopped running a hundred meters from the battle circle, looking up at the two giants taller than himself with a look of panic.

In the hundred years in the small garden, countless of its kind were killed by Dongli and Broki. Even if the IQ of the Tyrannosaurus was low, it could still distinguish the identities of Dongli and Broki.

"A human kid riding a Tyrannosaurus Rex? This is the first time I've seen this!"

"Brockie, are you trying to find an excuse to escape?"

"What a joke, just hit him if you want, he’s just a human kid, who cares what he’s riding!"

"Hey! Today we must decide who is the best warrior in Elbaf!"

"Damn it, take my axe!"


The two were slightly attracted by Jin Yi, and soon they were intoxicated by each other's battle. When Jin Yi was like air,

"Hey, my two giant uncles, how about I practice with you?"


Jin Yi swung out another vine, scaring the Tyrannosaurus Rex so much that they ignored the danger and rushed forward with tears in their eyes.

"Human imps fighting with us?"

"Are you tired of living, you childish little guy?"

Dongli and Broki were both angry and spoke very rudely.

Jin Yi was not surprised. When he approached the two giants within ten meters of the battle, he landed on the ground calmly and waved his vines to disperse the group of Tyrannosaurus Rex that sent him over.

"Who would be impatient if life is so comfortable? Hey!"

Jin Yi stepped firmly and stepped forward.

When fighting against an opponent with the power of a devil fruit, he could use his inherent advantage as the father of the devil to break down the opponent's offensive.

The two giants who had never eaten a devil fruit could only be perfectly defeated by a real fight.


Jin Yi turned into a black shadow and disappeared at a very fast speed, avoiding the sight of the two people.

"Old Broki, please pause our fight and kill this little devil who is disturbing the men's duel!"

"I'll listen to you this time. Where did that kid go?"

The two of them were very concerned about the duel between them, and they would not allow anyone to disturb them.

Soon, the mortal enemies reached a consensus and kept looking around, looking for Jin Yi.

"hiss hiss……"

""Finger of Picking Flowers!"

Jin Yi jumped up from under Broki's giant axe, forming a seal with his two fingers in the air, alternating them horizontally in the air.


Dong Li found Jin Yi's trail, raised his long sword and slashed from top to bottom.

"Dongli old ghost, wait!"


Broki yelled, trying to stop Dongli's actions, but Dongli acted too fast and there was no time to stop him.


Blood spurted out from the path of the long sword, but it did not hit Jin Yi.

Instead, when Dong Li swung the sword, Broki's arm holding the giant axe rose uncontrollably, and his body moved half a step towards Dong Li.

"You stupid old thing, what are you rushing out for!"

Dong Lichan was shaking as he held his sword. He didn't expect this result.

"Gravity... It's gravity... Ahem!"

Broki bleeds out, and the blood from the wound flows very fast.

"What exactly is gravity?"

"hiss hiss……"

"This is the gravity!"

Dong Li's doubts were not resolved yet, Jin Yi stepped on his knees and rushed to his sword-holding wrist.

The same strength of gravity came again. Jin Yi used the gravity of the compressed air with the flower finger to lower the position of Dong Li's sword, further causing damage to Broki.



Uncomfortable and enduring the intense pain, Broki could not help but kneel on one knee on the ground, trembling in unbearable pain.

"Shaolin...Dragon Claw Hand!"



This was the first time Jin Yi used the Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand after the magic modification.

Two golden dragons flew out from his left and right hands, and the dragon mouths tightly strangled the necks of Dongli and Broki.

"It’s so heavy!"

Jin Yi’s face was filled with anticipation and excitement.


Jin Yi stepped on Dong Li's giant sword and leaped into the distance. His hands were covered with armed color domineering, and they were as black as steel.

While jumping, he used all his strength and angrily threw it in front of him.



Two giants several dozen meters tall were lifted up in mid-air, grabbed by the neck as if they were heavy objects, swung around, and fell to the ground with great force...

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